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Poblacion, Lope de Vega, Northern Samar 8

1st Quarter, 1st Semester, SY 2021-2022

Sept. 27-30, 2021

Week 3

Title of the Lesson: Productivity Tools, Advance Techniques in Excel, Basic Principles of Graphics
and Layout, Elements of Design, Principles of Design, Principles of Visual
Message Design using Infographics Infographics

I. Most Essential Learning Competencies

5. Creates an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present data or
information related to specific professional tracks. (CS_ICT11-ICTPT-Ic-d-5) – Continuation
6. Evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic,
and visual message design. (CS_ICT11-ICTPT-Ie-f-6)

II. Background Information for Learners

MS O365 version of Microsoft Excel

Whether you work in the field of accounting or not, the truth

is whatever you do you should be accounted for. This is because the
resources you use cost you use expenses. Whether you become a
scientist, an engineer, a yoga instructor, a bartender, or an airline
pilot, it is important to understand how a company spends to be
able to deliver a product or service. These factors could easily be
computed using spreadsheet programs like Microsoft® Excel (Offline
mode) or Google Sheets (Cloud computing or online).

Rows and Columns

COLUMNS - identified with alphabetic headings
ROWS - identified with numeric headings
CELLS - are the intersection of rows and columns
CELL REFERENCE - also known as cell address that
identifies a cell on a worksheet
B2 and D4 are examples of cell reference

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What is a spreadsheet?
It is a software application that enables a user to save, sort and manage data in an
arranged form of rows and columns. Beyond arithmetic operations, spreadsheets provide
invaluable tools such as functions that are very useful in calculating data. As a result,
spreadsheets have become one of the widely used software programs, and MS Excel is the most
commonly used spreadsheet tool. Spreadsheets can be used to determine statistical analysis,
compute student’s grades, keep track business accounts and inventories, and manage
databases. Spreadsheets are made up of the following:

ACTIVE CELL - the currently selected cell in a spreadsheet and is indicated

by a bold outline that surrounds the cell. B5 is the active cell.
TEXTS OR LABELS - It identifies the purpose of a cell, it can be a brief
instruction, a title or caption. NUMBER DATA OR CONSTANT - a value that
doesn’t change and is directly inserted into a cell. FORMULA (mathematical
equations) – an expression that calculates the value of a cell.
MATHEMATICAL OPERATORS - MS Excel uses standard operators for
FUNCTIONS - These are pre-defined formulas that are already available in
MS Excel.
EXAMPLES of Formula:

This formula
used the SUM
function to add
the numbers

A formula always begins with an equal (=) sign

Microsoft® Excel provides an automated way of displaying any statistical data. It can be
used to automatically compute for several factors that are not easy to notice especially when
faced by a large data. Microsoft® Excel includes several arithmetic and basic functions that help
you compute faster.
With Microsoft® Excel, organizing and analyzing data much simpler through the use of
conditional functions such as COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, and SUMIF. These functions work almost
the same as Count, Average, and Sum with the exception that you can provide criteria where if it
is not met, the data is to be ignored by the formula, and therefore not the computer.
COUNTIF syntax includes range and criteria. Range is the cells involved, and criteria is
the value or label that needs to be fulfilled if the part of the range is to be counted. AVERAGE IF
and SUMIF, on the other hand, have three parts of its syntax: range, criteria, and average range.
The range and criteria work the same as COUNTIF’s syntax with the exception that it would be
averaged or summed. The average range is an optional part of the syntax. It is where the actual
range of cells that will be averaged or summed is located. If it is not specified, the range will be
used instead.

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Advance and Complex Calculations in Excel Complex
formula is the combination of more than two simple formulas.
One of the key features of excel is the ability to calculate
complex formulas. There are four basic computation uses in
excel. Namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division. When solving complex problems, Excel follows the
PEMDAS. PEMDAS is an acronym for the words: parenthesis,
exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Relative Reference
✓ All cell references are called relative references.
✓ When copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of rows and

Absolute Reference
✓ These are cell references that do not change when copied or filled.
✓ You can use an absolute reference to keep a row and/or column constant.
✓ These reference cells can be made constant by inserting $ sign in between or before the
row and column. Example:

✓ These are predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a
particular order.

✓ The parts of a function are: Equal sign Function name Argument

Function Library

IF formula in Excel
The IF function can perform a logical test and
return one value for a TRUE result, and another for
FALSE result. More than one condition can be tested
by nesting IF functions. The IF function can be
combined with logical functions like AND and OR.
Syntax: =IF(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false])
• logical_test is a value or logical expression
that can be evaluated as TRUE or FALSE.
• value_if_true (optional) is the value to return
when logical_test evaluates to TRUE.
• value_if_false (optional) is the value to return
when logical_test evaluates to FALSE.

The VLOOKUP function performs a vertical lookup by searching for a value in the first
column of a table and returning the value in the same row in the index_number position.

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The VLOOKUP function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a
Lookup/Reference Function. It can be used as a worksheet function in Excel. As a worksheet
function, the VLOOKUP function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.

Syntax: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])

1. Identify a column of cells you'd like to fill with new data. In this case, that is column D
entitled MRR.

2. Select 'Function' (Fx) > VLOOKUP and insert this formula into your highlighted cell.

3. Enter the lookup value for which you want to retrieve new data. The first criteria is
your lookup value. This is the value of your spreadsheet that has data associated with
it, which you want Excel to find and return for you. To enter it, click on the cell that
carries a value you're trying to find a match for. In our example, shown above, it's in
cell A2. You'll start migrating your new data into D2, since this cell represents the
MRR of the customer name listed in A2.

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4. Enter the table array of the spreadsheet where your desired
data is located. Next to the "table array" field, enter the range of
cells you'd like to search and the sheet where these cells are
located, using the format shown in the screenshot above. The
entry above means the data we're looking for is in a spreadsheet
titled "Pages" and can be found anywhere between column B
and column K.

5. Enter the column number of the data you want Excel to return.
Beneath the table array field, you'll enter the "column index
number" of the table array you're searching through. For
example, if you're focusing on columns B through K (notated
"B:K" when entered in the "table array" field), but the specific
values you want are in column K, you'll enter "10" in the
"column index number" field, since column K is the 10th
column from the left.

6. Enter your range lookup to find an exact or approximate match

of your lookup value.
In the given example, which concerns monthly revenue,
you want to find exact matches from the table you're searching
through. To do this, enter "FALSE" in the "range lookup" field.
This tells Excel you want to find only the exact revenue
associated with each sales contact. However, if you want Excel
to look for an approximate match instead of an exact match. To
do so, simply enter TRUE instead of FALSE in the fourth field
shown above.

7. Click 'Done' (or 'Enter') and fill your new column.

Basic Terms:
Images - An Image is a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art. Images
may be 2-dimensional, such as a photograph or screen display, or 3dimensional, such
as a statue or hologram. They may be captured by optical devices such as cameras,
mirrors, lenses, telescopes, microscopes, and natural objects and phenomena, such as
the human eye or water.
Graphics - Graphics are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas,
screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain. It can be a photograph, a
drawing, a line art, graphical representations, and typography.
Layout - The plan or design or arrangement of something laid out or arrangement of elements or
objects on a page.
Graphic design layout - It refers to the way in which we arrange the elements on a page which
makes up the content of a design. The aim of layout is both to convey the message
correctly and to present information in a logical, coherent way making the important
elements stand out. (
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Basic Principles of Graphic Design

Principles of graphic design are set of guidelines that help a design achieve effective
composition. These basic principles aid in creating balance and stability for the piece of work.

1. COLOR is used for emphasis or may elicit emotions from

viewers. Determined by its hue (name of color), intensity
(purity of the hue), and value (lightness or darkness of hue).

2. BALANCE means the equal distribution of weight. In layout,

visual weight is determined by the darkness or lightness,
thickness of lines, and size. Balance is crucial to the success
of design. There are two kinds of balance:
Symmetrical Balance. The visual weight is distributed
evenly, either vertically or horizontally. You can draw a line
straight through the middle of the design, and the visual
balance would be evenly distributed. Asymmetrical Balance. There is an artistic and different
intensity on one side of the page.

3. PROXIMITY is simply the process of ensuring related design

elements are placed together. Any unrelated items should be
spaced apart. Close proximity indicates that items are
connected or have a relationship to each other and become
one visual unit which helps to organize or give structure to a
layout (Smith, 2017). White Space is the art of nothing. It is
also known as the negative space. It is the portion of a page left unmarked: margins, gutters,
and space between columns, lines of type, graphics, figures, or objects drawn or depicted.

4. ALIGNMENT is simply the way visual elements

are arranged so that they line up in some way.
There are two basic kinds of alignment; edge
and center.

5. REPETITION. The process of repeating elements throughout a design to

give a unified look. Repetition goes with consistency of your design on font,
font size, patterns, and colors.

6. CONTRAST is the divergence of opposing elements (opposite colors

on the color wheel, or value light /
dark, or direction - horizontal /
vertical). Contrast allows us to
emphasize or highlight key elements
in your design.

Before we can produce a high-quality design project whether designing a website,

designing a tarpaulin, creating banners or logos, we need to know and follow the basic principles
and elements of design. You may ask why? Well, because people care about the way things look.
Take a look at the picture below.
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Photo Credit:
The picture above shows a good web design website. It uses the different elements on its design
properly. Not only that, the website designer also follows the rules in organizing and placing the different
elements in making website design.

The Elements of Design

The elements and principles of design are the building blocks of a successful beautiful
design. The elements of design are the things or tools that make up a design while the principles
of design are what we do to those elements. These are the materials or tools to make different
designs or Arts:
1. LINE – Lines are defined by points moving in space. It can create a
sense of movement or direction in your design. Line is can be smooth,
rough, straight, curve, broken, thick or thin.
2. SHAPE – A shape is an enclosed space, the boundaries of which are
defined by other elements of art like lines, colors, values or textures.
Shapes can be used to create patterns and draw the viewer’s attention.
3. DIRECTION – Applying motion to create the visual illusion of movement.
Use horizontal direction for calmness, stability and tranquility while
vertical direction for emotions of balance, formality and alertness.
4. SIZE (SCALE) – Size is basically the relationship of the area occupied by
one shape to that of another. Large elements means more significant
than the small one.
5. TEXTURE – Texture refers to surface appearance of an object given by
the dimensions, form, thickness, arrangement, and amount of its basic
6. COLOR – Color is light redirected off objects. It is used to create
curiosity and emotions to the viewers. It has three main characteristics:
hue (these are red, green, blue, etc.), value (lightness/ darkness), and
intensity (saturation, or amount of pigment) and temperature (warm
and cool).

The Principles of Design

These are the rules that help you organize and
place the materials to make arts or designs.
1. BALANCE – Balance in design is the state of equal
relationship. It means equal distribution of visual
weight in a design. It can be achieved by adjusting the
visual weight of each element, in terms of size, color,
textures, shapes or contrast. Balance in graphic design
provides stability and structure to a design.
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There are different kinds of balance:
a. Symmetrical balance occurs when identical weights are on
equal sides of a composition.

b. Asymmetrical balance occurs when a design have unequal

graphic weight on either side, but those unequal graphics
need to balance each other (un-evenly balanced).

c. Radial balance occurs when the design elements swirl out

from a central axis (emanating from a central point)

2. PROXIMITY – Proximity maintains a relationship between items

that go together. It helps creates organization by grouping the
same elements together or in close proximity. The elements
should be connected visually. ss_social_login

3. ALIGNMENT - Alignment refers to lining up the elements of a

design along the top, bottom, center or sides of the elements. It
allows us to create order and organization in our design. The
whole point of the alignment is that nothing in your design
should look as if it were placed there randomly.

4. REPETITION, PATTERN, AND RHYTHM - Repetition duplicates

the characteristics of similar elements to contribute to design
consistency. It strengthens a design by tying together individual
elements; pattern is a regular arrangement of alternated or
repeated elements like shapes, lines or colors; rhythm--is a
combination of elements repeated, but with variations.

5. CONTRAST – Contrast refers to the use of conflicting elements or

colors while still remaining harmonious and unified when the
artwork is viewed as a whole. It allows you to give emphasis to
key elements in your design.
Fish image from
modified by Alan R. Martinez

6. SPACE - It refers to the area that an object occupies.

Both positive and negative space should be
considered in graphic design. White space gives your
design breathing room.

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What is Infographic?
The term Information graphic or Infographic
is a photographic presentation of data and
information that use the different elements of
design to make data easily understandable at a
glance. Infographics make complex messages
become more visually appealing to the viewers.
Visual Message Design can help with
effectiveness of delivery of a message. It can lend
assistance in presenting your ideas clearly.
You can use some tools for creating
infographics found in the Internet.
1. Biteable -
2. BeFunky -
3. Visme -
4. Cacoo -
5. Snappa -
6. Canva Infographic Maker -
7. Google Chart -
8. Piktochart -
9. Infogram -
10. Mind the Graph -

Infographics stands for Information Graphics are graphic visual

representations of information, data or knowledge intended to
present information quickly and clearly. Infographics tell stories
combining text illustrations data visualizations layout. They can
improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human
visual system's ability to see patterns and trends.
Like designing for a desktop publishing whether for the web
or not, there are also important elements that should be
considered in designing an infographic.

When searching the net, you can find a lot of principles

and guidelines on how to create an infographic.
1. Thesis / Story. The subject and the main idea of your
infographic must be clear.
2. Data. Data must be well-organized and supports the
main idea.
3. Simplicity (color, style, and illustrations) You must b
able to create your own color palette, your style must be
able to attract readers so as not to make your
infographic full of text. Do not use stock photos.
4. Sources. You must cite your sources so as to give
credibility to your data.
5. Branding / Shareability. Your infographic must be
creative and innovative.

A visual message is any direct, mediated, or mental picture. Messages you see through
some type of print or screen (movie, television, or computer) medium. (
Graphic designers also use methods of visual communication in their professional practice.
Visual communication on the World Wide Web is perhaps the most important form of
communication that takes place while users are surfing the Internet.

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Principles of Visual Message Design using Infographics
1. Be unique. Be creative is one of the most important aspect of designing an effective
2. Keep it simple. Make a design easy to understand. Straight to the point and focus more on
the message.
3. Less is more. Focus on what matters. Keep your text minimal will most likely produce
more impact than a page full of words.
4. Sharing. Share it with your friends. It is the most important and effective thing to do in
making infographic.

Tutorials and trainings in Creating Infographics using Piktochart

1. Visit YouTube website. Open your favorite browser and type in in the
address bar.
2. Search Infographic Tutorials. Type in Piktochart infographic tutorials in the search bar.
3. Watch Tutorials. Select a video and start watching tutorials.

III. Directions/Instructions
1. Write your name, grade and section in all your submitted output. No name, no grade!
2. Always submit the Activity Sheets to your teacher. Write legibly and use black ink only.
3. Have your learning outputs/LAS signed by your parents or guardians for submission.
4. Be mindful with the standard rubric for scoring of your work.
5. Keep this LAS for your ready-reference. Place it all in one-brown envelop and marked
EMTECH and return all during the Portfolio Day.

IV. Activity
Please refer to Empowerment Technologies LAS – Teacher’s Copy

Rubric for Grading: Giving Advice for Good Design

5 4 3
1. Content Insightful and relevant Connections made Minimal connections
connections made through explanations, made through
through contextual inferences, and/or explanations, inferences,
explanations, inferences, examples. and/or examples.
and examples.
2. Personal Synthesizes current Minimal thought of the Lacks enough inferences,
Growth experience into future future implications of examples, personal
implications. current experience. insights and challenges,
and/or future
implications are
3. Writing Above average writing Average and/or casual Poor writing style lacking
Quality and style and logically writing style that is in standard English,
Presentation organized using sometimes unclear clarity, language used,
standard English with and/or with some errors and/or frequent errors in
minor errors in in grammar, grammar, punctuation,
grammar, punctuation, punctuation, usage, and usage, and spelling. Not
usage, and spelling. spelling. Readable and legible. Needs work.
Readable and neat. neat.
Accomplished Developing Beginning
Adjectival Rating
(15-14 points) (12-13 points) (11-10 points)

V. Guide Questions (For understanding of the topic)

1. What is Microsoft Excel?
2. What are the commonly used functions in Excel? And how it is done.
3. How does Microsoft Excel help analyze statistical data?
4. What are different principles of graphics design?
5. What are the elements and principles of design?
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6. What makes a good design?
7. What is visual message?
8. How can you apply the principles of visual message design in your specific professional
9. What makes a good infographic?

VI. Reflection
Direction: Write your short reflection on an intermediate pad paper, and use black ink
only. Write legibly and/or computerized is encourage, then attached it to your
submitted learning output for the week.

VII. Answers Key

VIII. References

Empowerment Technologies, First Edition. Rex Book Store and Innovative Training Works,
Inc., 2016.

Empowerment Technologies by Erwin Reyes Callo, Sibs Publishing House, Inc., 2018.

ADM Quarter 1-Module 3: Imaging and Design for the Online Environment First Edition,
2020. DepED Cagayan de Oro City Region X.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

School Evaluators:


Content-TVL ICT Language-TVL Illustration & Drawings

Noted by:

School Head/Principal I

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Poblacion, Lope de Vega, Northern Samar 8
1st Quarter, 1st Semester, SY 2021-2022
Week 3

Learner’s Name: ___________________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________________

A. Word Puzzle
Directions: Encircle the word.

B. Quick Quiz
Directions: Read the statement carefully. Underline the correct answer.
1. Spreadsheet are made up of the following except one:
A. Mathematical Operations B. Text or Labels C. Functions D. Celsius
2. How are columns in Excel identified?
A. With alphabetic heading C. By numeric heading
B. With cell address D. By intersection of rows and columns
3. A formula always begin with an equal (=) sign.
A. True B. False C. Undefined D. None of these
4. What are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to
inform, illustrate, or entertain?
A. Images B. Graphics C. Layout D. Infographic
5. How many kinds of balance there is in the principles of design?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
6. Why do we need to know the basic principles of graphic design?
A. Because it aid in creating balance and stability for the piece of work.
B. Because it help rule in organizing and placing the different elements in making website design.
C. Because whether or not we are aware of it, designs are all self-explanatory.
D. Both A and B
7. What principle of design which allows us to create order and organization in our design?
A. Proximity B. Contrast C. Alignment D. Space
8. What Infographics stand for?
A. Information Graphs B. Information Graphics C. Visual Design D. Visual Message
9. What is the importance of Visual Message Design?
A. It can help with effectiveness of delivery of a message. C. Both A and B
B. It can lend assistance in presenting your ideas clearly. D. None of these
10. The following are elements of design, except one:
A. Balance B. Line C. Shape D. Size
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C. Visual Message Design
Directions: Describe the image to what principle or visual message it imply. Use the back-page of this
LAS for your answers, or use a separate sheet if necessary.

D. Giving Advice for Good Design

The website below is considered as one of the worst design websites of 2018 by As a student who knew the
different Elements of Design and Principles of Design, what advice can you give to the creator of
arngren website to make it more attractive and persuasive? Use the back-page of this LAS for your
answer, or use a separate sheet if necessary.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: ___________________________________ Signature: ________________________ Date: ____________

Subject: Empowerment Technologies (Applied) Subject Teacher: Lianeza B. Lovina – 09606607682/FB Messenger: Mam Liyan
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