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1. Compare and differentiate the 20th and 21st century skills?

Education in the twentieth century was teacher-centered, with a

fragmented curriculum. Classroom presentations and materials are often
developed in preparation outside of a class, with educators serving as major
creators. Students and teachers typically interact with one another in the
classroom. In the twenty-first century, a curriculum is linked to students'
interests, experiences, skills, and the actual world. Presentations and resources
are constantly developed both within and outside of class, with students
serving as co-developers and professors serving as principal developers. The
similarities are that both assist students in increasing their confidence and
knowledge to learn. It also aids in the development of self-discipline in all

2. Why is there a need for us to embrace the 21st century skills particularly in the
teaching and learning process?

We should embrace 21st century skills in teaching and learning because these
skills are more vital to students now than they have ever been. They not only
create a foundation for successful classroom learning, but they also assure
students' ability to succeed in a world where change is constant and learning
never stops. They are also very essential for the well-being of our country.

3. How is it to learn a digital world?

Being digital literate is now important among students, especially educators.

"Digital literacy refers to a person's ability to access, evaluate, develop, and
communicate information using information technology and digital technologies,"
states Matt Dunne. Understanding online browsers, search engines, and email is
important for accessing the digital world. These are now considered pretty basic
skills. As a student, being digitally literate assists me in gaining more information
and applying it in real life. Being digitally literate is beneficial, but not being one is
a big disadvantage.

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