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Resume Management System

Version 1.0.0

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1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 System Summary Guide .................................................................................................... 4
3.0 System Detail Guide .......................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Admin Login ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Dashboard........................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Template List ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Template Create ............................................................................................................... 11 Type List ............................................................................................................................ 17
3.3.2 Template View..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.3.3 Template Edit ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.3.4 Template Delete ............................................................................................................... 35
3.3.5 Template Search ............................................................................................................... 38
3.4 Applicant List .................................................................................................................... 53
3.4.1 Search Template Detail .................................................................................................... 53
3.4.2 Status Change For Applicants .......................................................................................... 55
3.4.3 Search Applicant ............................................................................................................... 57
3.4.4 Applicant View.................................................................................................................. 60
3.4.5 Applicant File Download .................................................................................................. 61
3.4.6 Excel Download ................................................................................................................ 62
3.4.7 Applicant Delete ............................................................................................................... 63
3.5 Logout ............................................................................................................................... 65
3.6 User Login ......................................................................................................................... 66
3.6.1 Login with Verification Code ............................................................................................ 67
3.7 User Applicant Form ......................................................................................................... 68
3.7.1 User Create ....................................................................................................................... 68
3.7.2 User Update ...................................................................................................................... 70

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1.0 Introduction
Welcome to our Resume Management System. This user guide is designed to provide
documentation for people who will use our System on a day –to –day basis.
 Cloud services provided by Brycen Myanmar Co., Ltd
 Can quickly and easily create resume form, manage templates in template
dashboard and provides shareable interactive form link to applicants to get
information and then manage applicants in applicant dashboard.
 Easy to read individual request form lists. Intuitive you interface and experience
 Can offer “Customization” to our customers in order to meet their company’s
rules and policy.
 If there is any requirement in use of Resume Management System App, please
contact us to +959 44262 9736, 959 2690 17869, 959 4599 43645 within office
hour Mon to Fri 9:00 ~ 17:00.

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2.0 System Summary Guide
 Admin Login –Login with admin account
 Dashboard– To check statistics of applicants in each state of the interview process and
the total number of active templates.
 Template List
 Template Create – To create new resume template
 Type List – Describe all types for creating template
 Template View – To view the details of each template
 Template Edit – To edit template content
 Template Delete – To delete the whole template
 Template Search – To search template in the template list
 Applicant List
 Search Template Detail- To see all created template forms in a list
 Status Change- To change applicant's status.
 Search Applicant- To search applicants in different methods.
 Applicant View- To see applicant information as a PDF form.
 Applicant File Download- To download uploaded applicant file.
 Excel Download- To download applicant data as an excel file.
 Applicant Delete- To delete applicant
 User Login – Login with your email
 Login with Verification Code – you must login with passcode as your email
 User Applicant Form
 User Create– To create user information
 User Update – To update user information

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3.0 System Detail Guide
3.1 Admin Login

1. You must fill Admin User ID.

2. You must fill Password.
3. Click [Sign In] Button.
If login information is wrong, you will see the message “Login ID or Password is
If you do not fill any required field, you will see the message “Please fill Login ID! Please
fill Password!”
If login process is successful, you will reach Dashboard page of the system.

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 If your device does not open the internet and connect the internet, the system will be
loading. While Loading, you can’t login in to Resume Management System. So, you have
to need to do refresh the login page and login in again.

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3.2 Dashboard

The dashboard shows statistics of applicants in each state of the interview process and the
total number of active templates.
1. Show the number of applicants in Pending stage.
2. Show the number of applicants in Processing stage.
3. Show the number of applicants in Success stage.
4. Show the total number of active templates.
5. Show the total number of inactive template.
6. Show the total number of created template.
7. Click [Applicant List] to go to Applicant List page.
8. Click [Template List] to go to Template List page.
9. Click [Logout] to logout of this web page and you will reach to Admin Login page.

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3.3 Template List

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1. Search Template with job category.
2. Search Template with position. And can also search with job and position pair.
3. Search Template with job open date.
4. Search Template with job close date. And can also searh with open date and close
5. Searching the template with name.
6. Searching the template with active or inactive.
7. Click Copy Link, then get link to reach applicant fill form.
8. Click job open and then job open modal open. And save after fill open date and close
date then these template is open.
9. Click [Active] button, it actions to Active.
a. If the active is changed to inactive, the template will be inactive and can’t
use for User.
b. If the inactive is changed to active, the template will be active and can use
10. Click View Button, then template view modal open.
11. Click Update Button, then go to Template update page.
12. Click Delete Button, then template will delete if this template is not open date and
there are no applicants in this template.

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3.3.1 Template Create

1. Click [Template Create] sub menu. It goes to Template Create Form.

2. You must fill the Resume Title.
3. You must choose job category and position to create a resume. (Note: one job
category and position pair can accept one Resume)
4. Essential field can’t be delete and edit.

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5. Click Add More Information button to add new fields (information) for Resume.
6. You can choose open date and close date to open job this template.

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1. Click Add More Information button to add new fields (information) for Resume.
2. Show Template Create Modal Box.

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3. Click [Select Template Filed Label Type] drop down box, it shows the all kinds of Field
4. You must fill the template field label if you don’t fill template fileld label show error
message “Please fill template field label!”.
5. Click [Select Template Filed Label Type] and select one type that should match with
Template Field Label.
6. It is the require field check for the Template of each Template Field Label which is
needed must fill for Template Field Label.
7. Click [Add] button, it added to the create Template Form.
8. Click [Cancel] button, it will close the Field Information.
9. Click each [Edit] button, it will edit the each of the Field Information.
10. Click each [Delete] button, it will delete the each of the Field Information.
11. Click [Create] button, Layout choose modal open.
12. After choose one layout and then click [Apply] button, New Template will create and
show success message.
13. If the template is created with the name existing in the template list, it will show “The
Template Title is already exist”.

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Data List

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1. You must fill the Template Field Label.
2. You must select one field label type.
3. Click [+] Add Field button, then add one more Field Label.
4. Click [-] button, Reduce related Field Label.
5. All field label are required field. Show error message if you do not fill one of the field
6. Click [Add] button, then add one more field to template.
7. Click [Cancel] button, it will close the Template create modal.
8. You can on/off search condition. If on in search condition, you can search with this
field in resume management form.
9. You can on/off limit in search condition. (Note: limit in search condition can change
to on after search condition on). If on in limit, then you can search this field with
limit such as above, below, equal etc.

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Multiple Choice

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Multiple Choice with None Statement

Multiple Choice with A~Z Statement

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Multiple Choice with 1~10 Statement

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Multiple Choice with Begineer, Intermediate, Advanced Statement

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Multiple Choice with N1-N5 Statement

1. You must fill the Template Field level.

2. You must select one kind of information.
3. Click [+] Add Field button, then add one more Field Label.
4. Click [-] button, Reduce related Field Label.
5. All field labels are required field. Show error message if you do not fill one of the
field labels.
6. Click [Add] button, then add one more field to template.
7. Click [Cancel] button, it will close the Template create modal.

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8. When your fields don’t need to choose level statement. Choose the None Statement.
9. When your fields need to choose level statement that is related with A~Z statement.
Choose the A~Z Statement. You can also add level comment to know which level is
the best.
10. When your fields need to choose level statement that is related with 1~10
statement. Choose the 1~10 Statement. You can also add level comment to know
which level is the best.
11. When your fields need to choose level statement that is related with level
statement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Statement.
12. When your fields need to choose level statement that is related with N1~N5 level
statement. You can also add level comment to know which level is the best.
13. You can on/off search condition. If on in search condition, you can search with this
field in resume management form. You can on/off limit in search condition. (Note:
limit in search condition can change to on after search condition on). If on in limit,
then you can search this field with limit such as above, below, equal etc.

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Single Choice

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1. You must fill the Template Field level.
2. You must select one kind of information.
3. Click [+] Add Field button, then add one more Field Label.
4. Click [-] button, Reduce related Field Label.
5. All field labels are required field. Show error message if you do not fill one of the
field labels.
6. Click [Cancel] button, it will close the Template create modal.
7. Click [Cancel] button, it will close the Field Information.
8. Require Filed for each Field Label.

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Textbox, Comment Box, Date Time, Attach File, Number Textbox, Phone
Number Textbox, URL Textbox

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1. You must fill the Template field level.
2. You must select one kind of information.
3. Click [Add] button, then add one more field to template.
4. Click [Cancel] button, it will close the Template create modal.
5. Require Filed for each Field Label.

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3.3.2 Template View

1. Close button of View Template.

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3.3.3 Template Edit

1. You can click [Edit] button to reach Template Edit page and then, review the created
template’s information and edit content as you want.

Template Edit Page

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1. When you reach Template Edit page, you can see template’s heading fields of the
chosen template and edit them.
2. Type the template title you want to change
a. Do not allow same template title with the other templates.
3. You can edit job category.
4. You can edit the position.
5. You can edit job open date.
6. You can edit job close date.
7. You can edit or delete existing fields of selected template.
8. Add more fields when you click [Add More Information].
9. Click [Create] to save current changes in that template and then, layout modal box
will appear.

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1. Choose layout design then click update.
2. Show success message “Template Updated Successfully!”.

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3.3.4 Template Delete

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 In template list, you can delete template that you want to do.

1. Example, you want to delete Nurse Leader CV, click [Delete] button.
2. If you click [Delete] Button, the modal box will ask you to confirm that you really want
to delete or not.
3. If you click [Delete] button, Template will be deleted and show message “Data was
deleted successfully!”.
4. If you click [Cancel] button, Template will not be deleted and show the current
template list.

Fig- 3.4.3

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5. If the template you want to delete is already used by applicant or open job, you can’t
delete it.
 Delete Button will be disabled

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3.3.5 Template Search

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3.4 Applicant List
3.4.1 Search Template Detail

1. You can see all template forms that have been created in a list.
2. If you choose a template from the list, it will show heading details that template have.

3. If you choose any heading, it will show another subheading field box that can type.

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4. If the sub-heading that you chose have levels, there will be another field beside sub-
heading field.

 These Template, Heading, Sub-Heading and Level detail will make easy when admin
want to search Applicants.

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3.4.2 Status Change For Applicants

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1. First, you must choose applicant that you want to change status.
2. Click [Status] Button [Processing, Reject, Passed, Fail] at the bottom of the form that

you want to change.

3. You will see the status was changed in status column and you will also see the success
message for the StatusChange at the top.
If you change the status to the status that cannot be change, it’ll show error message
and in this message you will see what can be change to that status.
4. At the bottom of the left side, you will see User Guide for status change and for more
information that what status can change from to what status.
You can see how status change works in the User Guide For Status Change.

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3.4.3 Search Applicant
Applicants can be searched with different ways.
 According to Templates
 According to Status
 According to Headings
 According to Sub-Headings

According to Templates
1. Choose the particular template in “Template Title” dropdown box and click “Search”
2. Any applicants filled in that template will appear at the “Applicant Lists Data”.
3. If the searched template doesn’t have any applicants, system will show warning
message that “No Applicants In ’Template_Name’ Template!”.

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According to Status
1. Choose the Status you want to search from the Status dropdown box and click
“Search” Button.
2. You’ll see Applicants with the status you chose in the Applicant List Data.
3. If the Status you choose doesn’t have any applicants, system will show error
message “Your search did not match any applicants!”.

 You can also search applicants with both Template and Status.

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According to Headings

1. Choose a Template and a Heading that you want to search with.

2. According to the heading you chose, you’ll see heading datas and you can search
with it. (Example: if the heading_name is “Name” you can search applicants with
Applicant’s Name in the text box)

According to Sub-Headings
1. If the heading you choose has subheading data, you can search with Sub-Heading. (If
there are level data in the sub-heading you choose, you can also search with Level

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3.4.4 Applicant View

1. You can take a look your applicant file by clicking View button in the Applicant Lists
2. It will show your applicant information that you filled in the template as a PDF form.
3. If the applicant is already deleted, it will show error message “Data is not found!” at
the top of applicant form.

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3.4.5 Applicant File Download

1. You can download your uploaded applicant file by clicking File Download button
beside the View button.
2. If the download is successful, the success message “Successfully Downloaded!” will
appear at the top of the applicant form.
3. Your downloaded file will be saved as a ZIP file in the Downloads of your current
4. In downloaded zip file you can see all attachment files you filled. (Example: If you
added 4 attachment files in the form there’ll be 4 files in the downloaded zip file.)
5. If the applicant is already deleted, it will show error message “Data is not found!” at
the top of applicant form.

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3.4.6 Excel Download

1. Click “Excel Download” button beside the “Search” button to download your applicant
data as an excel file.
2. If your download is successful, there’ll be success message “Successfully Downloaded!”
at the top of the applicant form.
3. Your downloaded file will be saved in the Downloads file of your current browser.
4. When you open downloaded excel file, you will see your applicant data as an Excel form.
5. If your downloaded file has applicant data with different templates, excel file will show
one sheet for one template_applicant data.
6. If there was no applicant data in the form you want to download, there will be error
message “No Applicants in (Template Name) Template!” at the top of the applicant

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3.4.7 Applicant Delete

1. First you must choose an applicant that you want to delete.

2. Click [Delete] button at the bottom of the applicant form and when you click it you will
see Delete Information filed and click [Yes, delete it] to delete the applicant. If you
don’t want to delete, you can also cancel it with [Cancel] button.
3. If deleting applicant is successful, you will see the message “Successfully Delete!” at the
top of the applicant form and you won’t see that applicant in the form.
4. If the applicant you want to delete was already deleted, error message “Applicant is
already deleted!”.
5. There are some conditions for Applicant Delete Process. You can’t delete if the applicant’s
status is Processing or Success. If you delete the applicant with that status there will be error
message “Applicant with Success or Processing status cannot be deleted” at the top of the
applicant form.

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3.5 Logout

1. Click [Logout] to logout of this web page and you will reach to Admin Login page.

Admin Login Page

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3.6 User Login

1. You must fill Email

2. Click [Sign In] button.
 If your email is invalid, you will see message “Invalid email address!”
 If your email is correct, you will reach Login with verification page.

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3.6.1 Login with Verification Code

1. You must fill Passcode

2. Click [Resend] button.
 Passcode is resent enter your email.
3. Click [Submit] button.
 If your passcode is wrong, you will see the message “Please check your
passcode or email!”.
 If your passcode is correct and this template is not already filled, you will reach
the new applicant page.
 If your passcode is correct and this template is already filled, you can see the
applicant data you have already filled in that form.

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3.7 User Applicant Form
3.7.1 User Create

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 Template with Layout 3 design

1. Essential fields show.

2. Text box field can accept 255 characters. (eg- Su Su in Name field)
3. You can choose date in date field. (eg- pick 04/21/1999 in Date of Birth field)
4. You can choose one value of select box. (eg- choose Female in Gender select box field)
5. You can fill only number in number text box. (eg- fill 5 in Total Experience field)
6. You can select Skills
 If you check one checkbox or more, you must choose corresponding levels
 If you check one checkbox or more, you do not choose corresponding levels. You
will see error message “Please select skills level!”.
7. You can select file with extension .pdf,.xlsx,.doc,.docx and maximum upload file is 3
and each file size must be below 1mb. If upload other file type show error message
“This file type is not supported!”.
8. You can fill only link in URL text box field. (eg- in Profile URL field)
9. You can fill phone number in Phone Number Text box field.
10. The profile image must be jpg, jpeg and png type. If upload other file type show error
message “This file type is not supported!”.
11. You can fill up to 1500 characters in comment box field.

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12. You must fill captcha value in captcha text box. If you want to reload captch value,
click reload button. If save click with wrong captcha value, then show error message
“Captcha value Does Not Match!
13. Click [Save] button
 If you check Download Resume, pdf file download, show successfully message and
this form data is clear.
 If you do not check Download Resume, pdf file is not download, show successfully
message and this form data is clear.

 If the field name has (*), you must fill data in this field.
 If you do not fill for this field (*), you will see error messages for this fields (*).(eg-
“Please fill Name!”)

 Success Message after save.

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 Example for error messages.

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 Template for Layout 2 design

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 Template for Layout one design

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User List

1. Click sub menu (User List) of User Management. Then reach User List form.
2. You can search with User Id.
3. You can search with Name.
4. You can search with User Role.
5. Click search button after fill data, then show related user in User Data Table.

1. Show User Data in User Data Table.

2. Click [Active] button, it actions to Active
a. If the active is changed to inactive, the template will be inactive and can’t use
for User.
b. If the inactive is changed to active, the template will be active and can use
3. Click edit button, then go to user registration page.
4. Click delete button, then show success message “Data was deleted successfully!”

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Job Category Registration

1. Click Job Categories menu and then reach to Category Registration form.
2. Fill Category Name to save.
3. Click save button, then save this job category. If category name is more than 50
characters, then show error message “Category Name must be less than 50
4. Fill Category Name to search.
5. Click search button, then show related data in job category table. If there is no match
data, then show error message "JobCategory Data is not found!”

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1. Count of total job category.
2. Click edit button, then reach edit stage. After update, show success message “Data
was updated successfully!”
3. Click delete button, then delete this job category. Show success message “Data was
deleted successfully!”
4. You can choose 10,20,30,40 in dropdown to order list. If you choose 20, then one page
show total 20 data. (eg- 1-20 in first page). (Note: you can choose 20 while total count
of data is greater than 20 etc)
5. Pagination click, if you click 2 you reach to page number 2.

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Position Registration

1. Click Position Registration menu and then reach to Position Registration form.
2. Fill Position Name to save.
3. Click Save button, then save this position. If position name is more than 50 characters,
then show error message “Position Name must be less than 50 characters!”
4. Fill Position Name to search.
5. Click search button, then show related data in position table. If there is no match data,
then show error message "JobCategory Data is not found!”

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Page 68 of 72
1. Count of total position.
2. Click edit button, then reach edit stage. After update, show success message “Data
was updated successfully!”
3. Click delete button, then delete this position. Show success message “Data was
deleted successfully!”
4. You can choose 10,20,30,40 in dropdown to order list. If you choose 20, then one page
show total 20 data. (eg- 1-20 in first page). (Note: you can choose 20 while total count
of data is greater than 20 etc)
5. Pagination click, if you click 2 you reach to page number 2.

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Job and Postion

1. Select job category to save job and position pair.

2. Select position to save job and position pair.
3. Show success message after save “Data was saved successfully!”

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Page 71 of 72
1. Count of total job & position.
2. Click edit button, then reach edit stage. After update, show success message “Data
was updated successfully!”
3. Click delete button, then delete this job & position. Show success message “Data was
deleted successfully!”
4. You can choose 10,20,30,40 in dropdown to order list. If you choose 20, then one page
show total 20 data. (eg- 1-20 in first page). (Note: you can choose 20 while total count
of data is greater than 20 etc)
5. Pagination click, if you click 2 you reach to page number 2.

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