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DOI: 10.1111/prd.



Maintenance therapy for teeth and implants

Andrea Mombelli
Division of Periodontology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Andrea Mombelli, Division of Periodontology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.

cumulative interceptive supportive therapy, implant maintenance, long-term results, maintenance guidelines, mechanical instrumentation,
patient role, periodontal maintenance, risk factors, supportive therapy

1 | INTRODUCTION Maintenance after completion of active periodontal therapy and

after dental implant therapy has three components (Figure 1):
Prophylaxis aims at disease prevention, as opposed to therapy.
Primary prevention involves promotion of health and protection from • Measures taken by the patient: personal oral hygiene; avoidance
risk; secondary prevention includes procedures to identify and of environmental risks, such as tobacco smoke; and management
eliminate early stages of disease; and tertiary prevention addresses of systemic diseases, such as diabetes.
the damage caused by disease and aims to maintain or improve the • Preventive procedures carried out by a dental health-care profes-
residual function. In this chapter of Periodontology 2000 we focus on sional: removal of supragingival deposits and polishing; elimination of
preventive measures taken either after completion of active peri- plaque-retention factors, such as defective or ill-fitting restorations.
odontal therapy or after dental implant therapy. In these situations, • “Supportive periodontal therapy” sensu strictu: interventions
health, disease, and disability are states that are not always clearly addressing the cause, the physiopathological mechanisms, or the
discernible. As they depend on definitions of what constitutes dis- sequelae of recurrent or residual disease, such as subgingival bio-
ease, it is difficult to differentiate true prophylaxis from treatment of film, inflammation, or tooth movement and mobility.
persisting or recurrent disease, hence the term “maintenance ther-
apy.” This discrimination may seem without practical consequence
but it is relevant when discussing the cost efficiency of preventive
health‐care measures. Contrary to common belief, for some diseases
it is actually more efficient to wait for symptoms rather than to act
preventively. For example, it has been reported that expenditure on
Five lines of evidence indicate that bacterial biofilms on the surfaces
medications and dietary interventions to decrease high blood‐choles-
of teeth and implants play a predominant role in the development
terol levels exceeds the costs of treating heart disease: primary pre-
and progression of periodontitis and peri‐implantitis4-6:
vention had a favorable cost‐effectiveness ratio only in subgroups
with specific risk patterns.1,2 In the context of this review, one may • Experiments in humans showed that the accumulation of bacterial
ask: “How does enforcement of zero dental plaque tolerance com- plaque on teeth and implants over several days caused inflamma-
pare to maintenance focusing on pockets > 4 mm with bleeding or tion in the adjacent gingiva (“experimental gingivitis,” originally
suppuration after probing?” Generally speaking, the measures most described by Löe et al7) and peri-implant mucosa.8,9
worth exploring and investing in are those that promise substantial • Cross-sectional observations revealed distinct quantitative and
health benefits at a reasonable cost to a sizeable part of the popula- qualitative differences in the microbiota associated with healthy
tion.3 At an individual level, however, primary prevention can be per- and diseased periodontal or peri-implant tissues.10-12
ceived as an investment in quality of life. In addition, maintenance • In animal experiments, the subgingival placement of ligatures
care after extensive periodontal and implant therapy may have a bet- around teeth and implants induced shifts in the composition of
ter cost‐effectiveness ratio than primary prevention because of the the local microbiota and was followed by destruction of periodon-
presence of specific risks. tal and peri-implant tissue.13-15

190 | © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Periodontology 2000. 2019;79:190–199.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Maintenance care

Preventive measures Preventive procedures “Supportive periodontal
taken by the patient carried out by a dental therapy” sensu strictu
health-care professional

Personal oral hygiene Removal of supragingival Interventions addressing the

deposits and polishing cause, the physiopathological
Avoidance of environmental mechanisms, or the sequelae of
F I G U R E 1 The three components of risks, such as tobacco smoke Elimination of plaque-retention recurrent or residual disease,
maintenance after completion of active factors, such as defective or ill- such as subgingival biofilm,
periodontal therapy and after dental Management of systemic fitting restorations inflammation, tooth mobility
diseases, such as diabetes
implant therapy

• Interventional studies in patients with periodontitis or peri-implan- tissues.36 Alternatively, changes in the local environment may induce
titis showed beneficial effects of mechanical biofilm removal and reactions in the host tissues, which, in turn, may induce changes in
enhanced outcomes after therapy with adjunctive antibiotics.16-19 the microbiota. The mixed anaerobic infections arising after place-
• Long-term observations after periodontal therapy indicated that ment of subgingival ligatures around teeth or dental implants,13-15 or
poor outcomes were often associated with the presence of large in the presence of excess luting cement on submucosal implant sur-
amounts of plaque. faces,37,38 can be attenuated with antimicrobial agents. However,
stopping the destructive pathological process in tissue requires the
Based on this evidence, the following requirements for periodon- foreign body to be removed. As a consequence, the differential diag-
tal and implant maintenance are suggested6: nosis of primary or recurrent periodontal and peri‐implant infections
must include the search for a possible underlying trigger, even if sup-
• Avoid accumulation of large quantities of bacteria, on teeth and puration or a microbiological test positive for anaerobic bacteria sug-
implants, to prevent inflammation of gingiva and peri-implant gest a bacterial cause.39
mucosa. Possible risk factors for periodontal diseases have been studied
• Eliminate or control local ecological factors, which favor the extensively. For a recent summary on modifiable risk factors in peri-
growth of potentially pathogenic microorganisms around teeth odontitis, the reader is referred to volume 64, 2014, of Periodontol-
and implants. ogy 2000. The list comprises (but is not limited to) smoking,
• Remove bacterial deposits on teeth and implants - a crucial step diabetes, stress, and socioeconomic status. The strength of evidence
in the therapy of periodontal and peri-implant infections. to recommend intervention as part of periodontal therapy and main-
tenance to control such factors is variable. An in‐depth discussion
Although the primary etiologic role of bacteria is broadly goes beyond the scope of this chapter. The best evidence exists for
accepted, it has become clear, in recent years, that the tissue smoking. It includes multifactorial analyses identifying smoking as an
destruction seen in periodontitis, and possibly also in peri‐implantitis, independent risk for periodontal attachment loss in a dose‐depen-
can be attributed largely to dysregulation of inflammatory pathways dent manner,40,41 longitudinal studies demonstrating a temporal
and inadequate immune responses to the presence of bacteria.25-27 sequence from exposure to disease,42,43 intervention studies show-
These responses, and their consequences, may be quite variable ing differential outcomes of periodontal treatment according to
among individuals over time, and even from site to site within one smoking status,44-47 evidence of a positive influence of smoking ces-
person. It has been reported that in monozygotic and dizygotic sation on periodontitis occurrence and periodontal healing,48 and
twins reared together, approximately half of the phenotypic variabil- long‐term follow‐ups showing a higher risk for disease recurrence in
ity of adult periodontal disease can be attributed to hereditary fac- smokers.22,23,49 In a systematic review,50 smoking, age, and initial
tors.32 Nevertheless, research has not been able to identify distinct prognosis of a tooth were found to be associated with tooth loss
genetic factors with a strong and reproducible effect on susceptibil- during long‐term periodontal maintenance. Possible risk factors for
ity to periodontitis33 or peri‐implantitis.34 biologic complications of dental implants have also been evaluated.
Changes in local ecological conditions may trigger the expression Tobacco smoking and a history of periodontitis were associated with
of virulence factors35 or promote shifts in the composition of the a higher prevalence of peri‐implantitis51 and increased risk for
endogenous microbiota that may become intolerable for host implant failure.52,53

3 | GENERAL EVIDENCE FOR BENEFITS OF treated nonsurgically, surgically, and with systemic metronidazole
MAINTENANCE CARE and amoxicillin for 7 days. Six months after the end of active ther-
apy, the mean number of residual pockets > 4 mm with bleeding on
Studies carried out in the 1980s have convincingly demonstrated probing was 3 per patient. In another cohort of 172 patients,79 on
that long‐term stability after periodontal therapy is possible if average 4 residual pockets > 4 mm were counted per patient upon
patients practice good oral hygiene and are included in a regular completion of active periodontal therapy. Longitudinal microbiologi-
maintenance care program.21,54-63 Conversely, studies from that era cal monitoring of treated sites showed that basically the same
also demonstrated that without efficient oral hygiene and without microorganisms that were present before therapy would again be
maintenance care the beneficial effects of various periodontal thera- found after therapy if no measures were taken to inhibit the forma-
pies would disappear.20,64-68 The impact of patient compliance on tion and maturation of a new biofilm. Dark‐field microscopy was
tooth loss during supportive periodontal therapy has been confirmed used in a classical study to demonstrate this after nonsurgical
recently by a systematic review and meta‐analysis. mechanical treatment.80 If no measures of prevention were taken,
The type and frequency of maintenance care may influence the large numbers of spirochetes and motile rods reemerged within 4‐
incidence and severity of recurrent periodontal disease and biologic 8 weeks. Conversely, in patients rinsing twice daily with a 0.2%
complications of dental implants. Forty‐three patients with solution of chlorhexidine, and receiving professional tooth cleaning
advanced periodontal disease were informed about the importance once every 2 weeks, a sustained, pronounced reduction in the
of plaque in the etiology of periodontal disease. After surgical motile segment of the subgingival microbiota was achieved. In
treatment they were re‐examined every 6 months, but no profes- another study,81 the composition of the subgingival microbiota was
sional maintenance care was provided. The clinical and radiographic similar to that of periodontally healthy sites 1 week after scaling
outcomes after 4 years suggested that good oral hygiene was more and root planing, the first signs of a shift toward pretreatment con-
70 63
important than regular professional intervention. One study ditions were noticed after 3 weeks, and no differences from pre-
showed that a rigorous recall program during the first 6 months treatment levels could be seen after 3 months. In a more recent
after therapy, with visits every 2 or 4 weeks, followed by mainte- study,82 dynamic changes in the subgingival microbiome were inves-
nance care at 3‐month intervals, gave better clinical outcomes than tigated using metagenomic shotgun sequencing in patients with peri-
the 3‐month maintenance program only. Another study showed odontitis, before and after treatment. Follow‐up clinical examination
that patients included in a recall program with 2‐month intervals of previously sampled sites supported the predictive power of the
between visits for 2 years and 3‐month intervals thereafter, had microbiome profile on disease progression.
clearly better periodontal conditions at 6 years than patients sent As an interpretation of these findings, one may conclude that
back to the referring dentists for maintenance care. Regarding regular prophylactic measures are required to maintain the microbio-
dental implants, as the evolution from peri‐implant mucositis to logical state achieved by periodontal therapy. Personal oral‐hygiene
peri‐implantitis may be gradual, maintenance therapy has the poten- procedures interfere with formation of supragingival biofilm and
tial to intercept infection before the bone has been damaged address the issue of recontamination of treated sites with microor-
extensively. In fact, patients who were included in maintenance ganisms from the oral environment. These procedures have, how-
care programs in several long‐term studies72-75 showed occasional ever, only limited effects on bacteria that have either regained
symptoms of peri‐implant mucositis or early peri‐implantitis. Minor access to the subgingival area or that were never completely
problems were addressed with simple, nonsurgical interventions. In removed from there.83-86 Thus, interventions to interfere with bio-
these patients, advanced peri‐implantitis was a very rare outcome. film formation in the subgingival area may be necessary at intervals
In another study with an 11% prevalence of peri‐implantitis at the of a few weeks to prevent recurrence of disease in residual pockets.
subject level,76 peri‐implant disease was never diagnosed in non- Repetitive scaling and root planing with steel instruments may
smoking patients without a history of periodontitis and with good induce substantial loss of tooth substance with time.87,88 It is there-
compliance. A recent analysis of 13 studies reporting the incidence/ fore vital to explore and evaluate mechanical and nonmechanical
prevalence of biologic complications and the practice of aftercare alternatives that are less aggressive than use of steel instruments,
showed a significant effect of the interval of maintenance on the yet efficient enough to remove the nonmineralized subgingival bac-
incidence of peri‐implantitis.77 terial deposits that grow between 2 maintenance visits. In this con-
text it is critical to distinguish between prophylaxis in the sense of
biofilm control, supportive therapy addressing “refractory” disease
4 | MAINTENANCE AND THE RESIDUAL caused by the persistence of hard and firmly attached residues (such
POCKET as calculus) that transform tooth or implant surfaces into foreign
bodies, or recurrent infection resulting from the presence of virulent
Even after the best clinically possible suppression of the pocket pathogens. The local application of an antibiotic is inappropriate as a
microbiota, not all deep lesions transform predictably into a sulcus prophylactic procedure and cannot permanently cure a situation
with physiological probing depth. For example, in a randomized clini- complicated by a foreign body reaction; however, it may be an
cal trial,78 80 patients with moderate‐to‐advanced periodontitis were option for treating a contained infection.

5 | THE ART OF DOSING MAINTENANCE Following therapy, the value of microbiological tests on the
pocket microbiota to predict stability during maintenance is unclear.
Prophylaxis carries the risk of overtreatment. In primary prevention, Some studies suggest that the subgingival presence of putative
treatment is given to healthy persons, but not all would develop the pathogens, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, might indicate an
disease if left untreated. In the future, a personalized medicine increased risk for future alveolar bone loss.96 The levels of such bac-
approach using genetic and other biologic data, together with teria in subgingival plaque samples, however, correlate with easily
anamnestic information, may help to tailor preventive care to peo- measurable clinical parameters, especially probing depth and bleeding
ple's individual risks and to modify protocols as hazards change. The on probing,97 and the attributed risks may essentially represent the
evidence currently available suggests that this approach is promising. risk of having a residual pocket. A longitudinal study showed a lim-
However, present knowledge is largely insufficient to make precise ited potential of microbiological tests, performed after nonsurgical
clinical recommendations; for example, how to use certain products therapy, to predict clinical outcome 6 months later, but confirmed
(and the appropriate dose) or procedures on an individual basis. the importance of good oral hygiene98: participants still showing
Multivariate analyses of data from a retrospective cohort study with multiple sites with visible plaque after the hygienic phase had an
over 5000 persons89 revealed association of tooth extraction during increased tendency for bleeding on probing 6 months after scaling
the previous 16 years with diabetes, smoking, and number of and root planing. Another study found that microbiological parame-
preventive visits, but there was no evidence that genetic tests for ters reflecting bacterial load were more indicative of a risk for dis-
polymorphisms in interleukin 1 genes had an effect on the risk for ease progression over 2 years of periodontal maintenance than the
tooth extraction. Two annual preventive visits were beneficial for all presence or absence of specific marker organisms.99
patients, regardless of the findings of genetic testing for interleukin Matrix metalloproteinases and other proteins measurable in gingival
1 polymorphisms.90 crevice fluid have been proposed as biomarkers with value for peri-
Biologic mechanisms that deal with accumulation of bacterial pla- odontal diagnosis. Associations between the levels of these enzymes
que are influenced by nonmodifiable factors and probably continue and clinical conditions have been reported.100 Longitudinal monitoring
to dysfunction after periodontal therapy. Therefore, after periodontal indicated potential for the level of matrix metalloproteinase‐8 in gingival
therapy, frequent maintenance visits may be needed to ensure long‐ crevice fluid to predict poor treatment outcomes, especially in smok-
term stability. As mentioned, a 3‐month recall interval seems to pro- ers.101 However, multiple questions remain because of high variability
vide stability after periodontal treatment in nearly all patients, while in the results obtained, issues with methods of analysis and interpreta-
intervals of more than 6 months increase the risk for disease recur- tion,102 and the absence of a cost‐benefit evaluation.
rence. Several authors have made suggestions of how to customize Clearly, more research evaluating biologic and clinical aspects,
maintenance after periodontal therapy according to risk. It has been and assessing questions of practical use and economic value, is
recommended to visualize a person's individual risk for disease recur- needed to substantiate claims of single diagnostic criteria, biomark-
rence using a spider‐chart – a graph showing 6 variables, potentially ers, or combinations of risk factors as useful tools to adapt mainte-
increasing the risk on axes, all starting from a single point in the mid- nance care to individual needs.
dle. The variables are:

• The percentage of bleeding on probing. 6 | THE MAINTENANCE PROTOCOL

• The number of residual pockets > 4 mm.
• The number of lost teeth. Diagnostic procedures in maintenance are not necessarily identical
• Loss of periodontal support in relation to the patient's age. to those of an initial examination or those of a thorough reevalua-
• Systemic and genetic conditions. tion. The time available for these assessments is limited and needs
• Environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking. to be used efficiently. Repetitive clinical assessments made during
maintenance should focus on recent change and new pathology.
Data suggesting an effect on risk for disease recurrence have been Data may concern the person as a whole, a tooth or an implant, or a
presented for each of these criteria.92 The area of the polygon formed site on a tooth or an implant. At the level of the person there should
by connecting the data values on each axis is assumed to represent be a brief reassessment of general health, medications, or other ther-
the overall risk of a person to experience disease recurrence. The rela- apy, and of the dental history since the last visit. Specific charts have
tive contribution of each factor (ie, the scale on each axis), is, however, been designed to record a restricted set of tooth‐ and site‐specific
not based on comprehensive multivariate modeling, and the nature of data. An example is shown in Figure 2. The clinician is advised to
interaction of these variables may not fit the assumption of area under pass a periodontal probe in the sulcus around each tooth and
the curve. The predictive value of the periodontal risk‐assessment implant, but to note only probing depths > 4 mm, sites that bleed
diagram area on long‐term treatment outcomes has been studied to after probing, and sites with suppuration or other signs of active dis-
some degree retrospectively.93 The effectiveness and efficacy of this ease. In addition, defective restorations and caries are noted. In
and similar aids94,95 to tailor the needs for supportive therapy on an other words, the clinician will examine all sites but will limit note‐
individual basis have not been fully established. taking to sites needing more attention than simply supragingival

cleaning. Radiographs should not be viewed as part of routine main- substance; repeated applications can cause significant damage to
tenance. The decision to request selective radiographic examinations hard tissue.87,88,107,108 Various mechanical and chemical alternatives
should be based either on a question that remains unresolved after to scraping with steel curettes have been proposed to remove bio-
the clinical examination or viewed as an integral part of a through film. Methods for disinfecting periodontal pockets include the use of
reevaluation. According to current official recommendations “dentists antimicrobial rinses, ointments, gels, and sustained drug‐release
should only order radiographs when they expect that the additional devices. Evidence for clinical benefits comes mainly from randomized
diagnostic information will affect patient care.”103 clinical trials testing a single administration adjunct against a further
Once the assessments have been completed, each of the 3 com- round of scaling and root planing. Protocols of repeated
ponents of maintenance outlined in Figure 1 should be addressed. antibacterial intervention to maintain teeth with residual pockets
Regarding the measures taken by the patient, the clinician should without extensive mechanical reinstrumentation have, however, not
discuss his findings with the patient and use this opportunity to been tested extensively. Because of the risk of inducing bacterial
motivate the patient to improve oral hygiene practices. Instructions resistance, repeated treatments with local antibiotics are not
for improvement of oral hygiene deficits should be adapted to the advisable, but other antimicrobial principles may be an option.
individual situation.104 Current evidence advocates behavior change The microbiological and clinical effects of a varnish containing 1%
counseling in the dental practice setting for smoking cessation.105 chlorhexidine and 1% thymol, applied upon completion of periodontal
Next, the clinician should remove any soft and hard deposits (plaque, therapy, were studied over 12 weeks.112 While the plaque index
calculus, and stains) from all teeth and implants. The critical part of increased significantly at sites treated with the placebo varnish, no simi-
supportive periodontal therapy sensu strictu is subgingival biofilm lar increase was observed at the test sites. Nonsignificant differences in
control in residual pockets, as discussed in the next section. Should microbiological parameters were observed between test and control
further therapy be required, for example to address caries or a sites. The benefit of repeated subgingival controlled release of
defective restoration, a subsequent appointment should be given. chlorhexidine from a gelatin chip on periodontal maintenance was stud-
Under ideal circumstances this should occur rarely. Maintenance ied in 595 persons recalled at 3‐month intervals.113 Whenever a resid-
therapy should not be confounded with continuous repair. At the ual probing depth of ≥ 5 mm was detected, a chip was placed. After 2
end of the visit a decision needs to be made regarding if the recall years, the residual pockets showed a mean decrease of 1 mm in prob-
interval should be altered or kept. Given the lack of clinical valida- ing depth, 23% of patients had at least 2 pockets showing a reduction
tion of risk‐assessment tools for programming recall intervals, as dis- in probing depth of ≥ 2 mm, and probing depth was reduced to
cussed above, the following practice is recommended: < 5 mm in 59% of sites, suggesting that repeated adjunctive application
of chlorhexidine chips may be a beneficial way in which to deal with
• Upon completion of periodontal and/or implant therapy, mainte- residual pockets in the maintenance phase.
nance care should start at a frequency of 3 months. Photodynamic therapy has been suggested as an option for the
• The stability of the situation should be evaluated continuously, therapy of periodontitis. Photodynamic therapy is based on the princi-
and the recall frequency should be adapted individually based on ple that some chemicals, such as the thiazine dye, methylene blue, can
longitudinal monitoring. If the patient has an adequate level of be activated by light of a specific wavelength to kill bacteria.114,115
plaque control and the comparison of present with past measure- The dye could be applied to the periodontal pocket with an irrigator
ments indicates stability, the interval can be prolonged up to 6 tip and irradiated with light from a laser using a light‐diffusing tip also
months by increments of 1 month from visit to visit. introduced into the periodontal pocket. Three systematic reviews116-
• In some cases a high recall frequency is needed only because of 118
evaluated the benefit of photodynamic therapy in periodontics,
the presence of a high local risk that affects a single tooth or a either as an independent mode of therapy or as an adjunct to scaling
few sites. The benefit of guarding a heavily compromised tooth and root planing. The results were nondefinitive and inconsistent
or implant in an otherwise healthy dentition should be weighed in regarding the clinical and microbiological effects. The value of photo-
comparison with alternative solutions. dynamic therapy may be greater in the context of supportive peri-
odontal therapy because, in this situation, one may assume that the
root surfaces have been scaled and planed previously, and thus the
7 | BIOFILM SUPPRESSION IN RESIDUAL presence of subgingival calculus should not be the main issue. We
POCKETS compared the benefit of photodynamic therapy with diode soft laser
therapy and thorough scaling and root planing for treatment of resid-
Scaling and root planing is a procedure used to remove bacterial ual pockets.119,120 All three treatments resulted in a significant clinical
deposits from tooth surfaces by scraping with sharp metal instru- improvement. Photodynamic therapy and conventional scaling and
ments. Initial periodontal therapy aims at removal of a combination root planing resulted in fewer persisting pockets after 6 months than
of firmly attached calculus and biofilm. Scaling and root planing is a did application of diode soft laser therapy, and yielded better microbi-
procedure with proven efficiency for this purpose.106 However, scal- ological results. The effects of photodynamic therapy, delivered either
ing and root planing is not ideal for biofilm control in supportive once or twice in a 1‐week interval after a short ultrasonic debride-
therapy because each time it is carried out it also removes tooth ment, were studied in 28 patients with residual pockets undergoing

5 5

F I G U R E 2 Chart to record a restricted set of tooth‐ and site‐specific data in the maintenance visit. The clinician passes a periodontal probe
in the sulcus around each tooth and implant, but only notes probing depths (PD) of > 4 mm, sites that bleed after probing (BOP), and sites
with suppuration or other signs of active disease

periodontal maintenance treatment.121 Probing depths were signifi- change in bone height, proposed as a success criterion in the
cantly reduced in all groups. One or two sessions of photodynamic past,124 is below the resolution of sequential conventional
therapy had an additional benefit over ultrasonic instrumentation radiographs of an individual implant and can only be estimated
alone. At month 6, none of the sites treated twice with photodynamic arithmetically. Diagnostic protocols for implant maintenance should
therapy had persisting probing depths of > 4 mm with bleeding upon include sensitive clinical assessments to detect signs of infection
probing, whereas some sites treated only once, and an even larger before a substantial part of the supporting bone is lost. The
number of sites treated with ultrasonic instrument alone, had probing distance between the soft tissue margin and a reference point on
depths of > 4 mm with bleeding upon probing. the implant (measurement of soft tissue hyperplasia or recession),
Using a specially designed nozzle that can be introduced into a peri- probing depth, the bleeding tendency, and suppuration can easily
odontal pocket, subgingival biofilm can be removed with a jet of com- be assessed using a periodontal probe. It is, however, unclear
pressed air containing a lightly abrasive powder. “Subgingival whether bleeding on peri‐implant probing as a single observation
air‐polishing” with glycine powder was tested for the first time in 50 indicates an increased risk for peri‐implantitis. A high frequency of
patients with residual pockets in an examiner masked, randomized split bleeding on probing, and a disproportionately low incidence of
mouth clinical trial. The treatment was well tolerated and appeared to clinically manifested peri‐implantitis in several studies75,125-128 sug-
be safe. A randomized clinical trial of 12 months’ duration, with a 2‐ gests a high rate of false positive results. Rather than recording
arm, within‐subject parallel design, evaluated repeated subgingival air‐ the presence of blood as yes/no after having fully inserted the
polishing, using erythritol powder containing 0.3% chlorhexidine, in probe, the bleeding tendency can be assessed more subtly using
residual pockets.123 In this trial, 50 patients were monitored at an inter- the modified sulcus bleeding index (scored as follows: 0, no bleed-
val of 3 months. At months 0, 3, 6, and 9, sites presenting with a prob- ing; 1, isolated bleeding spots; 2, blood forms a confluent red line;
ing depth of > 4 mm were subjected to subgingival air‐polishing or and 3, heavy or profuse bleeding) after passing the instrument
ultrasonic debridement. Subgingival air‐polishing reduced the number along the mucosal margin.129 The progression from peri‐implant
of pockets > 4 mm to a similar degree as ultrasonic debridement but mucositis to peri‐implantitis is gradual and may be slow. There is
induced less pain. Between baseline and 12 months, no significant dif- therefore an opportunity in maintenance therapy to intercept peri‐
ferences in the frequencies (> 1000 and > 100 000 cells/mL) of six spe- implant disease early, hereby preventing substantial damage of
cies of microorganism were observed. At month 12, test sites were less peri‐implant tissues. Patients in several studies have been included
frequently positive than control sites for Aggregatibacter actinomycetem- in maintenance care programs carried out according to the
comitans at > 1000 cells/mL, and bacterial counts in test sites never method of cumulative interceptive supportive therapy.6 Based on
exceeded 100 000 cells/mL. regular assessment of the presence of plaque, probing depth,
bleeding tendency, and suppuration, peri‐implant infections were
searched for and treated as early as possible. Various clinical pro-
8 | THE SPECIFIC ISSUES OF IMPLANT tocols for prevention and treatment of peri‐implantitis have been
MAINTENANCE proposed, including mechanical debridement, the use of antiseptics,
and administration of local or systemic antibiotics. For a recent
Although the preservation of marginal bone height is considered comprehensive review the reader is referred to the publication by
crucial for implant stability, the 0.1 mm threshold for annual Heitz‐Mayfield & Mombelli.16

9 | CONCLUSIONS 14. Kornman KS, Holt SC, Robertson PB. The microbiology of ligature‐
induced periodontitis in the cynomolgus monkey. J Periodontal Res.
Studies have convincingly demonstrated that long‐term stability after
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periodontal and implant therapy is possible if patients practice good SR, Goncalves RB. Clinical and microbiological evaluation of liga-
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ular maintenance care program. Maintenance after completion of Res. 2001;12:295‐300.
16. Heitz-Mayfield LJ, Mombelli A. The therapy of peri‐implantitis: a
active periodontal therapy and after dental implant therapy has three
systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014;29
components: measures taken by the patient; preventive measures (Suppl):325‐345.
taken by a dental health‐care professional; and supportive therapy 17. Sgolastra F, Gatto R, Petrucci A, Monaco A. Effectiveness of sys-
addressing the cause or sequelae of recurrent or residual disease. temic amoxicillin/metronidazole as adjunctive therapy to scaling
and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a sys-
Subgingival bacterial deposits may not mineralize between two main-
tematic review and meta‐analysis. J Periodontol. 2012;83:1257‐
tenance visits to form calculus; therefore methods less aggressive 1269.
than scaling and root planing may be more appropriate for residual 18. Sgolastra F, Petrucci A, Gatto R, Monaco A. Effectiveness of sys-
pockets. Repetitive clinical assessments made during maintenance temic amoxicillin/metronidazole as an adjunctive therapy to full‐
mouth scaling and root planing in the treatment of aggressive peri-
should focus on recent change and new pathology. Given the lack of
odontitis: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. J Periodontol.
clinical validation of risk‐assessment tools for programming recall
intervals, the stability of the situation should be evaluated continu- 19. Zandbergen D, Slot DE, Cobb CM, Van der Weijden FA. The clinical
ously, and the recall frequency should be adapted to individual effect of scaling and root planing and the concomitant administra-
patients based on longitudinal monitoring. tion of systemic amoxicillin and metronidazole: a systematic review.
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