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So first off your gonna go to then find the correct Crest 3D
whitestrips you want.

So I choose: Crest 3D White Strips Advanced Seal Professional Effects <-- LONG NAME

We are going to be sending two emails but you can use the same excuse + same info.

1) first go to
2) Fill everything out except the production code (its the Lot Number if you want I
can give you that)
now for the complaint say something like "You love these strips have been using
these for a month now and this is my 2nd, 3rd box and this box was missing some
strips and 3 strips were opened. Some strips were so dry they didn't even create
any bubbles when they were put on. so far only 4 have been normal out of 8 that
were in the box."
3) Click Submit!
4) You think you done? YOU WRONG!
5) go
6) Repeat step 2-3
7) You think you done, huh?
8) OK your done.
9) in couple days you will get email saying "we are sorry for any
10) wait 7-10 business days
11a) you will receive either a coupon for free crest use at walmart or something
11b) or you get a box!
12) Enjoy the WhiteStrips!


This guide involves SE'ing crest into sending you a refund.

Program/Website you will need for this are:

Amazon Receipt Generator, or any receipt generator or template.

And A faxing website online:

1. Submit a ticket (Crest Contact us and to P&G contact page) saying that you
received your white-strips off amazon..

Send a ticket saying how you love crest (blah blah) and say that your strips were
"Dry and the packs were opened"

Act mad, say how your disappointed etc.

2. You should get an email telling you "we are very sorry" please mail us/ Fax us
the receipt and UPC code.

3. Now you go to and find a crest white-stripes product, and Make a fake
receipt using the generator (Print-screen the html file + save as PNG, then paste
it in MS WORD. And save as PDF.
(Look at the bottom of the page)

4. This is were you tell them you do not have a UPC code but you can fax in the
receipt. ( Make the PDF or DOC and attach it to the fax at

5. They will reply to you with an email stating that they received your receipt and
they will mail it to you 2-3 weeks for delivery.


-Make sure you find the exact item on amazon with exact price. The amount on the
receipt is the amount you will be refunded.

I could have SOLD this guide because, it works and you can get some nice money from
this. But I did not


IMPORTANT: after about a week or so of when you receive the box, coupon or cheque
email them back saying you never received it or you received a letter that said you
"your product will be shipped separately and should expect it within 10 days" but
its been more than that and I have still not gotten my cheque or box.
and they will ship another one :D

The cheque part is not written by me!

CREDITS GO TO: Serb (from TBN) and another unknown member (from
It is like a revised version?

Use this at your own risk, I am not responsible for your actions. This can be
labelled by some as "Fraud" or "stealing"


zweemama said it could be posted here.

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