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Chemical bonding & structure

octet electronic arrangement:

When electrons react to form compounds, they will lose, gain or share electrons so as
to achieve stable electron configurations similar to those of noble gases.
3 types of chemical bonding:

1. metallic bonding

2. ionic bonding

3. Covalent bonding

Chemical bonding & structure 1

Giant metallic lattice structure
what is a metallic bond?
strong electrostatic forces of attraction between metal cations and sea of
delocalised electrons/mobile electrons

(comprises of ions and sea of delocalised electrons)

melting and boiling points (must include energy)

High melting and boiling point:

Large amount of energy is required to overcome the strong electrostatic forces

of attraction between cation and sea of delocalised electrons.

Note: mp and bp increases with an increase in

1. charge of cation

2. number of delocalised electrons

The larger the size of the cation, the weaker the bond

Chemical bonding & structure 2

Electrical conductivity (depends on the availability of mobile charge carriers)
yes, good conductors in the solid and molten state.

The sea of delocalised electrons present acts as mobile charge carriers to

conduct electricity.

Conductivity increases from Na to Al as there are more mobile electrons delocalised

from Na to Al.

Insoluble in polar and non-polar solvent


since the valence electrons in the lattice do not belong to any particular metal
atom, if sufficient force is applied to the metal, one layer of positive ions can
slide over another without disrupting the metallic bond.


because metals have a giant metallic lattice structure where there are strong
electrostatic forces of attraction between metal cations and sea of delocalised
electrons, a very large amount of energy is required to overcome these strong
electrostatic forces of attraction.

giant ionic lattice structure

what is an ionic bond?

Strong electrostatic forces of attraction between the cations and anions. (e.g.
...between the sodium cations and chloride anions)

Melting and boiling point

High mp and bp

Large amount of energy is required to overcome the strong electrostatic forces

of attraction between cations and anions\oppositely charged ions.

MgO has a higher melting point than NaCl. → charge of anion and cation higher, mp
and bp increase

Electrical conductivity

Good conductors of electricity only in *molten or aqueous state due to presence

of mobile ions, as ions are able to dissociate in water.

Chemical bonding & structure 3

OR Large amount of energy is able to break the strong ionic bond between ions
(in molten state)

Cannot conduct electricity in solid state due to the absence of mobile charge
carriers as ions are held in fixed positions by strong electrostatic forces of
attractions in giant ionic lattice.

Solubility in polar and non-polar solvent

most ionic compounds are soluble in polar solvents (e.g. water)

Insoluble in non-polar/organic solvents (e.g. alcohol)


when a force is exerted on the ionic compound, ions with similar charge from
adjacent layers face each other → electrostatic forces between the similarly
charged ions splits the crystal.

Simple molecular structure

What is a covalent bond?

Strong electrostatic forces of attraction between shared pairs of electrons and

the positive nuclei of both atoms.

Describe intermolecular forces between particles:

weak van der Waals' forces of attraction between molecules

e.g. weak van der Waals' forces of attraction exist between hydrogen chloride

If molecule is polar (water, ammonia, hydrogen fluoride) → hydrogen bonds

There are strong hydrogen bonds between water/ammonia/hydrogen fluoride


Melting and boiling point

Low mp and bp

Small amount of energy is needed to overcome the weak intermolecular

forces\van der Waals' forces of attractions between molecules.

Electrical conductivity

Chemical bonding & structure 4

Does not conduct electricity in any state. → non-conductor of electricity.

They have no mobile ions and no delocalised electrons to act as mobile charge

Solubility in polar and non-polar solvent

insoluble in polar solvents → most covalent molecules are insoluble in water.

Exceptions exist. (polar molecules can dissolve in polar solvents due to ability to
form hydrogen bonds with it)

**Soluble in non-polar solvent (organic solvents)

giant molecular structure

Melting and boiling point
very high melting and boiling point

Large amount of energy is required to break\overcome the strong covalent

bonds between atoms.

Both are insoluble


Each carbon atom is bonded tetrahedrally to four other carbon atoms by strong
covalent bonds in a 3-dimensional network forming a giant molecule.

Electrical conductivity

Non-conductor due to absence of mobile charge carriers.

All 4 valence electrons of each carbon atom are used up as each carbon bonds
tetrahedrally to 4 other carbon atoms.


It is difficult to break the numerous strong covalent bonds between the carbon
atoms present throughout the giant molecular structure.


Chemical bonding & structure 5

Within each layer, each carbon atom forms strong covalent bonds with 3 other
carbon atoms, leading to hexagonal rings that are joined together to form 2-
dimensional flat layers.

van der Waals' forces of attraction exist between the layers

Electrical conductivity

Good conductor due to presence of delocalised electrons within the layers.

Each carbon atom bonds with 3 other atoms, leaving one valence electron per
carbon atom that can delocalise within the layer.


the layers of carbon atoms are held loosely together by weak intermolecular
forces of attraction/weak van der Waals' forces of attraction.

These layers of carbon atoms can slide over each other when a force is applied.

silicon dioxide

Chemical bonding & structure 6

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