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Lesson 2-064 Study Guide

azul = blue
verde = green
marrón = brown
violeta = violet
gris = gray
colors with gender:
rosado / rosada = pink
blanco / blanca = white
negro / negra = black
rojo / roja = red
amarillo / amarilla = yellow
anaranjado / anaranjada = orange
zapatos = shoes
sandalias = sandals
zapatos deportivos /tenis = tennis shoes
zapatos de amarrar = lace up shoes
cordones = laces
zapatos de tacón alto =
high-heels / hig heeled shoes
tacón = heel
Translate the sentences:
1. The pants are green.
2. The jacket is blue.
3. The gloves are yellow.
4. My boots are red.
5. Your socks are black.
6. Her dress is pink.
7. Their saldals are white.
8. His blouse is violet.
9. Our shoes are gray.
10. My laces are red.

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