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A Technical Report on


in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the V
Semester of
Bachelor of Technology in ECM during the academic year

Submitted by


Submitted to

School of Electronics and Communication Engineering



This is to certify that the technical report entitled “ANDROID

APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT” is a bonafide work carried out by
B.MUNI KUMAR REDDY bearing R21EP804 in partial fulfilment of 5 th
semester of ECM program of Bachelor of Technology, REVA University
during the academic year 2022-23. It is certified that all the
corrections/suggestions indicated for internal assessment have been
incorporated in the report deposited in the school library. The technical
report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements.

Signature of the Faculty



Chapter No. Chapter Name Page









Rukmini Knowledge Park, Bengaluru-560064
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

This is to certify that the research-based work entitled “Android Application
Development” carried out by B.MUNI KUMAR REDDY – R21EP804, student of 5th
Semester, REVA University in partial fulfillment for Technical Documentation of
Electronics and Computer Engineering, REVA University, Bengaluru during the
year 2022-2023. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for the project
exam have been incorporated into the report. The report has been approved as it
satisfies the academic requirements in the respect of technical documentation.

Subject Teacher & Guide Director, School of ECE


1. Introduction

The way we interact and maintain global connectivity has been changed by mobile
phone technology. With a variety of features and apps to meet everyone's demands,
Android is one of the most widely used mobile operating systems. The authorized
IDE for creating Android applications is called Android Studio. It has a vast range of
capabilities, making it the ideal tool for people looking to develop top-notch Android
apps. Android Studio makes it simple to design stunning and intuitive user interfaces,
which is a crucial component of every app. There are many different UI elements
available, and you can quickly tweak them to give your app the ideal appearance.
For anyone who wants to develop. If you want to make high-quality Android apps,
Android Studio is the ideal solution for you. With its extensive feature set, it is simple
to design stunning interfaces that are also user-friendly.

Making applications for the Android platform is called Android development. To

create their apps, Android developers employ a range of programmers and libraries.
Developers can construct Android apps using the Android SDK, which is a collection
of tools and libraries. An IDE called Android Studio enables programmers to create
and test Android apps. A suite of tools called the Android NDK enables programmers
to write native code for Android apps. Android developers must be well-versed in
both the SDK and the Android platform. They must also be skilled in Android Studio
and Java. Making applications for the Android platform is called Android
development. The Android SDK, Android Studio, and Android NDK are only a few of
the tools and libraries used by Android developers to build their apps. You must be
well-versed in both the Android platform and the Android SDK to be a successful
Android developer. Additionally, you must be fluent in Android Studio and Java.

Android platform's underlying architecture. Applications, application frameworks,

native libraries, Android runtime, and Linux kernel make up the top five layers,
working their way down. These four layers, which are illustrated as follows, will be

If you are installing Android Studio on Mac or Linux, You can download the latest
version from Android Studio Mac Download, or Android Studio Linux

Download, check the instructions provided along with the downloaded file for Mac
OS and Linux. This tutorial will consider that you are going to setup your environment
on Windows machine having Windows 8.1 operating system.
3. Application framework

All of the applications are formed from a series of services and systems, that is - One
extendable Views, which would be used to build application, consists of lists, grids,
text boxes, buttons etc. - Content Provider could allow the applications to grab the
data of others’ applications or share own data. - Resource Manager provides the
connection to resource which is not code work, such as local string, drawable
resource, layout files about xml. - Notification Managercould allow the applications to
inform the user the status through the notification bar. - Activity Manager is to
manage the life cycle of the application and provides a common“backstack” to user
navigation. - The remaining others have their function for the specific applications, for
example google map, using “Location Manager”.

 It is open source.
 Anyone can customize the Android Platform.
 There are a lot of mobile applications that can be chosen by
the consumer.
 It provides many interesting features like weather details, an
opening screen, live RSS Feeds, etc. It provides support for
messaging services (SMS and MMS), web browser, storage
(SQLite), connectivity (GSM, CDMA, Blue Tooth, Wi-Fi, etc.),
media, handset layout, etc.
5. Develop UI for Android

Frame Layout:
Frame layouts are one of the most basic layout types used to
organize controls in an Android application's user interface. They are used less
frequently than other layouts because they are typically used to display only one view
or views that overlap. A frame layout's efficiency makes it an excellent choice for
screens with few view controls (home screens, games screens with a single canvas,
and the like). Other inefficient layout designs can sometimes be reduced to a more
efficient frame layout design, whereas at other times a more specialized layout type
is required. When you want to overlap views, the most common layout is a frame

Linear layout:
The linear layout is a basic layout that is used in android layout
design. All of the elements in a Linear layout are displayed in a linear fashion, which
means that all of the child/elements of a Linear layout are displayed according to
their orientation. The orientation property can have a value of either horizontal or

Main Attribute in Linear Layout:

 Orientation:
The orientation attribute used to set the child’s/views horizontally
or vertically. In Linear layout default orientation is vertical.

 Gravity:
The gravity attribute is an optional attribute which is used to control the
alignment of the layout like left, right, center, top, bottom etc.

 Layout Weight:
The layout weight attribute specifies each child control’s
relative importance within the parent linear layout.

 Weight Sum:
Weight Sum is the sum up of all the child attributes weight. This
attribute is required if we define weight property of the children.

Relative Layout:
A view group that displays child views in relative positions is
known as Relative Layout. Each view's position can be specified relative to sibling
elements (such as to the left of or below another view) or relative to the parent
Relative Layout area (such as aligned to the bottom, left, or centre).

Table Layout:

The View Group subclass Android Table Layout is used to display

the child view elements in rows and columns. It will arrange all of the elements of the
children into rows and columns and will not display any border lines between rows,
columns, or cells. Table Layout works similarly to HTML tables in that it has as many
columns as the row with the most cells.
6. Overall View:

Day 01:

 Installation of Android studio, configuring JDK and Emulator.

 Android Templates, Layout, Drawable, Assets Folder structure

 First Hello Human App, Running your app in Emulator

 Running your app in Real Android Device, Manifest File, Gradle Files,
setting up App Icon.

 Integration of Text View, Edit Text, Image View and Video View, Text
Button, and Image Button.

 Implementation of Toggle Button and Switch, Check Box, Radio Button,

Seek Bar, or Variable Bar

 Relative Layout, Linear Layout, List View and Recycle View and

 Table Layout and Grid Layout and Adaptors Fixed and Dynamic Tab
Layout Page View with Slide and Page Turn.

 Card View Scroll View and Horizontal Scroll View, Stack View.

Day 02:

 Integrating Action bar and button, Navigation drawer, Floating action

button, Spinner developed app.

 Implementation of Progress Bar, Search Bar.

 Hands-On experiments Drop Menu, Slide Menu, Floating Menu
development. Backend code development for Tap Gesture and Double
Tap Gesture, Touch Gesture, Long Click Gesture.

 Scroll Gesture Detector, Fling Gesture Detector, Edit Text Watcher.

 Move or Pan Gesture, Resize Gesture, Rotate Gesture, Animation


Day 03:

 Implementation of custom floating message box, custom alert dialog box,

custom choice box, custom check box, push notification, local broadcast,
broadcast service, and badge numbers.
 Image Functions, Bitmaps, Drawables.
 Designing SVG Icons and Vector Drawables.
 Audio Video Functions and working with mp3 files and mp3 functions

Day 04:

 Usage of Camera intent, Gallery intent, Call intent, Message intent, Calendar
intent and Service.
 Shared Preference, Sqlite Data Base
 Web View ,Map View and Google Map integration
 Interaction with Server using volley, JSON Data and GSON Format
 Sign In and Sign up Page, Uploading and sending Images to Server
 Uploading Audio and Video to Server
 Glide and Picasa library for downloading and handling Images
 Downloading

 Clear understanding of the need for java programming in mobile app

 Get knowledge about Android Java Programming.
 Methodologies for Android App Development.
 Android Studio implementation for mobile app development.
 Exposure to XML GUI Elements.
 Android Layout, Drawable, Assets Usage.
 Media elements, and communication modules integration for advanced app
 Event Listeners, Intent Actions. Android File and Folder System.
 Exposure to methodology of innovative project develop.

8.REFERNCES summer13/geotagging.pdf


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