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The reading and listening passages are about alternative energy sources, mainly focusing on wave

farms and their advantages and disadvantages. According to the article's writer, this kind of source is
the best alternative energy. However, the lecturer in the listening passage disagrees. He believes that
each energy source has certain drawbacks and attacks each of the claims made in the reading.

To start with, the author mentions that wave farms are better for the environment compared to burning
fossil fuels. The professor, however, disagrees with this viewpoint. He states that wave farms still
produce carbon dioxide, thus still can cause harmful emissions to the environment.

The author also claims that wave farms provide reliable and predictable energy. He mentions that solar
power is heavily reliant on the sun and weather. However, the lecturer in the listening passage is
doubtful that this is accurate. He holds that wave energy is just as unstable as solar due to technical
issues at the farms. Moreover, the harsh ocean environment can cause many inconsistencies in the

Another reason why the author feels that wave farms are better is because they do not negatively
influence the ecosystem. Nevertheless, again, the professor believes that there are flaws in the writer's
arguments. The speaker mentions that the noises made by wave farms are disruptive to birds and other
marine life. Furthermore, animals could become trapped or caught up in parts of the machines.

To sum up, both the writer and lecturer hold conflicting views about the benefits of wave farm energy.

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