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due date: 23.01.


Advances in Radiation & Medical Physics

Exercise 5

1) Draw an ultrasonic array transducer that can be used for HIFU therapy.
Add a graph of the ultrasound wave amplitude at the central axis between the
transducer and the focal spot. (Don’t forget axes titles!)

2) What is cavitation and where does it occur?

3) Describe the three different modes of operation of HIFU therapy!

4) At what frequency range is HIFU applied in humans?

5) What problem might arise when HIFU therapy shall be applied in the brain?

6) Describe with your own words the rejection method for random number generation!

7) Assume you have a random number generator that generates uniformly distributed
numbers 𝜉 ∈ [0,1]. Additionally, the probability density function of a physical
interaction in tissue is described by
𝑝(𝑥) = 𝑡𝑒 −𝑡𝑥 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑥 ∈ [0, ∞].

Take 𝑡 = 2 and assume that your random number generator has produced a random
number 𝜉 = 0.5. Sample your random 𝑥 from this 𝜉.

8) How many volatile organic compounds are humans typically exhaling?

9) Name three types of analyzing instruments for breath gas analysis!

10) Name the main components of analogue hearing aid!

11) What is the difference between analogue and a digital hearing aid? (list some
advantages of the digital one)

Z. Passand || winter semester 21/22 || 1

due date: 23.01.2022

12) Sketch a basic Laser setup and indicate the following terms:
a. “energy pump”
b. “highly reflecting mirror”
c. “semi-transparent mirror”
d. “cavity”
e. “active medium”
f. “Laser output direction”

13) What are the characteristic properties of Laser light?

14) Explain, in one sentence each, the following effects of Laser light on tissue!
a. Photo-disruption
b. Photo-ablation
c. thermal ablation
d. vaporization
e. Laser coagulation
f. Photo-chemical effects

Z. Passand || winter semester 21/22 || 2

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