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VOCABULARY (general) for Feb exams

Elija el sinónimo más apropiado:

F19 1. suggest = ___
a. advise b ignore c. select

F18 2. following = ____.

a. one b. first c. next d. last

F18 3. feeling = ____.

a. answer b. help c. emotion d. reason

F18 4. choose = ____.

a. have b. ignore c. select d. boost

Elija la opción que completa la oración de forma correcta:

F18 5. If a story is ____ you can say that it is not real.
a. old b. scary c. fake d. famous

F18 6. We can say “___” when something is extraordinary.

a. ugly b. remarkable c. limited d. usual

F18 7. Saying that something is odd is the same as saying that it is ____.
a. far b. mean c. fun d. strange

Elija la opción que completa los siguientes opuestos:

F17 8. He is quiet and she is ___.
+ 18 a. sad b. boring c. noisy d. slow

F17 9. She’s got blonde hair and he’s got ___ hair.
a. thin b. long c. dark d. short

F17 10. He is fast and she is ___.

a. noisy b. slow c. happy d. interesting

Elija la opción que no encaja en este grupo de palabras:

17 11. a. breakfast b. lunch c. forecast d. dinner

17 12. a. onion b. chicken c. meat d. fish

Elija la opción que completa la oración de forma correcta:

17 13. If it is cloudy it cannot be ___.
a. warm b. rainy c. cold d. sunny

17 14. The Nile is a ___.

a. lake b. sea c. hill d. river

17 15. I am not happy with the meal. I’m going to ___.

a. enjoy b. complain c. take d. talk
Q – Vocabulary (general) for February exams
17 16. Do not touch that door. It is very ___.
a. dirty b. open c. interesting d. easy

17 17. In the summer it is ___ in Morocco.

a. hot b. cloudy c. snowy d. rainy

17 18. Liam is not answering the phone. I am ___

a. relaxed b. excited c. worried d. great

17 19. If is snowy it cannot be ___.

a. -- b. cloudy c. sunny d. warm

17 20. I am ___ that we are going on this trip together.

a. exciting b. nice c. happy d. interesting

17 21. When it is ___ the roads are dangerous and children can fall.
a. snowy b. sunny c. warm d. summer

17 22. Mary has not come to work today. Her boss is:
a. relaxed b. angry c. scared d. satisfied

17 23. ¿Qué medio de transporte NO se usa en la calle?

a. lorry b. car c. underground d. taxi

17 24. Which part of the body do you use the most for chatting?
a. mouth b. toes c. eyes d. hair


1. A 6. B 11. C 16. A 21. A

2. C 7. D 12. A 17. A 22. B
3. C 8. C 13. D 18. C 23. C
4. C 9. C 14. D 19. D 24. A
5. C 10. B 15. B 20. C

Q – Vocabulary (general) for February exams

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