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Group #6


Diego Cedeño, Angela Ganchozo, Fabiana Loqui, Dario Salazar, Alvaro Vega, Katherine

Hook: Have you ever performed better for virtual classes? Are your grades the worst due to

Transition: Gardenia is in fourth semester and has given improvement two times because the
virtuality is a problem for her.

Thesis: The students have lower grades because they have decreasing attention to the class,
social interactions and the physical activities.

Body Paragraphs.

Topic Sentence: They have decreasing attention to the class, social interactions and the
physical activities.

Supporting Sentences:

Reason 1: Students decrease attention to class due to different distractions.

They use the cell phone, chat with their friends and they check their social networks, so don't
pay attention in the class.

Reason 2: Social interactions decrease due to low participation in virtual classes.

In virtual classes it is not necessary to turn on the camera, so students are distracted and do
not participate in classes.

Group work makes the meetings very complicated, so the students worked individually.

Reason 3:

By sitting all day for online classes, students are unable to engage in physical activity.Althoug,
some students watch their classes from bed, which causes some to skip their classes and fall

Concluding Sentences

In summary, virtual classes worsen the performance of students because they have many
distractions close to their reach, such as using their cell phones or lying on their beds.


Virtual classes cause a decrease in participation in classes, since the use of the cell phone in
classes increases, checking their social networks or watching internet videos, and general
distractions also increase, such as being in virtual classes lying in bed with the camera turned
off therefore, students would have a sedentary lifestyle and in group work, interaction
between students is complicated since they do it individually.

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