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no free of ions

ions are held together in a lattice

giant lattice ionic structure with strong electrostatic ionic bond more energy is needed

to breakdown the strong ionic bond

magnesium oxide has a double charge than NaCI so the stronger the ionic bond in MgO so

more energy

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Different forms of the same element

a very large molecule


because the layers can slide over each other easily because of the weak
intermolecular forces between the layers

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diamond is very hard and doesn't conduct

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diamond and graphite have a giant covalent macromolecular structure they have strong
covalent bonds between carbon atoms, so it takes a lot of heat energy to break up the bond

because carbon atom has four outer electrons but each carbon atom in graphite forms 3
covalent bonds with three other carbon atoms, so the 4th electron is free to move through th
graphite carrying the charge

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