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Oral Communication: The other form of verbal communication is the spoken word, either

face-to-face or through phone, voice chat, video conferencing or any other medium.
forms of informal communications such as the grapevine or informal rumor mill, and formnal
communications such as lectures, conferences are forms of oral communication.

conversations. The
Oral communication finds use in discussions and causal and informal

depends on the clarity of speech, voice modulation, pitch,

effectiveness of oral conversations

non-verbal communications such as body language and visual cues.

volume, speed, and even

makes the process of conveying thoughts easier and faster, and it

Verbal communication

communication. Yet, this makes up only seven percent

remains the most successful form of

of all human communication!

Definitions of Oral Communication: According to R. Pal and Korlahalli, "Oral

includes face to face conversation, conversation over the telephone, radio broadcast,

interviews, group discussions, meetings, etc."

Features of Oral Communication:

1) Flexibility: The main feature of oral communication is, it is more flexible than any other

means of communication. Oral communication or oral messages can be changed easily

depending on the situation.

2) Immediate feedback: Immediate feedback can be received in case of oral communication.

3) Takes less time: It takes less time than written communication.

4) Better understanding: Another major feature of oral communication is chance of

misunderstanding is very rare; if there is any misunderstanding takes place that can be

rectified immediately by asking questions.

5) Opportunity for correction: In case of written or other communication messages cannot

be corrected immediately- but in case of oral communication it can be corrected within few

e x c h a n g e


influenced by the
of oral of message

In p r e s e n t a t i o n

I n t e r c u l t u r a l
As a
6) s p o n t a n e o u s l y .

freely oral
i n f o r m a t i o n

parties. cases
respective of the
of the but in
cultural and formal,

can be
Oral planning.
any oral
7) spontaneously
made major
of the
c o m m u n i c a t i o n

one takes
tools: This
c o m m u n i c a t i o n

that oral

on realize
Dependence to
8) we will be able For

think carefully meaning.

c o m m u n i c a t i o n .
If we
the complete also
words but
to express
c o m m u n i c a t i o n

it through
the support
then we not only e x p r e s s us to
also supports
about a good
w h e n we a r e
talking movements

our tone and body

through eye & facial

express the meaning used means

most frequently
communication is the
Oral advantages
Advantages of
Oral Some of these
certain distinct
because it has
of sending messages

are given below:

feedback and
communication is that it provides
of oral add to the
1) The greatest advantages make comments,
ask questions,
the speaker can
clarification. People Ilistening to can enter
and the listener/listeners
by turn
and so on. Both the speaker
information provided
communication event purposeful.
and make the
into a kind of short dialogue
the organisation by bringing the superior
communication builds up a healthy climate in
2) Oral feeling of importance and the
subordinate a
and the subordinate together. This gives
planned meetings can greatly
mind. Informal or
a better understanding of his
of problems/issues in
which they become partners.
contribute to the understanding

dictated and typed, entered in

time-saving device.
While a letter,
is a
3) Oral communication oral
addressed will take a long time,
and carried to the person
the diary, put in the envelope
communication immediately
effective. That is why
makes the
transmission of the message
p their juniors
cut down on paper work
and save time by calling
many skilful managers

walking up to this superiors.

effective tool of persuasion as it lends a personal touch to

4) Oral communication is the most
conflict with not be possible in the absence of oral
the whole business. Resolving a
Communication. Unless a manager/supervisor talks to the workers in a persuasive tone, the

conflict will remain there. No exchange of letters can achieve what a meeting can.

5) Continuation of the previous point-wise can see that oral communication is very effective
in interacting with groups. The speaker can immediately understand the group's reaction and

arrive at a satisfactory conclusion by putting his views across and exchanging point.
6) Oral communication is also very economical, both in terms of money and time. It saves the

money spent on stationery in organisations in which the managers insist on every instruction,

every message in writing.

7) Oral communication provides ample scope to the sender of the message to make himself

clear by suitably changing his words, voice, tone, pitch etc. on the other hand, the words once

written can't be changed. In other words, the message once transmitted in written form can't

be retracted. Oral communication on the other hand, has the advantages of on-the-spot

Guidelines/Principles for Effective Oral Communication:

() Clear Pronunciation: the first important prerequisite of effective oral

communication is that words should be pronounced clearly and correctly. Oral

messages are often misunderstood because the speaker doesn't talk distinctly.

Inability to use the jaws freely, to speak with a limber tongue and limber lips, and

to speak slowly often makes for poor oral transmission.

Appropriate Word Choice: Words have different meanings for different people.
So it is important to be careful in the choice of words. The speaker, while speaking

something, knows what he means, so he presumes that his listener also does so,

which may be a wrong presumption. In oral communication it is more important

familiar to
the terms familiar to the listener rather than the terms that
to use

the speaker.
Natural Voice: Some speakers deliberately cultivate an affected style under the
look sophisticated. Nothing is farther
impression that it would make them

much as the natural way of speech. One of

from truth, and nothing impresses so
American firm says, "The most effective
the manuals for office employees in an

correct and at the same time

natural and unaffected. Try
speech is that which is
to tone down an unusual accent
and discard all affectations of speech. Try to

and distinctly.
cultivate a pleasing voice and speak clearly
communication tends to suffer
Brevity: People take pleasure in talking,
But if a speaker keeps on talking or long, his message
from over-communication.

keep the
distraction. It is important to
Willget lost in a sea of verbosity and
a brunt and discourteous.
message as brief as possible without appearing
effective. Instead of saying
(v) Precision: Precision can make oral communication very
time and
total these invoices as early as possible', it is preferable to specify the
in half an hour's time.
you kindly total these invoices and bring them back to me

'could you reach the office

Come to the office early tomorrow is not a good as

tomorrow by 8 o'clock since all these letters have to be despatched by the first

Conviction: A person communicating orally must have conviction in what he says.
Lack of conviction causes lack of confidence, so that he is not able to impress the

receiver with the message. Conviction comes from sincerity of approach and

careful thinking and planning. Careful analysis and objective evaluation of the

message while formulating it also promote the speaker's conviction in it.

(vii) Avoiding Hackneyed Phrases and Cliches: Speakers, often when they are groping
for words, make use of hackneyed phrases like 'what I mean', 'do you follow, is

not it', 1 see', etc. Such words and phrases interrupt the flow of their speech and

impede quick grasp of meaning. They are used unconsciously, but the speakers

should take deliberate pains to exclude them from their speech.

Logical Sequence: If the speaker has given a proper thought to his message, he will
be able to arrange the various ideas contained in it in their logical sequence.

Jumbled ideas create confusion, while logically arranged ideas make the message

Using Body Language: In oral presentation, the speaker must attract the attention
of the audience through positive body language. Eye contact, smile, nods,
fingering etc. are important body movements or languages that help to retain the

attention of the audience.

should speak slowly so that the audience can

(x) Speaking Slowly: The speaker

his speech very rapidly, the audience
understand him easily. If the speaker delivers
understand or follow him instantly.
may fail to
should emphasize on important
Emphasizing on Important Topic: The speaker
(xi) the
pay full attention to
his oral presentation. It's up to
topic so that audience can

of his
relative importance of different parts
speaker how he will determine the

speaker must control his emotion to make
(xii) Control of Emotion: The
irritate the
communication effective. Over emotion of the speaker may mislead or

listeners and misguide the speaker.

make the oral presentation more interesting and
(xii) Using Visual Aids: Visual aids can

livelier. The speaker can use slides, multimedia projector, overhead projector,

whiteboard etc. to make the oral presentation

vivid and magnificent.
speaker must take necessary preparation
(xiv) Taking Preparation: A person or
he should
audience. Before presenting something
delivering his speech before the
audience, timing, place etc. A
have proper planning regarding the topic,
attention of the
must be able to attract the
planned or well prepared presentation

the speech, the speaker should make a
(xv) Drafting the Speech: Before delivering
allocate time
him to better organize his speech, to
draft of the speech. It will help
message if any error is there.
on different issues and to rectify the
InicrpcTsonal etiquette

Introduction of Self and
others or introduce others to a group of
The way you introduce yourself to
self-confidence. How much should you say while
speaks volumes about your
what should you repeat? Whas
your name? if
introducing? How should you say
person's name? Have these questions ever bothered If
you forget the other need to master.
situations that you
are important
yes, then these
is also governed by cultural conditionin.
The initiative to introduce yourself ng
whereas Americans are considered more more outgoing or
The British are reserved,
Indians are regarded as more traditional, and the
extroverts, in general. In Asia,
women more reserved, in general.
It is considered impolite to show overenthusiasm
to introduce to someone. However, introducing yourself to someone who
really matters, e.g. a possible future recruiter, has its advantageS. Here are some

tips for introducing yourself:

1. The first step to a cordial exchange starts with stating the person's full
name and designation or position. If he is from outside the organization,
then he also states the name of the organization.
Example: Mukesh Kumar Sinha, General Manager, ABC Cement
2. Notice, in the above example, the title Mr. has not been added while giving
self-introduction. Professionals such as doctors, engineers, and others also
use title before their names, e.g. Dr. for doctor (for medical doctors, those
having Ph.D. and those conferred honorary doctorates).
Enquette kules 261
The British like giving their full name. Even in India, this practice
In USA, the surname is given in the case of bigwigs along with their
DOsition, e.g., President Obama or Barak Obama, Secretary of State Hilary
Clinton, and so on. For ordinary people, the first name is given. Among the
rest of the Asian countries, it is a practice to announce the full name, where
the first name is spoken first and then the surname.
4, If you have already introduced yourself and you feel at anytime your host
or guest has forgotten your name, be courteous and repeat. Help your host
argue and do not embarrass him. This does not come under etiquctte; after
all, he might not have heard you.
5. Always announce your name slowly and distinctly. When listening to other
person's introduction, note the pronouciation of his name. Carry a few
business cards with you. Exchange your business card as this helps the
other person in remembering your name correctly and you will not make
a mistake while pronouncing his name.
6. Extend your right hand for a brief and firm handshake immediately after
the introduction. Do it also when bidding farewell. If you are extended a
hand for shaking, take it graciously. Ignoring an extended hand for shaking
is very rude. Men should be careful about extending their hands for a
shakehand to women unless they are sure the particular lady is forthcoming.
A woman can choose not to shake hands because it is her prerogative.
However, with more women entering the business world, the norms are
changing. Hence, if a man after a meeting extends a handshake to a female
colleague or female executives from another company, she should accept
it politely. In a professional environment, both men and women have to
observe the norms of generally accepted social behaviour.
7. If you exchange business cards early in your communication, you will not
face the embarrassment of forgetting someone's name and asking him
again. If you do not have the business cards and have forgotten the person's
name, you could ask for it as "I believe, I have not taken your business
card. Or could I have your business card with your latest address and
phone numbers?"
8. When you have to introduce someone else, learn the person's name. position
and a brief about his background. Get his bio-data from him or any other
source. Now you are ready to introduce him to a group, office staff or
audience, as the case might be.
9. If you have to introduce, let us say, A and B, with A having only a junior
position and B occupying a senior position. First, introduce A (junior) to
B (senior) and introduce B (senior) to A (junior).

Sometimes while greeting others, we forget the basic courtesy and spoil our good
image in the eyes of others.
Corporale Cominl

268 that can be oi

different types
There a r e

time ofday
According Other (general)
Good morning
Good day
Good alternoon
Good evening
Good night
According to event

Happy Birthday
Wedding Anniversary
Merry Christmas
New Ycar
New Year/Prosperous
according to events, be culture sensitive
While wishing greetings
Eg. Happy Navratras
Joyous Navratras
Navratras is a better option.
Both aregood, but joyous
Happy Deepawali
Eg Prosperous Deepawali
appropriate. is more
Again, both are good but prosperous Decepawali
Do not wish any shia Muslim °Happy Mohraham because Mohraham is a
day of mourning, not celebration. Hence, it 1s important to know the religious
and cultural significance of a festival before sending a cultural or religious

Handling Telephone Calls
There is a humorous story that surrounds the invention of the telephone. It is said
that Alexander Graham Bell, who invented it, also gave the basic etiquete of
attending the phone call. When the telephone was put up for public use, it is said
people, after dialling the number, would suspiciously ask, Are you there? or Can
you hear me, there, on the other side? so on and so forth. People just did not know
the way to start the conversation. It was Graham Bell who had to make a call one
day and picked up the phone and said "hello' and so was born the first basic
courtesy of handling a telephone call. The word 'hello' has transgressed language
culure and geographical boundaries to become a internationally recognized greeting
on phone.
However, with the advent of customer care and call centres, other more tormal
formats are also used.

Example: Good morning Sir/Madam, may I help you?

This is XYZ customer care,
may I help you?
uete Rules
Or 269
Some als0 USe sone promotional statement as

Domino's season offer...

Would you like to place an order.
handling phone
Tips for make a call or
tknow how to receive a call. Some ca
like tele
one interview, telemarketing, etc. Hence, there very

are some
handling phone
. Prepare before you Ccall, and if you are expecting a call or have to take a
nhone interview, you would know the time ot the call. Keep a copy
relevant document before you.
your CV
a pen always near the phone so that you do not
writing pad and
2. Keep take down the details
for one if you have to
have to search
wnether it is important to you or vour
call according to
Structure your
case of promotional
calls, structure the message accordina
receiver. In the matter or message should be of interest
are calling. The
to the
customer you
to the listener than your
and brief as the person you are calling
conversation to the
4. Keep the and may not be able to give
much time.
have other engagements
your organization and purpose of your
state name,
make a call,
5. When you or a secretary may
receive the call;
as a receptionist
call. Maintain patience talk to is free or not.
whether the person you wish to
wait until they see
him to tell you
tells you that the boss is not free, request
If the secretary
and stick to the time.
when you could call again
and say "Sorry, the call
disconnected, call back immediately
6. If the call gets
got disconnected".

no one picks up
the phone, then let the
7. Sometimes when you call and
is advisable to cut off or try
few seconds. After that, it
phone ring for a

some other number.

demanding statements. Saying "Could
8. Be polite and use requesting and not

"Could you please...", "I

would be obliged..." are better
T, "May I"', or

than, "I want..." or "I must".

call and more so, if you happen to
be the
9. If you are a receiver of a
do not pass on the call to the boss
secretary, be tactful. As secretary,
whether the boss wishes to talk and then
without asking him/her. Confirm
no circumstances should you try
to eavesdrop
put the call through. Under
on the call. If the boss says he
does not want to talk, remember your aim
"He is in a meeting, the call
is to maintain cordial relationship. So, say..
cannot be for the number of the caller and say, "Please
passed on', request
back when he is free.
your number, I will call you
It can be overheard
10. Take precaution and avoid confidential matter on phone.
or tapped. If you must talk, then confirm the person is alone, e.g. "Are you

free"? "Can you take this call"? "Can we talk about that real estate deal"?
Corporate Communication Skills
good verbal skills as you canmot.
11. Communication over phone requires cannot see
just as he cannot see you. Hence, you should use
the other person
tone, speed everything to convey your message effectively

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