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To study the earth's magnetic field using a compass needle-bar magnet by plotting

magnetic field lines and tangent galvanometer is explained below:

To study the earth's magnetic field using a compass needle and bar magnet, you must
first set up your equipment.
This would involve placing the bar magnet on a flat, stable surface and attaching
the compass needle. The compass needle should be able to move freely and align with
the earth's magnetic field.
Next, you would need to plot the magnetic field lines. This can be done by slowly
moving the compass needle around the bar magnet and recording its position at
regular intervals.
The resulting plotted points will form a pattern of magnetic field lines, which can
be used to visualize the strength and direction of the magnetic field.
To measure the magnitude of the magnetic field, you can use a tangent galvanometer.
This device measures the deflection of a needle in response to a magnetic field.
By placing the tangent galvanometer near the bar magnet and measuring the
deflection of its needle, you can determine the strength of the earth's magnetic
field in that location.
Overall, studying the earth's magnetic field using a compass needle and bar magnet
involves visualizing the magnetic field lines and measuring the strength of the
field using a tangent galvanometer.

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