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December 19, 2022

RE: Letter of recommendation for Kuduret Tabaldiev

To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to show my full support for Kuduret Tabaldiev`s application of Masters in Anglo-
American studies. I tutored him in Linguistics during his undergraduate studies. My experience
with him has been amazing, leading me to back him as an ideal candidate for the program. I am
convinced without doubt that Kuduret would be a great fit for your program if you let him.
Kuduret has been my student for the past 4 years, and the more I look through the stated
requirements for this masters program, the more I am convinced that he is the student you need
in your university. During my time as his teacher, he was one of the top students in my class,
excelling both in courses and extracurricular activities too.  
He showed unmatched enthusiasm and passion, while showing excellent team bonding skills,
leadership abilities, resilience, critical thinking and determination. Kuduret`s academic track
record has always been outstanding and so has his personality.
Besides his brilliance and ability to assist others in solving complex problems, Kuduret is
someone who has always wanted more. Whether it was in signing up for clubs, assisting with
projects, or juggling internships with his studies.
Without regrets, I endorse and recommend Kuduret Tabaldiev to secure a spot with a team of
your other talented students. His academic excellence will be a wonderful addition to your
program. If he is going to change the world someday, I hope he gets a shot.
Best Regards,

Zhamila K.K
Head of department of Linguistics at International Kuwait University
+996706 660 047

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