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Ok ok... Now I have to be calm. Yes! Be calm, it's not a big deal.

I'll go and say:

"Can I just ask you something?
Now, I’m not trying to argue with you okay? I’m not trying to fight but…when you go
to take a leak in the toilet bowl,
do you miss on purpose??" Yeah it's not "mean" at all. I have to do this because I
really don't wanna see any piss
all over the floor. I’m constantly cleaning up his little pee pee puddles. So, I
guess everyone can imagine WHY I am
asking this question cause if he was cleaning MY pee pee puddles, he probably would
fly off the handle, mad at me.

Well, he can do me a favor, and AIM better. How difficult can it be to aim at the
toilet? What? Sometimes it shoots
out in different directions? Well if he know this than why does he leave it up to
me to clean it up?Even a tiny drip is
incomprehensible, let alone two inch circular puddles. And in case he hasn’t
realized this, urine tends to smell, especially
after it dries because it lingers.

Woah..talking to myself helped me. Now I have to talk to him to help the poor
toilet floor.

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