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Amazon Pink River Dolphin

The Amazon Pink River dolphin has the largest bodies and brains of any
freshwater dolphin. This dolphin is the largest and smartest out of any freshwater
species of dolphins. The fullest these dolphins can grow are around up to 9 feet
around 2.7 meters long, weighing up to 400 pounds. And can live to around the
age of 30 years old.

Dolphin Amazon River Orca Ganges River Commersion’s

Species Dolphin (Killer Whale) Dolphin Dolphin

Size 9 Feet 30 Feet 10 Feet 5.6 Feet

Weight 400 Pounds 8000 Pounds 45-135 Pounds 132 Pounds

Location Bolivia Alaska India South Georgia

Here are pictures of the dolphins in the table:

Orca Killer Whale

Commersion’s Dolphin
Ganges River Dolphin

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