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TOPIC: Development and improved life quality often happens in big cities

but not in rural areas. What problems can happen as a result of this? How can this
be changed? Give answers and explanations

Advancement and higher standards of living often take place in metropolitan

cities rather than in the countryside. What issues can stem from this situation? How
can this be addressed? The answers will be provided in the following essay.

Rural regions are where most agricultural activities take place, thus, if there
is not enough progression in those regions, the agriculture sector will suffer.
Accordingly, the world will witness a considerable rise in food cost while
simultaneously dealing with lack of food supplies which in turn baffles the
development of urban areas. For instance, recently in Viet Nam, food prices have
gone up significantly, leaving many people with fewer choices to make when
preparing for their daily meals. Furthermore, as the main means of living of
country dwellers – agriculture- is underdeveloped, poverty will ruin the lives of
millions and also result in great socio-economic gaps.

However, there is a viable solution to this pressing issue. With a view to

balancing the development in cities and in towns, authorities must provide
financial support and sufficient workforce for the rural areas. In fact, a remarkable
proportion of people will move to the countryside if it is well-facilitated and
consequently, more individuals will contribute to enhance agricultural growth as
well as providing enough food for the ever-increasing population in metropolitan
cities. To illustrate, a large sum of money has been spent on improving the
countryside’s infrastructure in certain parts of the world, which has created
numerous agricultural jobs and therefore limit fluctuations in food prices,
especially those of urban regions.

In conclusion, lacking the agricultural support from the countryside and

creating social segregation are two foreseeable consequences of development
inequality between different settlements which pose a huge threat to the betterment
of society. Despite this, things can be solved if governments take proper action for
long-term sustainability of mankind.

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