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Free Analysis Issues:

These are the settings for the input league:

 As you can see it is a (2) team league, with 1 of each player type, and the stats we are assessing
are Goals, SOG, and Wins.

These are the results:

 First issue, why are there 3 results shown, when there are only 2 teams?
 Second issue, Team 1 has the best players selected, and Team 2 has the worst. This is ranking
Team 2 higher, which is wrong.
 Third issue, there are 3 stats selected, the best possible score should be 3, and the worst
possible score is (# of teams=2) x (# of stats = 3) = 6 possible points at worst, team 1 somehow
has 11?

By all this I can tell the data is not being calculated properly for the Free Analysis

Paid Analysis Issues:

Again exact same input settings, but these are the results:

 First Issue, there are 9 teams shown for a 2 team league

 Second Issue, None of the stats are correct and they are all the same results. And some of the
results are straight up impossible ( % can never be above 100)
 Third Issue, it is showing extra stats I didn’t select
 Forth Issue, there is no Standard Deviation results, which is integral to evaluation of a team

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