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Unit Summative Activity – Keeping the Faith

Instructions: Your assignment should be double spaces, proper spelling and grammar are
normal writing expectations
1. Select one passage from the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, or any of the Letters studied
this unit.

2. Explain the passage in your own words.

3. Select an extra-curricular club or activity that exists in the school or one that you would
like to exist at this school. You will use this activity/club as the medium of your message
on faith. Review the following task before selecting your club/activity.
Examples include but are not limited to the following:
• Dance Team, Band, Visual Arts Club, Alpha, Chaplaincy Club, Athletic Teams,
HOSA, DECA, Peer Mentorship, Youth Group, etc.

• Remember to:
§ keep the passage that you selected as the foundation of your presentation.
§ include the passage and interpretation in your presentation.
§ create a catch phrase, slogan, motto, or title based on the passage.
§ explain how this group could pass along this message of faith.
Unit Summative Activity – Keeping the Faith - Rubric
Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Knowledge and Scripture passage Scripture passage Scripture passage Scripture passage
Understanding reflects message of somewhat reflects reflects message highly reflects
faith to a limited message of faith. of faith well. message of faith.
Selection of degree.
Passage Message is Message is the
Message is
Limited somewhat foundation of the
Presentation of central to the
representation of represented presentation.
Message message presentation.
Somewhat Highly appropriate
Limited selection of appropriate Appropriate selection of extra-
Choice of Extra- selection of extra-
extra-curricular selection of extra- curricular activity
Curricular Activity
activity to express curricular activity curricular activity to express
5 marks message of faith. to express message to express message of faith.
of faith message of faith.
Thinking Bible passage is Bible passage is Very accurate Highly accurate
interpreted with interpreted with interpretation of interpretation of
Interpretation of limited accuracy. some accuracy. scripture passage. scripture passage.
Phrase/Slogan Slogan shows Slogan presents Slogan is Slogan is unique
limited creativity some creativity. creative. It and creative. It
and limited It somewhat reflects scripture highly reflects
connection to reflects scripture passage and scripture passage
5 marks scripture passage passage and message of faith. and message of
and message of message of faith. faith.
Communication Uses conventions, Uses conventions, Uses conventions, Uses conventions,
vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary,
Use of terminology, and terminology, and terminology, and terminology and
conventional symbol of the symbols of the symbols of the rituals
symbols of the
rituals with limited rituals with some rituals with with high degree of
terminology, effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
symbols considerable
5 marks

Application Limited Satisfactory use of Very good use of Excellent use of

connection extra-curricular extra-curricular extra-curricular
Connection between extra- activity in sharing activity in sharing activity in sharing
between extra- curricular activity the message of the message of faith
curricular activity
the message of
and sharing the faith with the faith with the with the school
and message of message of faith school community. community.
faith school
with the school
community community
5 marks

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