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1.1 Background of study

Family planning is widely acknowledge as an important intervention toward

achieving sustainable development goals (SDG) because it has proven to reduce

maternal and child mortality rate.

Family planning can prevent unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. some

family planning method such as condoms usage can protect individual from sexually

transmitted infection (STIS), like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired

immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Family planning has also been found to promote gender equality as well as

promote education and economic empowerment for women. Despite the enormous

benefit of family planning service the uptake of the service still remain low in

northern Nigeria .these has rested into high rate of unwanted pregnancies unplanned

deligencies unsafe abortion and maternal mortalities in Africa of which Nigeria is no

exceptions everyone has the right to decide on the number and timing of children

without discontinuation, violence oppression to have the necessary information and

facilities for it sex and reproductive health service at the highest standard .deficient or

incorrect family planning method, wrong attitude and behavior toward the method and

consequent unplanned pregnancies rampant maternal and infant mortality are the main

health problem in most countries .

More than 22 million unsafe abortion that occur every year cause about 47,000

maternal death in the short or long term mostly in developing countries. Its estimated

that up tp one third of maternal death can be prevented by using contraception in

women seeking to postpone or delay postpartum.(JUDITH. R SELTER 2010).

There are many variable that determine the attitude of woman toward

family planning such variable could be viewed from socio-economic factors cultural

factors community norms religious affiliation gender role and effective of the services

family planning is the technique that enables couples to determine when to have a

baby there are many numbers of available family planning techniques (ELAITAN

2011). Techniques commonly used include oral pills, injectables, condoms, implant


Family planning is when and how many children to have and it use in birth control

technique so that the couples can take good care of their children, financially,

psychologically and socially (UNITED STATE DEPARTMENT OF


It has been observed that many women are directly exposed to risk of unwanted

pregnancy because they do not utilized available family planning service. Thus the

attitude of women to weird family planning is not encouraging, it is the

underutilization of family planning that the researcher involved of women toward

family planning. (WARREN C-ROBINSON 2010).


Reduction in population is believe to improve the country for economic

development which in turn is believed to enhance the country stability and

improve the lives of the citizens the low uptake of the family planning is lardely

blamed on many factors.

It has been observed that the level of awareness of the available ability of family

planning has a great influence on the uptake of family planning services even

though some women are aware of the availability of family planning service but

they are not properly informed about the various forms of family planning

methods and how they work some women who went for family planning service

were not adequately counselled on the side effect of some family planning method.

So this makes some of the women stop using the contraceptive after they

perceived some of the side effect this is what prompted the researcher to carry out

a research on the topic factors influencing the attitude of women to ward family

planning in gurin gawa ward kumbotso local government area in kano state.


1.3.1 AIM

The aim of this research was to evaluate and determine the factor

influencing the attitude of women toward family planning in gurin gawa ward

kumbotso local government area in kano state.


1-To determine the factor influencing the attitude of women toward family

planning in gurin gawa ward kumbosto local government area of kano state.

2-To identify the different method of family planning.

3-To identify the factors affecting family planning.

4-To export strategies to improve the practicing of family planning in the study



The study will answer the following research question

1-What are the factors influencing the attitude of women toward family planning?

2-What are the different method of family planning?

3-What are the factors affecting the family planning in the study area?

4-What are the ways of improving the practicing family planning in the study



As many couples in Nigeria do accept family planning despite its importance both

on the father mother children and society at large. This research will be of benefit

to women and the society in general. It is believe that the research work will

further assist the growth development expansion and awareness of family planning

and its importance to the society . family planning reduce the rate of death and

help in having healthy mother and healthy baby’s at the end of any successful

speed pregnancy and throughout childhood.


The topic where you captured the scope of the study was limited to factors

influencing the attitude of women toward family planning in gurin gawa ward

kumbotso local government area kano state.




This chapter focused on the review of the related literature and it was discussed

under the following sub heading;

2.1 Conceptual frame work of family planning

2.2 Conceptual of attitude

2.3 Concept of family planning

2.4 Factor influencing the attitude of women toward family planning

2.5 Different method used in family planning

2.6 Factors affecting the family

2.7 To improve the practicing of family planning


Family planning started right from ancient time by the advert of programs. The

Egyptians as early as 1850s described various method of birth control in scrolls. Aristo

tie, a greek philosopher in the 4 th century BC stated that the base interest will be served

by keeping the population stable in the early history of African culture, mother and their

infant are separated from the father for prolonged period as following child birth , this

ensure assistance for the mother to breast feed for long period of time (KIERMANLY


Family planning has been unknowing to man for about 400 years now. An

international planned parenthood associated of federation (PPTIF) comprising of 32

countries was formed. This enable family planning to penetrate into Africa. Historically

we can see that people all over the world have used much method to control birth their

influencing around the world. Large number of plant have been used and natural method

long age made it identity to people to believe in their fertility and have seen the benefit in

doing so for quote sometimes the method involve the natural method which are believed

national curriculum on the 4th February 1988 a national policy on population was drifted

and approved by the government of Nigeria.(DIANE MF MARGARET, AND A.C

2009) my lesi a text book for midwives (LING CHURCH LIVING STONE.)


Attitude refers to feelings, beliefs and behaviors predisposition directs toward

people, group, ideas, or object. Attitude influences the behavior in a particular situation.

Attitude is a kind of habit its usually way of doing things. ( frank freeman 2012)

Attitude is the manner, disposition, feeling, and position about a person , thing,

tendency or orientation, especially in mind.

An attitude is a mental and several state of readiness organized through experience,

exerting a dynamic influence upon the individual response to all objective and situation

with which it is related. ( cordon all pore 2010)


1--- Attitude are complex combination of things we call personality, belief . value,

behavior and motivations.

2--- it can fall anywhere along a continuous from very favorable to very unfavorable.

3--- All people irrespective of their statue of intelligence holed attitude.

4--- Attitude help us define how we see situation and define how the behavior ward the

situation or objective.

5--- It may be positive or negative and may be affected by age position and education.


1--- job satisfaction

2--- job involvement

3--- organizational commitment


1--- Adjustment function

2--- Ego define function

3--- Value expressive function

4--- knowledge function


1--- Social factors

2--- Direct instruction

3--- Family

4--- Prejudice

5--- Personal experience

6--- Media

7--- Economic status and occupation

8--- Educational and religious institutions


However the process of changing the attitude is not always easy.


When people feed a commitment toward a particular cause of action that has

already been agreed upon it becomes difficult for them to change or accept the new way

of functioning.


It also act as a major brainer to change attitude. Sometime people do not see why

they should change their attitude due to the unavailability of adequate information.


If plans become excessively ambitious, they can be obstruction by the lack of

recourse on a company or organization.

So in this case if the organization want to change the employees attitude toward the plan

sometimes it becomes impossible for the lack of recourse to attitude.


Sometimes am improper reward system acts as a barriers to change attitude.


1--- New information will help to change attitude

2--- Attitude may be change through direct experience

3--- Changing of attitude can come through the persuasion of friend or peers.

4--- The changing of attitude differs regarding the situation.



World health organization (WHO) define family planning as away of thinking and

living that is voluntary upon the basic of knowledge, attitude and responsibility decision

by individual and couples in other to choose the number of children they want to have.

Family planning is achieved through the use of control method and the tremons of

involuntary infertility. Other technique commonly used include sexually transmitted

infection (STIS) pre-conception and management. The goals of family planning is

preventing pregnancy related health risk in women and reduces the need for unsafe

abortion and infant mortality (WHO2000).


1--- Condom

2--- Oral contraceptive pills

3--- Intravenous device (IVD)

4--- Contraceptive implant

5--- Contraceptive injection

6--- Contraceptive ring

7--- Diaphram


1. To prevent unplanned pregnancy.

2. Reduce infantry mortality rate

3. Reduce maternal mortality rate

4. To reduce unsafe abortions

5. To give the couples free chance of having sex any time without setting pregnancy


1. The coitus interrupt method or withdrawal has a high failure rate and puts great

stress upon the male partner to remember to remove the penis just before


2. They do not prevent the couples from sexually transmitted infections.

3. It’s a couples centered process so both partners need to agree to use the family

planning method.

4. Withdrawal method may reduce pleasure to some women

5. Some of the family planning method may minor side effect like mild headache

vomiting and weight gain or loss family planning provides many benefit to mother

children and father and the family.


1. Enable her to regain her health after delivery

2. Give enough time and opportunity to love and provide attention to her husband

and children.

3. When suffering from a illness gives enough time for treatment and recovery

4. Give more time for her family and own personal advancement.

2.3.5 Children Benefit

1. The children will get all the attention, security, and love and care they deserve.

2. On average babies that are born with intervals are more healthier

3. It saved the lives of children.

2.3.6 Father benefit

1. Lightens the burden and responsibility in supporting his family

2. Enable him to give his family their basic needs [food, shelter, education and better


3. Give him time for his family and planning for future.

2.4 Methods of family planning

2.4.1 Natural methods of family planning

This is the use of physical sign and symptoms and cycle data to determine when

ovulation occurs. When couples are using family planning they should abstain from

intercourse during the at risk fertile days. calendar method

Fertility awareness method our method that rely on various techniques to identify

women fertile days [the days which she can become pregnant] this method may monitor

the various changes & that occur in women body during each menstrual cycle, which

may indicate when she is fertile and when she is not on safe days, a woman may avoid

pregnancy. These methods can work for many women with varying degrees of reliability

however each requires a considerable degree of of instruction and high level of

motivation and commitment on the part of the couple in order to be used successfully. cervical mucus method

This method is based on the changes that occur in the quality and quantity of cervical

mucus. In this method the women usually monitor and record on daily basis the changes

in her cervical mucus discharge. Typically there is little mucus discharge for a few days

following menstruation, the mucus becomes sticky and pasty or crumbly, stately yellow

or white. As a ovulation nears the mucus becomes slippery, white, clear and watery

following our relation the mucus becomes sticky and pasty again. Basal Body temperature method

In this method the client take body temperature in walking up into morning before taking

any food, drink or smoke. A special fertile mo-meter may be used and the reading is

recorded in a temperature chance. So when the ovulation started the body temperature

tends To become high so if sexual intercourse take place there is higher risk of getting

pregnancy so the couples avoid sex in this period. Cotius interrupts (Withdrawal method)

This method is one of the oldest known method of contraception in which the couples

proceeds with Cotius onto the moment of education which offers little protection. Abstinence Method

This means avoiding having sexual intercourse whether practiced by personal voluntary

restraints or by physical separation. Abstinence is the only 100% effective method of

contraception because it introduces many other constraints into dynamics of the couples

relationship abstinence and its meaning and ramification should be thoroughly explored

before choosing its primary long term method of contraception. Lactation of Amenorrhea method

Exclusive breastfeeding delays the return of menstrual period, so it worked as a method

of birth control. This is known as the lactation amenorrhea method (LAM). When you do

it perfectly, the lam Birth control method can be effective as nominal contraceptive [like

the pill]. About two out of 200 people who can breastfeed as pest control guess pregnant

in the month. Breastfeeding is basically natural birth control it prevents another

pregnancy for up to six months.

2.4.2 Traditional family planning method

These are practices, please, custom 100 of own from generation to generation usually by

words of mouth before the advent of modern contraception. Ideas and practicing of

family planning had existed for many years.This method includes in use of appliance and

non appliance. Use of appliance

This involved the use of Some specific preparations which are dispensed to the on

request. This includes scarifition, rings, putting Herbalist ring in their vagina, pendarits or

necklace, Armband or wristband, potassium orally or vaginally, salt and padlock. Use Of non appliance

This method do not require patronizing of herbalist to traditional health. For example of

this include physical exercises, douching and vagina, washing after sexual intercourse.

But it is assumed that some of these methods have spermicidal barrier effect. Modern method of family planning

The modern method of family planning comprises of hormonal method which include

the use of oral contraception, injectable, implant and Jadell. Barrier method which

comprises of condoms, diaphragms and cervical intrauterine devices That comprises of

iron and copper, spermicidal which are in form of Jelly, suppository or family planning

include vasectomy and bilateral tubal ligation. (Odimegrouco 1999) Barrier method of contraception

These are object barrier method of birth control which prevent pregnancy by blocking

sperm. This stops the sperm from reaching an egg.

Types of barrier methods include condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap, And the

contraceptive sponge. Work better when you use them with a spermicide [this is a

substance that kills sperm) spermicide Comes in many forms grim, Jelly gel, foam, film

and Suppository. Sometimes they are used alone as a birth control method. In general

barrier methods do not prevent pregnancy as well as OPS or hormonal methods.

2.5 Factors influencing the attitude of women towards the practicing of family


Attitude refers to the positive or negative feeling or tendencies of an individual about an

idea an object or a symbol. [according to Boehner] attitude is anything that a person

actually possesses and he realized later.

Behaviors and attitude plays an important role among the choice of using family

planning method and so it effects the changes of fertility status and population rates in

directly in order to promote the usage of an effective method, attitude and behavior play

an important role on preferences of choosing a family planning method. The

identification of attitudes that affect the use of family planning method by individual is an

important Factors contributing to the scheduling of family planning services. (Lanen&

Bilge Toney, 2018)

Women attitude for family planning method are influenced by some characteristics, such

as economic factors, social cultural factors, environmental factors, location age,,

education, traditional beliefs,, religion family type, and level of knowledge. It’s known

that these factors have effect on turning the attitudes into behaviors.

Attitude it’s a notional concept and although it cannot be observed directly below the

effect on behaviors are well known. (Lanen& Bilge Tuney, 2018)

2.6 factors that improve the practicing of family planning

The practicing of family planning can be improved through the following factors:

1. Through health education

2. Through advocacy to the influencing people in the community

3. Through campaign awareness about the positive impact of family planning

4. Through antenatal care services

5. Through post Natal care services

6. Provision of accessible family planning clinics to the community members

7. Provision of availability of manpower that can provide a family planning services

to the community members

also a health worker should be guiding to choose the right method and use it correctly.

This help couples enhance the quality of their sexual lives in order to potentially scale up

reproductive health services to meet the present day and future needs, a sufficient number

of educated healthcare professionals should be available. However, The inadequacy of

health workers prevent the provision of family planning services, especially in rural


Experiences from some developing countries shows that community based family

planning services have been used successfully to deliver family planning methods

including distribution of pill as well as injectable contraceptives.

Identifying individuals attitudes and behaviors towards the family planning, completing

missing information and correcting false information are important to be able to provide

an effective planning services and for planning the training consultancy services to be

given to the women.

2.7 Summary

we can say that attitude is evaluated statesman favorable or unfavorable related to the

person, object and event.

Although there are some different regarded attitude based on the above opinions it can be

concluded that the attitude is a state in which man moves to act or to do anything is

responding to a situation or condition of the object in the surrounding environment.

It is actually a statement towards something or someone exhibited in one’s beliefs,

feeling or intended behavior. It is a social orientation and underline inclination to respond

to something either favorable or unfavorable.

Also the view of related literature focuses on the factors that influence the attitude

towards family planning in relation to this there is theatrical framework on family

planning, the different method of family planning factors affecting the practicing of

family planning as well as promoting method for the family planning practices were




3.0 Introduction

This chapter describes and discussed the methodology used in the study, it was discussed

under the following sub headings which include; research design, the area of the study,

and population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data

collection, validity and reliability of the instrument, procedure for data collection and

procedure for data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The study is a survey research the method of the research done in the field of education.

Descriptive survey research was expected to carry out because the research will utilize

the opinion of respondents on the topic factors influencing the attitude of women toward

family planning in gurin gawa ward Kumbotso local government area of Kano state.

3.2 Area of the study

Kumbotso Local government area as an area of 158 km and population of 409,500 in

2016 census. Kumbotso local government is made up of Challawa, chiranci, Dan Maliki,

Dan bare, guringawa, kuregesani, mariri, naibawa, panshekara, and unguwar rimi.

Gurin gawa ward Is the study area, it has clinics and total population of 36,202 people out

of which 1208 are under one year Roman 6040 are under five years, 1510 we are

pregnant women and 6644 uh women of childbearing age [2017 statistics Primary Health

care] (PHC). (Dawakin kudu zone).

3.3 Population of the study

The population of the study area comprised of housewives, , health student, health

workers, and young children in gurin gawa ward Kumbotso local government Kano


3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques

A sample of 10 areas from gurin gawa ward was made with each area had a total of 10%

including others and health workers which total of 100 respondents. Example was made

using random sampling techniques which is a technique whereby every member of a

population has an equal chance of being included in the sample [ bichi 2015] it's the

appropriate technique to be used in describing sample of the research.

3.5 Instrument for data collection

A questionnaire was designed to be used as an instrument used for data collection

concerning this study. The instruments used in collecting the data for this research study

is structured questionnaire which comprises of both open and closed ended questions for

the respondent. The questionnaire was divided into two sections section A for bio data

and section B for research questions.

3.6 Validity of the instrument

The instruments used in the study was screened by the supervisor, this helps to determine

the fees and content validity of the instrument. However, all the necessary corrections

and modifications made by the supervisor were effective before the production of the

final copy.

3.7 Reliability of the instrument

The reliability of the instrument was tested using test- retest method to some selected

people in gurin gawa ward, Kumbotso local government Kano state. Through pilot study

to see whether they can be able to answer it or not. Preliminary study was made or the

questionnaire to determine how adequate and reliable it's is to the main study by

administering it to 30 women age 15 to 49 years in gurin gawa ward Kimbotso local

government Kano state which were selected randomly.

3.8 Procedure for data collection

The questionnaire was designed by the researcher and distributed to the target population

at the study area together with the research assistant, the distribution and collection lasted

for one week.

3.9 Procedure for data analysis

The data generated from the returned questionnaire by the researcher where analyze in a

tabular form using frequency or percentage

This chapter present the demographic information of the respondent, result of data
analysis and presentation base on the collected from the respondents.
This section present the demo graphic information of the respondent base on the age,
educational attainment, occupation, income per month, marital status and
environment of the respondent, frequency and percentage of the respondent.
Age of the respondent Frequency Percentage
14-20 years 10 10.2%
21-30years 55 56.1%
31-40years 28 28.5%
41-50years 5 5.1%
>50years 0 0%
Total 98 100%
Educational attainment
No any formal education 15 15.3%
Basic literacy 0 0%
Primary education 3 3.0%
Secondary education 50 51.0%
Tertiary education 30 31.6%
Total 98 100%
House wife only 55 56.1%
Student 15 15.3%
Self employed[vocational] 10 10.2%
Self employed[business] 8 8.1%
Civil servant 10 10.2%
total 98 100%

Income per month

Less than 30000 50 51.0%
N31,000-60,000 40 40.8%
N61,000-100,000 8 8.1%
N101,000-200,000 0 0%
>200,000 0 0%

Total 98 100%
Marital status
Married 65 66.3%
Divorced 10 10.1%
Widowed 15 15.3%
Separated 0 0%
Never 8 8.1%
Total 98 100%
Rural 20 20.4%
Semi urban 52 53.0%
Urban 25 25.5%
CBD 2 2.0%
Total 98 100%
Source field work,2022
The table above shows the demographic data of the respondents ranging from age of
which the percentage is 10.2% (10) for age range 14-20 years, 56.1% (55) age 21-30
years, 28.5% (28) 31-40 years of age, 5.1% (5) age 41-50 years and 0% (0) 50 years and
above. The educational attainment include no formal education at 15.3% (15), basic
literacy 0% (0), Primary education 3% (3), Secondary education 51% (50) and Tertiary
education 31.6% (30) of the total respondents of 98. Occupation consist of House wife
only having 56.1% (55), Student 15.3% (15), Self employed[vocational] 10.2% (10),
Self employed[business] 8.1% (8), Civil servants 10.2% (10) of the total population of
the study. Income per month Less than 30000 51% (50), N31,000-60,000 40.8% (40),
N61,000-100,000 8.1% (8), N101,000-200,000 and >200,000 0% (0) from the total
population study. Marital status consist of Married 66.3% (65), Divorced 10.1% (10),
Widowed 15.3% (15), Separated 0% (0), Never 8.1% (8) of the total respondents 98
(100%). Environment/location consists of Rural 20.4% (20), Semi urban 53% (52),
Urban 25.5% (25) and CBD 2% (2) as a total of 100% (98) of the respondents in the
study population.
4.3.0 What are the factor the factors influencing the attitude of women toward
family planning
4.3.1 Did you agree that culture can influence family planning among women?
Variable frequency Percentage
Yes 60 61.2%
No 38 38.7%
Total 98 100%

The above table shows that 61.2% of the respondent agree that culture influence family
planning among women while 38.7% disagree.
4.3.2 Did you agree that economic status influence family planning among women?
Variable frequency Percentage
Yes 58 59.1%
No 40 40.8%
Total 98 100%
Source field work, 2022
The table above showing the economic status that influence family planning among
women consist of 58 (59.1%) that said YES and 40 (40.8%) that said NO from the
total population 98 (100%) of the study.
4.3.3 Did you agree that educational status can influence family planning among women?
Variable Frequency Percentage
Yes 75 76.5%
No 23 23.4%
Total 98 100%
The table above showing the educational status that influence family planning among
women consist of 75 (76.5%) that said YES and 23 (23.4%) that said NO from the
total population 98 (100%) of the study.
4.3.4 Did you agree that religious can influence family planning among women?
Variable Frequency Percentage
Yes 50 51.0%
No 48 48.9%
Total 98 100%
Source field work 2022
The table above showing the economic status that influence family planning among
women consist of 50 (51%) that said YES and 48 (48.9%) that said NO from the
total population 98 (100%) of the study.
4.3.5 Did you agree that environmental factors can influence family planning among
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 60 61.2%
No 38 38.7%
Total 98 100%

The table above shows that environmental factors can influence family planning among
women consist of 60 (61.2%) that said YES and 38 (40.8%) that said NO from the
total population 98 (100%) of the study.
4.4.0 What are the different methods of family planning?
4.4.1 Are you aware with withdrawal method of family planning?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 60 61.2%
No 38 38.7%
Total 98 100%
The table above shows that withdrawal method influence family planning among women
consist of 60 (61.2%) that said YES and 38 (40.8%) that said NO from the total
population 98 (100%) of the study.
4.4.2 Are you aware of any natural method of family planning
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 70 71.4%
No 28 28.5%
Total 98 100%
The table above shows that natural methods can influence family planning among women
consist of 70 (71.4%) that said YES and 28 (28.5%) that said NO from the total
population 98 (100%) of the study.
4.4.3 Are you aware of any artificial method of family planning?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 70 71.4%
No 28 28.5%
Total 98 100%
The table above shows that artificial methods can influence family planning among
women consist of 70 (71.4%) that said YES and 28 (28.5%) that said NO from the
total population 98 (100%) of the study.

4.4.4 Did you know about abstinence method of family planning?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 68 69.3%
No 30 30.6%
Total 98 100%
The table above shows abstinence method can influence family planning among women
consist of 68 (69.3%) that said YES and 30 (30.6%) that said NO from the total
population 98 (100%) of the study.
4.4.5 Did you kwon about any traditional method of family planning?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 90 91.8%
No 8 8.1%
Total 98 100%
The above table shows that 91.8% of the respondent know about traditional method of
family planning while 8.1% don’t know.
4.5.0 What are the ways of improving the practicing of family planning in the study
4.5.1 Are you aware that health education can improve family planning among women?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 90 91.8%
No 8 8.1%
Total 98 100%
The above table shows that 91.8% of the respondent agrees that health education can
improve family planning while 8.1% disagree
4.5.2 Did you agree that provision of family planning clinic can improve family planning
among women?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 75 76.5%
No 23 23.4%
Total 98 100%

The above table shows that 76.5% of the respondent agree that provision of family
planning clinic can improve family planning while 23.4% disagree
4.5.3 Did you agree that antenatal care service can improve family planning among
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 88 89.7%
No 10 10.2%
Total 98 100%
The above table shows that 89.7% of the respondent agrees that antenatal care service can
improve family planning while 10.2% disagree
4.5.4 Did you agree that provision of adequate manpower can improve family planning
among women?
Variable Frequency Percentage
Yes 90 91.8%
No 8 8.1%
Total 98 100%
The above table shows that 91.8% of the respondent agrees that provision of adequate
manpower can improve family planning while 8.1% disagree
4.5.5 Did you agree that post natal care service improve family planning among women?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 78 79.5%
No 20 20.4%
Total 98 100%
The above table shows that79.5% of the respondent agree that post natal care services
affect family planning while 20.4% disagree.
4.6.0 What are the factors affecting the family planning in the study area?
4.6.1 Did you agree that cultural believe affect family planning among women?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 88 89.7%
No 10 10.2%
Total 98 100%

The above table shows that 89.7% of the respondent agree that cultural believe affect
family planning while 10.2% disagree
4.6.2 Did you agree that educational status affect family planning among women?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 65 66.3%
No 33 33.6%
Total 98 100%
The table above shows that 66.3% of respondent agree that educational status affect
family planning while 33.6% disagree

4.6.3 Did you agree that economic status affect family planning among women?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 70 71.4%
No 28 28.5%
Total 98 100%
The table above shows that 71.4% of the respondents agreed that economic status affect
family planning while 28.5% disagree

4.6.4 Did you agree that environmental factors affect family planning?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 50 50.5%
No 48 48.9%
Total 98 100%
The above table shows that 50.5% of the respondent agreed that environmental factors
affect family planning while 48.9% disagree

4.6.5 Did you agree that age affect family planning?
Variable Frequency percentage
Yes 80 81.6%
No 18 18.3%
Total 98 100%
The above table shows that 81.6% of the respondent agree that age affect family
planning while 18.3% disagree





This chapter deals with summary of the study, discussion of major finding, conclusion

and recommendation


The research project titled factors influencing the attitude of women toward family

planning in gurin gawa ward kumbotso local government area, kano state comprises five

chapter, chapter one include the introduction, background of the study, statement of the

problem, objective of the study, research question, scope of the study, significance of the

study and definition of terms.

While chapter two deals with the review of the related literature under the following

concept of attitude, types of attitude, function of attitude, factors influencing the attitude

of women toward family planning, different method of family planning, factors affecting

the practice of family planning, strategies for improving the practice of family planning.

While chapter three deals with research design, population of the study area, area of the

study, sample and sampling techniques, instrument of data collection validity and

reliability of the instrument, procedure for data collection and procedure for data analysis.

While chapter four deals with data presentation, analysis and interpretation. while the last

chapter deals with the summary, discussion of major findings, conclusion and



From the result of this study it was found that the respondents are 30years and most of

them have secondary school qualification and the respondents have used at least one

method of family planning and majority of them use artificial method and they are fully

aware of other varieties if family planning method. In addition the respondents agreed

that educational factors is the factor affecting the practicing of family planning and the

strategies for improving the practice of family planning is through health education.


Based on the finding on the study ,it was concluded that the women living in gurin gawa

ward Kumbotso local government area, Kano state have a good perception about family

planning practice.


1. Medical personnel should be recruited to work in the rural areas to identify access

to family planning in the communities.

2. Involving religious leaders, community leaders and youth in family planning


3. Government should also help to provide family planning drugs and device

accessible to all.

4. The traditional birth attendant should be inco-orporated into family planning

program as this will assist the people to have clear fact of each misconception

about family planning. this could be done in antenatal health talk and community



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