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Research Question 1: How did you find out about marijuana?

All three participants known about marijuana through their friends and acquaintances, who had
previously used marijuana. Mostly they got invited to use it by their friends during coffee or party
hangouts. One person described in detail his first exposure to marijuana as:
“I firstly found out marijuana through the invitations of my high school friends. At that time, we
were smoking cigarettes, as well.”

Remarkably, there is one person who learned about marijuana through effects of foreign culture:

“I firstly known about marijuana through the media of foreign countries, and through America
music. In the Rap genre, many artists mention marijuana in their songs.”

All the participants, surprisingly, after the first exposure, had done research on marijuana. They all
have general information about marijuana’s essential categories, which are Sativa and Indica; its
components; effects on consumers; and the controversies surrounding the use of marijuana.

Research Question 2: What situations do you usually use marijuana?

The common answer among the participants was they usually use marijuana with their friends. In
addition, there are some replies on using marijuana when being alone. The first person who have
not used marijuana for 8-9 days, describes his usage of marijuana:

“I mostly use marijuana when there are my friends around. In that case, I would prefer Sativa, as it
stimulates social behaviors. I can laugh and talk to them more comfortably, thereby having more
fun. And in case I am alone, indica will be preferable. It makes me chill and helps me focus on the
surrounding environment. I usually use indica when listening to music and after work to release

The second person added more of his marijuana using situations besides hanging out with friends:

“Sometimes I will use marijuana when there is a special occasion, such as when I have some
achievements. Marijuana also helps me to be focused on handling my tasks, but I must set my
objectives first. Also, when I am alone, I use marijuana when listening to music, and I feel that I can
sleep better after that.”

The third participant tends to be the most highly marijuana user, as he uses it in daily activities,
when being alone, or even on trips. He stated that:

“I use marijuana in almost every kind of activities, even when I interact with people. Mostly I will use
it when I am with my friends and when going on trips, with the frequencies tend to rise. Now, I have
been using marijuana 3 or 4 days per week. Compared to one year ago, the frequency was much
higher, when I used to use marijuana multiple times per day.”

Research Question 3: What are your experiences when using marijuana (First time included, if

The experiences when using marijuana of each participant are distinctive and similar at the same
time. They mostly feel energetic and talkative when using Sativa, more focused and solely when
using Indica. The first participant stated the expericences of each type:

“When I use Sativa, I tend to laugh and talk more, probably due to the release of Dopamine in my
body. I can speak things that I did not consider carefully. In general, Sativa encourages social
activities. But it will last only before Serotonin makes me concentrated and calm again, as Serotonin
is a counter hormone to Dopamine. Indica, on the other hand, makes me feel stagnant. I really do
not to do anything until Nicotine is dissolved. Also, it makes me more conscious than Sativa, and my
emotions are strongly stimulated. Indica can also make me feel stress relieved.”

The second participant stated that his experiences when using marijuana is quite similar to his first
exposure. However, he can control his feelings. He also discussed his distinctive experiences of
Sativa and Indica:

“I use Sativa when I need to think about something. Sativa usually makes my mouth muscles raised,
and I tend to laugh more. Under Sativa usage, my mind is opened to absorb more information, but
they are not connected to each other. My body is energetic, but I get hungry faster. As it come to the
next day, I feel a little bit exhausted. Indica is favorable to me when I want to be alone, just listening
to music and reading books. After using Indica, I can sleep better, and will not get exhausted the next
day. If I use both types, I could have a whole different experience. My eyelids close a little, and when
I go to sleep, it is harder to get out of bed”.

The third participant discussed his experience when using marijuana as “the increase in detail of

“When I use marijuana, I sense that the meal that I am dinning at the moments is much better, the
taste is remarkable. I think I can imagine how the meal was cooked. Moreover, when I listen to
music, the song becomes special. I can hear every instrument used in that song, and I can feel the
vibe that the author had when composing the song.”

In addition, he uses marijuana when he is free, or when he meets some problems that he had not
figured out the solutions. He stated that marijuana help him to think more deeply, and less being
affected by the surrounding environment.

Research Question 4: What are the effects of using marijuana on you?

After a long period of time using marijuana, all the participants carried both good and negative
aspects result from it. Sore throat, light shaky hands slower brain processing are the common results
of marijuana. However, its positive effect in giving comfort and encouraging social interactions was
also mentioned.

The first person discussed in detail the negative effects of marijuana to his body in the long run and
short run:

“In the short term, marijuana makes me talk and laugh more. Marijuana, in general, makes me
comfortable. However, if I could not release my energy, my body tends to feel tired. In the long run,
my body gets used to Dopamine. My thoughts are narrow, and I can not think deeply as I used to.
After a short time stopped using marijuana, my cognitive ability tends to recover. In addition, my
respiratory system seems weaker. After quitting marijuana for 3 or 4 days, my breath is deep again,
which I also support by doing exercises.

However, marijuana is, to some extent, benefits him. He mentioned that it makes him temporarily
forget about his problems, which makes him calm and be able to figure out solutions later.
Furthermore, he said that marijuana is treated as an entertaining method, but it results in addiction.
Additionally, using marijuana makes his body release hazardous matter more strongly.

The second person, who is also using tobacco and pipe tobacco, give additions to the negative
effects by stating that he experienced reduction of concentration, hardness in stabilizing breath, and
inability to think deeply when using marijuana intensively.
The third participant, who had been using tobacco and marijuana intensively, discussed the
dependence on marijuana, as he felt miserable without it. In addition, he tended to bite his nail
more when he was not smoking weed.

However, he compared marijuana to beer and wine, and make an assertion that marijuana is less

“According to scientific research, marijuana damages the body less than alcoholic beverages. Also,
the level of addiction of marijuana is lower, and less causing dependence, compared to those

Finally, all participants asserted that marijuana could cause them to lose some relationships, as they
often get discriminated against by other people. However, no one tends to be discomforted. They all
treated those lost relationship as “redundant”. The third participant even addressed the reason
behind this is due to his “actively isolation from non-smoking people” since he is afraid of
discomforting others.

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