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2017 Calendar Challenges

L.I. I can problem solve using a calendar and my knowledge of time.

S.C. Count forwards and backwards in full week intervals
Answer with words and clear sentences as appropriate.

1. On which day of the week will the following special days take place in 2017?
a. Burns Night
b. Valentine’s Day
c. Hallowe’en
d. Guy Fawkes Night
e. St. Andrew’s Day
f. Christmas Eve
2. How many (and which) months in 2017 have five Sundays?
3. Many adults get paid their monthly salary on the last Thursday of each month.
Between which months will they have to make their money last for 5 weeks instead of
the usual 4?
4. The clocks go forward early in the morning of the last Sunday in March. They are put
back early in the morning of the last Sunday in October.
a. What date will they go forward?
b. What date will they be put back?
c. How many weeks of British Summer Time will there be in between?
5. The school Easter holidays are always the first two full weeks in April, regardless of
when Easter actually is. What will be the last normal day of school before we break up
for that holiday?
6. The beginning of Advent is the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Which date will it fall
on in 2017?
7. Which pairs of months have the same days as one another this year? For example,
there’s a Friday 13th happening in January but also in another month.
8. Why would your answers to Q6 have been different in 2016?
9. After this coming year’s Christmas holidays, school will return on the second Monday
of January 2018. What will the date be then?
10.On which day of the week will Valentine’s Day be in 2018?
11.There is a full moon every 29¾ days. In Scotland the first full moon of 2017 occurs at
22.00 on 18th January.
a. Make a list of the dates and times the rest of the full moons will occur.
b. Put an asterisk (*) next to the ones we probably won’t be able to see and explain
your reason for this.
12.Wow! You made it this far! Have a really hard question: Which day of the week shall
it be the next time there is a leap day?

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