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Tutorial 6: Ahmed body

RBF Morph for FLUENT

Current Release: V1.5
Last updated March 2014
RBF Morph Tutorials

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................3
2. Prerequisites .....................................................................................................................................3
3. Problem description ...........................................................................................................................3
4. First solution: translating the rear vertical left edge ............................................................................5
4.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................................5
4.2 Source points definition and preview ...........................................................................................6
4.3 Generating and checking the solution .......................................................................................12
4.4 Morph testing ............................................................................................................................15
4.5 Saving the solution ...................................................................................................................16
5. Second solution: translating the rear vertical right edge...................................................................17
5.1 Preparation ...............................................................................................................................17
5.2 Adjusting the set-up ..................................................................................................................17
5.3 Morph testing and saving the solution .......................................................................................19
6. Third solution: two steps procedure .................................................................................................19
6.1 Preparation ...............................................................................................................................20
6.2 First step ...................................................................................................................................20
6.2.1 Source points definition and preview................................................................................20
6.2.2 Saving the solution ..........................................................................................................30
6.3 Second step..............................................................................................................................30
6.4 Preparation ...............................................................................................................................30
6.4.1 Source points definition and preview................................................................................30
6.4.2 Saving the solution ..........................................................................................................38
7. Fourth solution: scaling the frontal area through edges ...................................................................39
7.1 Preparation ...............................................................................................................................39
7.2 Source points definition and preview .........................................................................................39
7.3 Generating and checking the solution .......................................................................................48
7.4 Morph testing ............................................................................................................................51
7.5 Saving the solution ...................................................................................................................52
8. Summary .........................................................................................................................................53
9. References ......................................................................................................................................53

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 2

RBF Morph Tutorials

1. Introduction
This RBF-Morph tutorial is termed "Ahmed body" and has the main scope to describe the two steps
procedure of RBF-Morph [R 1] as well as to show how creating a shape modifier using a selection of
edges of a computational model surface.
Considering that, this tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:
 generate a solution using, as prescribed motion, the solution gained at the end of a previous
morphing computing (two steps solution procedure);
 extrapolate and select the nodes of a discretized edge of the model surface mesh;
 use the Symmetry feature;
 generate a solution through the use of an edge displacement.

2. Prerequisites
Requirements for working this tutorial:
1. you are working in the directory where the tutorial problem resides;
2. you have just started the Fluent-GUI application;
3. you have trained and properly understood the previous tutorials.

3. Problem description
The model utilised in this tutorial is commonly referred to as ahmed body and it is typically used as
external aerodynamic case study. The Figure 1 [R 2] shows the drawing according to the geometrical
model has been generated. In this figure, the characteristic dimensions of the ahmed body in millimetres
are illustrated in three different perspectives.

Figure 1: Ahmed body dimensions (in millimetres)

Once created (ahmed-body surface), this model has been firstly scaled in metres and then it has been
immersed into a box defining the virtual wind tunnel as shown in Figure 2. The virtual wind tunnel has the
main surfaces parallel to those of the ahmed body in the reference configuration. Moreover, the wind
tunnel is 2.8 m long, 1.4 m wide, and 0.7 m high respectively along x, y, and z axis of the global
reference system.

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As illustrated in Figure 2, the remaining surfaces defining the computational model are termed z_inlet,
z_outlet, z_floor, z_lateral_1, z_lateral_2, and z_ceiling.

Figure 2: Surfaces defining the ahmed body computational model

The objective of the tutorial is to morph the ahmed-body surface by means of four shape modifiers
shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. In particular, Figure 3 depicts the first three shape modifiers, namely the
translation along the y-axis (toward the central part of the model) of the vertical edges of the rear surface
of the model (see shape modifiers 1 and 2), and the rotation of the rear inclined surface through the
translation of the horizontal bottom edge (tail edge) along the vertical z-axis (see the shape modifier 3).
These modifiers will be set up by means of the features supplied by the Surfs and Encaps panels.
Specifically, for the third shape modifier a very crucial resolution strategy of RFB-Morph tool will be
employed, that is the two steps procedure.

Figure 3: First three shape modifiers of the tutorial

The fourth shape modifier is illustrated in Figure 4. This latter modifier scales the frontal surface area
through the scaling of its boundary edges toward its centre.
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Figure 4: Fourth shape modifier of the tutorial

The generation of each shape modifier will be described in the following paragraphs respectively.

4. First solution: translating the rear vertical left edge

The strategy adopted to translate the rear vertical edges is the same, and foresees the application of a
prescribed motion along y axis to the nodes belonging to vertical edges. This selection is gained by
properly coupling a surface set of the ahmed-body surface with a cylinder-shaped selection encap.
The basic operations for the generation of this morphing solution are described in the following

4.1 Preparation
After starting Fluent from the directory containing the tutorial files:
 read the test case mesh file ahmed-body.msh.gz;
 open the RBF Morph GUI via the menu Define -> RBF-Morph;
 load the library by clicking on Enable RBF Model.
Once the library is completely loaded, the panel illustrated in Figure 5 should appear.

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Figure 5: Config panel

4.2 Source points definition and preview

As previously stated, in the first part of the tutorial, the definition of source points is accomplished by
means of the use of the Surfs and Encaps panels. According to this strategy, start the set-up switching
to the Surfs panel in the Main Sidebar as depicted in the Figure 6.
Only one surface set is needed and, accordingly, the set-up can proceed as follows:
 define one surface set by acting on the arrows of the Number of Sets field;
 select ahmed-body surface in the Select Surface list;
 enable the Pick feature.

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Figure 6: Surf panel

To select the nodes of the rear vertical left edge only, a cylinder-shaped selection encap will be used by
assigning the centres of the circular surfaces through the By Mouse selection feature. To do that, enable
the Encap option in the surface set 1 (what is depicted in Figure 7 should appear), choose cylinder as
Type, and set 0.005 in the R(m) field. As concerns the visualization, in this tutorial the Faces (Display -
> Mesh) and Headlight On (Display -> Lights) options are enabled.

Figure 7: Encaps panel

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Subsequently, acquire the coordinates of the top node of the vertical left edge by pressing the By Mouse
button in the Point 1 window and then by selecting it on the View Port by clicking (use the right button of
the mouse) on it (what is shown in Figure 8 on the left should be visualized on the screen). Do the same
for the bottom node, so acquire the coordinates of the bottom node of the vertical left edge by pressing
the By Mouse button in the Point 2 window and then by selecting it on the View Port by clicking on it
(what is shown in Figure 8 on the right should be visualized on the screen).

Figure 8: Extreme circular surfaces centres positions for the cylinder selection encap
In order to visualize the cylinder for selection, click the Disp button and what is depicted in Figure 9 on
the left should be visualised.

Figure 9: Cylinder-shaped selection encap

To be sure that the extreme nodes will be selected too, slightly enlarge the cylinder setting 0.01 as the
value for both the DP1 (m) and DP2 (m) field as shown in Figure 10 and click once the + button. The
dimension of the cylinder should vary according to what is shown in Figure 9 on the right. At this stage of
the set-up, the panel should appear as that shown in Figure 10 (the coordinates values may slightly vary
but the result shall be the same). To confirm the set-up so far, press the Set button.

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Figure 10: Encaps panel at the end of the extreme nodes selection after cylinder enlargement
To display whether the nodes belonging to the edge of interest have been properly selected, click the
Finalize button and then the DispPts button. What is depicted in Figure 11 should be visible on the View

Figure 11: Source nodes of the current surface set

To prescribe the translation along y (positive versus), do the following actions:

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 click on the Set M button and the Set Motion panel will be opened. Impose the rigid motion by
setting the DY (m) value to 0.001 as shown in Figure 12, and confirm the choice by pressing the
Set button;
 close the Set Motion panel by clicking on the OK button.

Figure 12: Set Motion panel for the translation set-up

To limit the morphing action induced by the surface set 1, switch to the Encaps panel, choose domain
as encaps type, add one domain acting on Number of Items field, select the ahmed-body surface in the
Select Parts list, and do the following actions:
 select box among the possible selections as Type;
 0.05 in the Resolution (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -0.2 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -0.3 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set 0.02 in the Z (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.2 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.338 in the Z (m) field;
 accept the set-up by pressing the Set button.
What is depicted in Figure 13 should appear on the View Port.

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Figure 13: Encaps panel set-up for the box-shaped domain encap
To visualize the localization of the box-shaped domain encap, click the Disp button (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Localization of the box-shaped domain encap

To visualize the source nodes of the domain encap that has been just created, press in sequence the
Finalize and the DispPts button. What is depicted in Figure 15 should be displayed.

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Figure 15: Source nodes of the domain encap

All settings for the generation of the first shape modifier are ready.

4.3 Generating and checking the solution

Once all settings of the solution set-up are completed, switch to the solution panel by selecting Solve in
the Main Sidebar. The panel shown in Figure 16 appears. After pressing the Source Points button, all
source points are collected. Then press the Solution button to generate the shape modifier 1.

Figure 16: Solve panel

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In order to preview in detail the actual effect on the mesh, create an animation. To this purpose, select
the Preview item in the Main Sidebar. Successively, select ahmed-body in the Preview Surfaces list,
write in the Sequence field range 0 30 6. The panel should appear as reported in Figure 17.

Figure 17: Preview panel

Then click the Init button and confirm the sequence set-up by clicking on Yes in the Question panel that
appears (see Figure 18).

Figure 18: Question panel

To start the animation click the Play button automatically enabled once the sequence has been executed
and stored. All recorded frames will be visualized in sequence as depicted in Figure 19.

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Figure 19: Preview animation sequence of the translation of rear vertical left edge
To save the animation frames, write vert-left-edge-trans-y in the Basename field as reported in Figure
20, click on the Setup button to open the Save Picture panel as shown Figure 21.

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Figure 20: Animation set-to in the Preview panel

In this panel, select PNG in Format field, Color in Coloring field, and unselect White Background in
options field. Then click on Apply and Close button in sequence.

Figure 21: Save Picture panel

Finally click on the Save button in the Preview panel. Files referring to frames will be saved in the
working directory.

4.4 Morph testing

To run the morph testing, enable the Morph item in the Main Sidebar as illustrated in Figure 22.

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Figure 22: Morph panel

In the Morph panel, enable the Auto Refresh option and then perform morphing respectively with
Amplification 0, 5, 10, and 30 properly using the Morph/Undo sequence. For these values the
corresponding results are collected in the following table.
Table 1: Mesh quality depending on amplification value (shape modifier 1)
Amplification Maximum Cell Skew
A=0.0 (baseline mesh) 7.49 e-01
A=5 7.66 e-01
A=15 8.59 e-01
A=30 9.39 e-01

4.5 Saving the solution

After the solution has been checked, this can be saved in the Solve panel by specifying the file name
vert-left-edge-trans-y in the File field and by clicking on the Write button (the file name has to be
specified without any extension as shown in Figure 23).

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Figure 23: Solve panel

Consequently, two files will be created in the working directory, which are vert-left-edge-trans-y.sol and

5. Second solution: translating the rear vertical right edge

This solution can be set up by exploiting the symmetry of the model with respect to the x-z mid-section

5.1 Preparation
Continue from the previous session.

5.2 Adjusting the set-up

In order to set up the second shape modifier and include it in the morphed solution, enable the
Symmetry feature in the Solve panel, select the +Y as Type option, leave 0 for Position (m) field, and
change the solution name in vert-edges-trans-y. The panel should appear as that of Figure 24.

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Figure 24: Solve panel set-up for rear vertical edges motion
Press the Source Points button and then the Solution button to add the shape modifier 2.
Preview and save an animation of morphing operating similarly to the shape modifier 1. Once, the
sequence has been executed and stored, all recorded frames will be visualized in sequence as depicted
in Figure 25 (in this case use vert-edges-trans-y as name).

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Figure 25: Preview animation sequence for the effects of the application of the first two shape modifiers

5.3 Morph testing and saving the solution

Perform the morph test following the same procedure of the shape modifier 1 and save the solution.

6. Third solution: two steps procedure

In this part of the tutorial, the two steps procedure of RBF Morph is explored. It mainly consists of the
generation of a solution (first step) to be applied as constraint configuration in the set-up of the second
solution (second step).
In particular, for the specific case of this tutorial, the first step foresees the generation of a solution in
order to impose the vertical translation to the tail edge and the zero movement to the top one of the
inclined surface of the ahmed-body surface.
In the second step, the first solution is selected as constraint configuration in the Set Motion of a surface
set including only the nodes nearby the read inclined surface. Moreover, a zero movement is obliged to
nodes of the top surface of the ahmed-body surface and a domain encap is generated in order to limit
the morphing action.
The afore-summarized operations are described in the following paragraphs.

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6.1 Preparation
Before preparing the new solution set-up, reset the solution by clicking on the Reset button in the Config
panel already shown in Figure 5 and accepting by pressing the OK button in the warning panel shown in
Figure 26.

Figure 26: Warning panel

6.2 First step

6.2.1 Source points definition and preview
As described, the first step foresees the generation of a solution created by means of two surface sets in
order to force the vertical translation to the tail edge and the zero movement to the top one. In this view,
go to the Surfs panel and create 2 surface sets acting on the arrows of the Number of Sets field as
depicted in Figure 27.

Figure 27: Surf panel

Then select the ahmed-body surface in the Select Surface list and, in view of selecting only the nodes
of the tail edge among all of the selected surface, do the following.
Enable the Encap option in the surface set 1 (what is depicted in Figure 28 should appear), choose
cylinder as Type, and set 0.005 in the R (m) field.

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Figure 28: Encaps panel for selection

Consequently, after enabling the Pick feature, acquire the coordinates of the left-side node of the tail
edge by pressing the By Mouse button in the Point 1 window and then by selecting it on the View Port
by clicking (use the right button of the mouse) on it (what is shown in Figure 29 on the left should be
visualized on the screen). Do the same for the right-side node of the tail edge, so acquire the
coordinates on the right-side node of the tail edge by pressing the By Mouse button in the Point 2
window and then by selecting it on the View Port by clicking on it (what is shown in Figure 29 on the right
should be visualized on the screen).

Figure 29: Extreme nodes of the cylinder selection

At the end of the afore-described selection the panel should appear as illustrated in Figure 30 (also in
this case the coordinates values may be slightly different but the final result shall not change).

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Figure 30: Encaps panel at the end of the extreme nodes selection
In order to visualize the cylinder for selection, click the Disp button and what is depicted in Figure 31 on
the left should be visualised.

Figure 31: Cylinder-shaped selection encap

To guarantee that the extreme nodes will be included in selection, slightly enlarge the cylinder by setting
0.01 the value for both the DP1 (m) and DP2 (m) field (as shown in Figure 32) and clicking once the +
button. The dimension of the cylinder should vary according to what is shown in Figure 31 on the right.
To confirm the selection, press the Set button.

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Figure 32: Encaps panel at the end of the extreme nodes selection after cylinder enlargement
To display whether the nodes belonging to the tail edge have been correctly selected, click the Finalize
button and then the DispPts button. What is depicted in Figure 33 should be visible on the View Port.

Figure 33: Source nodes of the current surface set

To prescribe the translation along z (positive versus), do the following actions:
 click on the Set M button and the panel Set Motion will be opened as shown in Figure 34;

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 impose the rigid motion by setting the DZ (m) value to 0.001 and confirm by pressing the Set
 close the Set Motion panel by clicking on the OK button.

Figure 34: Set Motion panel for tail edge vertical translation
To prescribe a null movement to the rear top edge, select the second surface set in the Surfs panel, and
select the ahmed-body surface as shown in Figure 35. Now operate similarly to what carried out for the
tail edge.

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Figure 35: Surf panel

In view of selecting only the nodes of the top edge among all belonging to the surface enable the Encap
option in the surface set 2, choose cylinder as Type, and set 0.005 in the R (m) field.
Consequently, acquire the coordinates of the left-side node of the rear top edge by pressing the By
Mouse button in the Point 1 window and then by selecting it on the View Port by clicking (use the right
button of the mouse) on it (what is shown in Figure 36 on the left should be visualized on the screen). Do
the same for the right-side node of the rear top edge, so acquire the coordinates the right-side node of
the rear top edge by pressing the By Mouse button in the Point 2 window and then by selecting it on the
View Port by clicking on it (what is shown in Figure 36 on the right should be visualized on the screen).

Figure 36: Extreme nodes of the cylinder selection

At the end of the afore-described selection the panel should appear as illustrated in Figure 37.

Figure 37: Encaps panel at the end of the extreme nodes selection
In order to visualize the cylinder for selection, click the Disp button and what is depicted in Figure 38 on
the left should be visualised.

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Figure 38: Cylinder-shaped selection encap for the rear top edge
To be sure that the extreme nodes will be selected, also in this case enlarge a little the cylinder setting
0.01 as the value for both the DP1 (m) and DP2 (m) field (see Figure 39) and clicking once the + button.
The dimension of the cylinder should vary according to what is shown in Figure 38 on the right. To
confirm the selection, press the Set button.

Figure 39: Encaps panel at the end of the extreme nodes selection after cylinder enlargement
To display whether the nodes belonging to the edge of interest have been properly selected, click the
Finalize button and then the DispPts button. What is depicted in Figure 40 should be visible on the View

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Figure 40: Source nodes of the current shape modifier set-up

To prescribe no movement to the rear top edge nodes, do the following actions:
 click on the Set M button and the panel Set Motion will be opened as shown in Figure 41;
 leave the default values and confirm the set-up by pressing the Set button;
 close the Set Motion panel by clicking on the OK button;
 accept the set-up by clicking on the Set button.

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Figure 41: Set Motion panel

Once all settings of the solution set-up are completed, switch to the solution panel by selecting Solve in
the Main Sidebar and press the Source Points button to collect all source points. Then press the
Solution button to generate the shape modifier 3.

Figure 42: Source points of the current shape modifier

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To preview the effects due to the shape modifier, switch to the Preview panel, select the ahmed-body
surface in the Preview Surface list, set 30 in the Amplification field, and finally press the Preview

Figure 43: Set-up of preview panel

What is reported in the Figure 56 should be visualized on the View Port.

Figure 44: Preview of the effect of the shape modifier

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As visible, the shape modifier does not maintain the inclined surface planar and induce effects on the
ahmed-body surface also far from the inclined surface.

6.2.2 Saving the solution

After the solution has been previewed, save it the Solve panel by specifying the file name tail-trans-z-
surf in the File box and by clicking on the Write button. Take in mind that the file name has to be
specified without any extension as shown in Figure 45.

Figure 45: Solve panel

After this operation has been performed, two files will be created in the working directory, namely tail-
trans-z-surf.sol and tail-trans-z-surf.rbf.
This solution will be used in the second step of the procedure as motion definition.

6.3 Second step

The second step of the procedure envisages that the first solution is selected as constraint configuration
in the Set Motion of a surface set that involves only the nodes nearby the rear inclined surface. These
nodes are selected using the ahmed-body surface coupled with a box-shaped selection encap. To
ensure that the top surface ndes of the model remain fixed, a zero movement is obliged to them through
a second surface set. Finally a box-shaped domain encap is generated to limit the morphing action.

6.4 Preparation
Reset the solution by clicking on the Reset button in the Config panel already shown in Figure 5 and
accepting by pressing the OK button in the warning panel that appears.

6.4.1 Source points definition and preview

Start the set-up switching to the Surfs panel in the Main sidebar, set 2 in the Number of Sets field. In
the first surface set (Set 1), select ahmed-body in the Select Surface list as illustrated in Figure 46, and
then click the SetM button.

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Figure 46: Surfs panel

In the Set Motion panel, select rbf-sol in the Motion Type selections and then write tail-trans-z-surf in
the Solution field, leave the default value for Amplification field, press the Set button to accept the set-
up, and finally press OK button to close the panel.

Figure 47: Set Motion panel

Now it is needed to apply this solution only to a part of the nodes nearby to ahmed-body inclined surface.
To accomplish this action, enable the Encap feature and successively do the following actions:
 select box among the possible selections as Type;
 in the Point Min window set -0.175 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -0.1985 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set 0.193 in the Z (m) field;

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 in the Point Max window set 0.001 in the X (m) field;

 in the Point Max window set 0.1985 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.34 in the Z (m) field.
What is depicted in Figure 48 should appear for the panel.

Figure 48: Selection encap set-up

The position with respect to the ahmed-body surface of the computation model can be visualized
pressing the Disp button (see Figure 48).
To confirm the set-up, press the Set button.

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Figure 49: Box-shaped selection encap position

To realize which are the source nodes defined so far, switch to Surfs panel, and press in sequence the
Finalize and DispPts button. What is depicted in Figure 50 should appear on the screen.

Figure 50: Source points visualization

The next action foresees the imposition of a null movement to all nodes of the top surface of the ahmed-
body surface. To do that, select the set 2 and enable the Encap option (keep in mind that the default
values in the Set Motion panel correspond to null movement). In the Encaps panel carry out the
following actions:
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 select box among the possible selections as Type;

 in the Point Min window set -1.044 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -0.2015 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set 0.337 in the Z (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.2015 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.3439in the Z (m) field.
What is depicted in Figure 51 should appear for the panel.

Figure 51: Encaps panel for the set up of thr box-shaped selection encap
The actual position of the box-shaped selection encap can be visualized pressing the Disp button (see
Figure 52).
To confirm the set-up, press the Set button.

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Figure 52: Visualization of the box-shaped selection encap

The latter operation is to create a domain encap to limit the morphing action. With this purpose select the
Encaps panel, select domain among and then:
 select box among the possible selections as Type;
 0.05 in the Resolution (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -0.25 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -0.3155 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set 0.075 in the Z (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set -0.15 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.3155 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.45 in the Z (m) field.
What is depicted in Figure 53 should appear for the panel.

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Figure 53: Set-up for domain encaps

The actual position of the box-shaped selection encap can be visualized pressing the Disp button (see
Figure 54).
To confirm the set-up, press the Set button.

Figure 54: Domain encap location

In order to preview in detail the actual effect on the mesh create an animation. To this purpose, select
the Preview item in the Main Sidebar. Successively, select ahmed-body in the Preview Surfaces list,
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write in the Sequence field range 0 30 6, and write inclined-surf-motion in the Basename field. The
panel should appear as reported in Figure 55.

Figure 55: Set-up of the Preview panel for the third shape modifier
Then click the Init button and confirm the sequence set-up by clicking on Yes in the Question panel that
To start the animation click the Play button automatically enabled once the sequence has been executed
and stored. All recorded frames will be visualized in sequence as depicted in Figure 56 from a lateral

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Figure 56: Preview animation sequence

6.4.2 Saving the solution

After the solution has been previewed, this can be saved in the Solve panel by specifying the file name
tail-trans-z-vol in the File box and by clicking on the Write button (see Figure 45).

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Figure 57: Solve panel

After this operation has been accomplished, two files will be created in the working directory, tail-trans-z-
vol.sol and tail-trans-z-vol.rbf.

7. Fourth solution: scaling the frontal area through edges

As stated the fourth shape modifier aims at scaling the front surface area of the ahmed-body surface
through the scaling of its boundary edges nodes with respect to the area centre.
The strategy adopted to gain this objective is to apply the scaling action to these nodes by selecting
them using the edges extrapolated by means of the use of the Select Surface Border feature coupled
with a box-shaped selection encap. Also for this latter shape modifier is envisaged a domain encap to
confine its action.
The basic operations for the execution of this part of the tutorial are described in the following steps.

7.1 Preparation
Before preparing the new solution set-up, reset the solution by clicking on the Reset button in the Config
panel already shown in Figure 5 and accepting by pressing OK button in the warning that appears.

7.2 Source points definition and preview

To understand the most appropriate set-up to select the internal nodes of the front area, visualise the
edges of the model modifying the display parameters until the afore-cited edges are clearly visible. To do
that, in the Fluent GUI open the Mesh Display panel (see Figure 58) through Display -> Mesh.... In this
panel select ahmed-body in the Surfaces list, enable Edges and Faces in Options, enable Feature in
Edge Type and set 2 in the Feature Angle field. Then press the Display button. What is reported in
Figure 59 should appear in the View Port.

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Figure 58: Mesh Display panel

As visible, the internal edges are correctly visible, so this display set-up can be successively used as
support for the selection of the boundary front area edges selection.

Figure 59: Visualization of the feature edges of the model with feature angle of 2°
As previously stated, the definition of source points is accomplished by means of the use of the Surfs
and Encaps panels. According to this strategy, start the set-up switching to the Surfs panel in the Main
sidebar. Two surface sets are needed and, accordingly, the set-up can proceed as follows:
 define one surface set by acting on the arrows of the Number of Sets field;
 select ahmed-body surface in the Select Surface Borders list;
 enable the Feature option and set 2 in the (Deg) field which appears;
 to save the settings of this first surface set assigned so far, press the Set button.
Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 40
RBF Morph Tutorials

Now the panel should appears as that depicted in the Figure 60.

Figure 60: Surf panel

To display in the graphic viewport the nodes effectively selected for the current surface set, click in
sequence the Finalize and the DispPts button. What is illustrated in Figure 61 shall be reported on the

Figure 61: Nodes of the current surface set gained through the feature option enabled with 2°

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 41

RBF Morph Tutorials

To choose among all selected nodes only those belonging to the internal edges of the front area, a box-
shaped selection encap will be used by assigning the opposite extreme points by means of the By
Mouse selection. To do that, enable the Encap option (the Encaps panel shown in Figure 62 appears) in
the surface set 1, choose box as Type, and enable the Pick feature.

Figure 62: Encaps panel

Subsequently, press the By Mouse button in the Point 1 window and select on the View Port (by
clicking on the right button of the mouse) the left-bottom node of the internal edges, and then the press
By Mouse button in the Point 2 window and select on the View Port the top-right node of the internal
edges (what is shown in Figure 63).

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 42

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 63: Box definition though extreme nodes

To be sure that all nodes will be selected, slightly enlarge the box setting 0.002 as the value for the DX
(m), DY (m), and DZ (m) field as shown in Figure 64, and clicking once the + button. At the end of the
afore-described selection the panel should appear as illustrated in Figure 64.

Figure 64: Encaps panel at the end of the extreme nodes selection after box enlargement
In order to visualize the box for selection, click the Disp button and what is depicted in Figure 65 on the
left should be visualised. To confirm the selection so far, press the Set button.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 43

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 65: Box-shaped selection encap

To display whether the nodes belonging to the edge of interest have been properly selected, click the
Finalize button and then the DispPts button. What is depicted in Figure 66 should be visible on the View

Figure 66: Source nodes of the current surface set

To prescribe the scaling of the nodes, do the following actions:
 click on the Set M button and the panel Set Motion will be opened;
Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 44
RBF Morph Tutorials

 select scale among Motion Type selections;

 set 0.99 in both CF Y(m) and CF Z(m) fields;
 set -1.044 in Or X (m) field;
 set 0.194 in Or Z (m) field;
 confirm by pressing the Set button.
The Set Motion panel should be as that shown in Figure 67.

Figure 67: Set Motion panel set-up for scaling operation

To see the position and the configuration of the system of axes defined, press the Display Axes button
and what is reported in Figure 68 should appear. As visible, the origin of the system is localized at the
centre of the front area.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 45

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 68: Visualization of the actual reference system for scaling

Close the Set Motion panel by clicking on the OK button.
In order to limit the morphing action induced by the surface set 1, switch to the Encaps panel, select
domain choose as encaps type, add one domain acting on Number of Items field arrows, select the
ahmed-body surface in the Select Parts list, and do the following actions:
 select box among the possible selections as Type;
 0.05 in the Resolution (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -1.2 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set -0.3 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Min window set 0.01 in the Z (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set -0.944 in the X (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.3 in the Y (m) field;
 in the Point Max window set 0.4 in the Z (m) field;
 press the Set button to accept the set-up.
What is depicted in Figure 13 should appear on the View Port.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 46

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 69: Encaps panel set-up for the box-shaped domain encap
To visualize the localization of the box-shaped domain, click the Disp button. To visualize the source
nodes of the domain encap that has been just created, press in sequence the Finalize and the DispPts
button. What is depicted in Figure 70 should be displayed.

Figure 70: Source nodes of the domain encap

All settings for the generation of the fourth shape modifier are ready.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 47

RBF Morph Tutorials

7.3 Generating and checking the solution

Once all settings of the solution set-up are completed, switch to the solution panel by selecting Solve in
the Main Sidebar. The panel shown in Figure 71 appears. Press Source Points button so that all source
points are collected. Then press the Solution button to generate the shape modifier 4.

Figure 71: Solve panel

In order to preview in detail the actual effect on the mesh create an animation. To this purpose, select
the Preview item in the Main Sidebar. Successively, select ahmed-body in the Preview Surfaces list,
write in the Sequence field "range -30 30 6". The panel should appear as reported in Figure 72.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 48

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 72: Set-up of the preview panel for scaling

Then click the Init button and confirm the sequence set-up by clicking on Yes in the Question panel that
appears. To start the animation click the Play button automatically enabled once the sequence has been
executed and stored. All recorded frames will be visualized in sequence as depicted in Figure 73.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 49

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 73: Preview animation sequence of scaling effects

To save the animation frames, write frontal-area-scaling in the Basename field as reported in Figure 74,
click on the Setup button to open the Save Picture panel as shown Figure 75.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 50

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 74: Animation set-to in the Preview panel

In this panel, select PNG in Format field, Color in Coloring field, and unselect White Background in
options field. Then click on Apply and Close button in sequence.

Figure 75: Save Picture panel

Finally click on the Save button in the Preview panel. Files referring to frames will be saved in the
working directory.

7.4 Morph testing

To run the morph testing, enable the Morph item in the Main Sidebar as illustrated in Figure 22.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 51

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 76: Morph panel

In the Morph panel, enable the Auto Refresh option and then perform morphing with Amplification 0,
5, 15, and 30 properly using the Morph/Undo sequence. For these values the results are collected in
Table 2.
Table 2: Mesh quality depending on amplification value for the fourth shape modifier action
Amplification Maximum Cell Skew
A=0.0 (baseline mesh) 7.49 e-01
A=5 7.69 e-01
A=15 8.31 e-01
A=30 9.51 e-01

7.5 Saving the solution

After the solution has been checked, this can be saved in the Solve panel by specifying the file name
frontal-area-scaling in the File filed and by clicking on the Write button. The file name has to be specified
without any extension as shown in Figure 77.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 52

RBF Morph Tutorials

Figure 77: Solve panel

Consequently, two files will be created in the working directory, that is frontal-area-scaling.sol frontal-

8. Summary
This tutorial demonstrated the guidelines for setting up and solving a morph study though the two steps
procedure of RBF-Morph. This strategy foresees to generate a solution using as prescribed motion the
solution gained at the end of a previous morphing computing.
Another scope of the tutorial was to show the Symmetry feature and how creating a shape modifier using
a selection of the edges of a computational model surface.

9. References
R 1. Biancolini M. E., Mesh Morphing and Smoothing by Means of Radial Basis Functions
(RBF): A Practical Example Using Fluent and RBF Morph, Handbook of Research on
Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice, 2 vol. pages 347-380,
R 2. C. Hinterberger, M. García-Villalba, W. Rodi, Large Eddy Simulation of flow around the
Ahmed body. In "Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics / The
Aerodynamics of Heavy Vehicles: Trucks, Buses, and Trains", R. McCallen, F. Browand,
J. Ross (Eds.), Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-22088-7, 2004.

Tutorial 6: Ahmed body 53

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