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BSBLDR602: Knowledge question guide (2.1 – Q2.


1- What information will you need to provide to the different stakeholders?

Objectives and Timelines

While overseeing project partners, a PM ought to initially guarantee that all partners
completely figure out a definitive objectives and expectations of the task. This could
give off an impression of being an excess or pointless move toward the cycle,
however many task directors find past the point of no return that a few partners,
particularly the people who have not been remembered for introductory gatherings or
correspondences, have a deficient or mixed-up comprehension of what the
undertaking is expected to achieve.

Undertakings and Responsibilities

In enormous associations, representatives frequently work on various ventures

simultaneously, driving them to shuffle an always changing assortment of
undertakings and expectations. Colleagues in this kind of climate need clear
portrayals of their tasks to remain focused. A strong venture the board arrangement
like Clarizen can make it more straightforward for project supervisors to dole out
errands and convey changes to broadly scattered colleagues and different partners.

Innovation and Resources

Lately, project supervisors have put expanded centre around the innovative
instruments they use to oversee project data and speak with partners. It's
memorabile’s critical that not all partners will be know all about current undertaking
the executives programming, so PMs ought to take time toward the start of each task
to inform partners regarding the instruments they will utilize. Luckily, cloud-based PM
programming like Clarizen is not difficult to get to and simple to utilize, so partners
can as a rule exploit its capacities with a base measure of preparing.


Most endeavour projects include many gatherings, starting with an underlying

opening shot gathering and finishing, months, or years after the fact, with a wrap-up
or examples learned survey. In the middle of between the two, partners in each
undertaking should be educated about which gatherings they are expected to join in,
and which they can securely skip. Each correspondence about a gathering ought to
incorporate the time, area (virtual or physical) and a short portrayal of the gathering's
motivation and targets.

Part 2
1- Explain how good leaders/ managers can develop trust-based
relationships with employees?
And why positive role modelling is important in the workplace.
Document Date: 1/01/2023 Document Version 1 Form Number: 95

Document Owner: Chief Executive Officer File Name/Location: Page 1 of 4
BSBLDR602: Knowledge question guide (2.1 – Q2.4)

When the leader builds his team, some elements need to be taken into account -
technical and behavioural competence, ease with teamwork, emotional intelligence,
among others - but the main one is built on a daily basis: the relationship of trust in
the work of the leader. led.

Trust at work is what determines the degree of freedom that an employee has to give
his opinion on a process, share his ideas about the product and question the validity
of certain actions, for example. Within a team, everyone communicates better when
there is interpersonal trust, which leads to better results, faster deliveries and
superior quality of products and services.

The efficiency of the other end also depends on trust in the work: the manager is
easier to delegate when he knows the potential, capacity and commitment of his

Pillars of trust at work

If you are a team leader and you want to strengthen the relationship of trust at work
and extract the full technical potential of each one, these pillars will help to build that
relationship. Shall we meet them?

Give the professionals control

In order for the work environment to be a productive and results-oriented place, it is

necessary for employees to fully understand the entire company and the function
they perform. The importance of recruiting the profiles most adhering to the
organizational culture favours this process.

Even knowing that their productivity is monitored daily, talent should not feel
supervised or repressed, for this reason, investing in targeted training is necessary
so that the bond of trust is strengthened and the professional becomes responsible
for their actions.

Knowing that control does not take away his privacy but exposes his talents, he will
feel less invaded and more willing to express his ideas on how to optimize tasks to
improve his productivity.

Share responsibilities and benefits

A characteristic that a leader must develop and improve during his career is to build
and maintain a relationship of mutual trust with his team members, not to benefit, but
to continually improve the relationship and development of his team.

Keeping each employee updated on how important their role is for the growth of the
business and including in their career plan the responsibility to perform it with
excellence makes the team more responsible and engaged.
Document Date: 1/01/2023 Document Version 1 Form Number: 95

Document Owner: Chief Executive Officer File Name/Location: Page 2 of 4
BSBLDR602: Knowledge question guide (2.1 – Q2.4)

The relationship of trust at work is strengthened when the leader is able to delegate
functions, entrusting his team members with high-responsibility tasks, but always
being present to help if doubts arise. Another important point is to share with the
team the benefits acquired by the good performance in a given challenge, making it
very clear that the entire team is responsible for the success achieved.

The feeling of belonging that these attitudes arouse in professionals is important for
them to increasingly seek their professional growth and that of all their peers.

Use technology as an ally

Investing in technological tools to cultivate a relationship of trust at work is a strategy

that generates positive results.

Studying about applications and websites that can help the leadership to know more
about their talents and their opinions increases the amount of information obtained to
be used if the professional is unmotivated or with low performance in their activities.

Remembering that technology should be used sparingly, otherwise the employee will
feel invaded and watched, increasing the risk of cutting the relationship of trust at

Share company goals

A relationship of trust at work is based on transparent communication, for this reason

the leader must always keep his team updated on the changes and goals of the

Exposing this information increases the degree of engagement and strengthens the
productive bond, as the team aware of its share of responsibility in achieving the
goal will unite even more to achieve the proposed objective.

The leader must cherish this union and keep the organizational climate always
positive so that people feel comfortable and motivated in their work environment.

Use feedback to build trust at work

If you practice all of the above, this might be the easiest. Creating a feedback culture
brings the leader closer to the followers and considerably increases the degree of
trust between the parties, however, before speaking, listen to what your employee
has to say.

Professionals who enjoy what they do need to know if they are on the right path and
a good leader must be the person who will help them along this path, so the
manager must seek to develop their activities and specialize in the art of producing

Document Date: 1/01/2023 Document Version 1 Form Number: 95

Document Owner: Chief Executive Officer File Name/Location: Page 3 of 4
BSBLDR602: Knowledge question guide (2.1 – Q2.4)

constructive feedback. The relationship of trust at work must be cultivated with

transparent communication, mutual respect and dialogue.

Good leadership is built with the desire to have and form a team capable of
developing its activities with excellence and motivated to achieve goals. The main
strategy of a company must be the development of an organizational culture capable
of including all talents in the success of the business and the leader must be the
facilitator of this process.

In this way, trust at work becomes something natural and the relationship between
company and employee rises to a partnership relationship.

Document Date: 1/01/2023 Document Version 1 Form Number: 95

Document Owner: Chief Executive Officer File Name/Location: Page 4 of 4

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