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Project Management Foundations: Small Projects

with Bonnie Biafore

Project name: New Office and Technology

Task List:

Find new office space Beth

Design layout Property manager

Negotiate and sign lease Beth, property manager

Build out space Tony, property manager

Correct build-out issues Tony, property manager

Identify network requirements Sally, IT consultant

Design network IT consultant

Install and configure network IT consultant

Test network IT consultant

Identify phone system requirements Sally, IT consultant

Design phone system IT consultant

Install and configure phone system IT consultant

Test phone system IT consultant

Identify software requirements Sally, IT consultant

Specify software and configuration IT consultant

Install and configure software IT consultant

Test software IT consultant

Negotiate and sign IT contract Beth, Sally, IT consultant

Identify internet requirements Sally

Sign up for internet service Sally

Test internet service Sally

Project Management Foundations: Small Projects with Bonnie Biafore

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