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MPS1 ntegraton construct made by polymerase shown. Each pont IS an average from at least 50 added to a f~nalconcentration of 4%.

f~nalconcentration of 4%. Samples were

chain reacton to introduce Xho I and Eco R s~tes cells. Strains are w~ld type (KH153), madlA 1 taken after 3 and 6 hours of growth at 30°C. Control
at ether end of the NmycMPS1 fragment, allow~ng (KHI 55), mad2- 1 (KHI 571, mad3-2 (KHI 50), bub1A (0) cells were grown for 3 hours ~ndextrose ( F I ~3C).
~tto be subcloned Into pDK20) were grown over- (KH161), bub2-1 (KH163), and bub3A (KHI55). 25. We thank A. Stra~ghtfor the IntegratingGAL1-MPSI
n~ghtin yeast-extract peptone (YEP) conta~nng2% Cells of the strains listed above were grown In YEP construct, T. Giddings for help w~ththe EM analysis,
raff~nose,arrested by exposure to 4% galactose w t h 2% raffnose to m d - o g phase, collected, and A. Hoyt and B. T. Roberts for bub strans and dele-
for 5 hours, and prepared for immunofluorescence Incubated ~nfresh medium for 90 mln w ~ t hthe add- tlon constructs, and all the members of our labs for
as descr~bed(Fg. 2C) (8).ELW200 cells (Integrated ton of alpha factor to a f n a concentration of 10 pM. ther advce and encouragement pNZ2 was provid-
GAL1-NmycMPSl) were grown in YEP contanng The cells were collected and resuspended In YEP ed by G. N. Zechere of the Un~versityof Washington,
2% dextrose or shifted Into YEP with 3% galactose contanng 2% raffinose, 10 p M alpha factor, and 3% Seattle, and pDK20 was provded by D. Kellogg of
for 6 hours and prepared for flow cytometry galactose and Incubated for 2 hours. F~nally,cells the University of Cal~fornia,Santa Cruz. K.G.H. and
as described ( F I ~20)
. (21). The DNA stained by were collected, rinsed once in medum without alpha F.C.L are Fellows of the Leukema Socety of Amer-
prop~dumIodide In 5000 cells per sample was factor, and released into YEP containing 2% raffin- c a and E.W.W. was a trainee of NIH. Ths work was
detected on a Becton Dickinson FACScan flow ose and 3% galactose. Timing began at the release supported by grants to A.W.M. from N H , the March
cytometer. from mat~ngfactor arrest, and samples were taken of Dimes, and the Dav~dand Luc~lePackard Foun-
25. Unbudded cells conta~ning integrated coples of every 20 min. Cells were fixed w~th70% ethanol and dat~on;and to M.W. from N H , the Amer~canCancer
GAL-MPS1 were picked ind~v~dually and placed on examined m~croscop~cally to determine the fraction Society, and the Pew Scholars Program in the Bio-
slabs containing 4% galactose (Fig. 3A). The cells of large budded cells as descrbed (3). Cells of the medcal Sciences.
were grown -$30"C, and the number of cells that prevously mentoned strains were grown overnght
had dv~dedand rebudded were counted at the tlmes in YEP w ~ t h4% raff~noseand then galactose was 22 A p r ~1995; accepted 24 June 1996

Regulation of Cardiac Na+,Ca2+ Exchange and change current, although ATP did not (Fig.
1B). Pure PI vesicles (0.3 mM) were applied
KATpPotassium Channels by PIP, for 60 s to other treated patches that failed
to respond to ATP (Fig. 1C). PI had no
Donald 'W. Hilgemann* and Rebecca Ball effect by itself, but it restored the capacity of
ATP to stimulate the exchange current.
Cardiac Nq+,Ca2+ exchange is activated by a mechanism that requires hydrolysis of The effect of ATP was reversed by a
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) but is not mediated by protein kinases. In giant cardiac recombinant PIP2-specific phospholipase
membrane patches, ATP acted to generate phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate C, PLC-PI, that is fully activated by 0.5
(PIP,) from phosphatidylinositol (PI). The action of ATP was abolished by a PI-specific pM free Ca2+ under standard assay condi-
phospholipase C (PLC) and recovered after addition of exogenous PI; it was reversed tions (Fig. 2A) (13). This PLC-P1 was his-
by a PIP,-specific PLC; and it was mimicked by exogenous PIP,. High concentrations tidine-tagged, expressed in Sf9 cells, puri-
of free Ca2+ (5 to 20 pM) accelerated reversal of the ATP effect, and PLC activity in fied by Ni2+-chelate affinity chromatogra-
myocyte membranes was activated with a similar Ca2+ dependence. Aluminum reversed phy, and dialyzed against the solution used
the ATP effect by binding with high affinity to PIP,. ATP-inhibited potassium channels in the experiments. Reversal of the ATP
,(, were also sensitive to PIP,, whereas Na+,Kt pumps and Na+ channels were not. effect after ATP removal was very slow (Fig.
Thus, PIP, may be an important regulator of both ion transporters and channels. 2A). However, upon application of PLC-P1
(0.2 mg mlp' with a maximal specific ac-
tivity of 100 pmol min-' mg-'), the cur-
rent declined to its original value within
Cardiac Na+,Ca2+ exchange activity can Outward Na+,Ca2+ exchange current 40 s (in three similar experiments). PLC-P1
be enhanced by several acidic lipids (1, 2) was increased by addition of Mg-ATP to had no effect when it was applied to patches
that lnav occur in domains in cell mem- the cytoplaslnic side of inside-out giant car- in which the exchange current had been
branes (3). In cardiac membrane patches diac ~nernbranepatches (Fig. 1A) (9). The stimulated by PS rather than ATP (12).
treated with ATP, acidic lipids are generated current was first activated by application of High concentrations of cytoplasrnic free
on the cytoplasmic side of the rnelnbrane in 90 mM Na+ to the cytoplasrnic side of the Ca2+ induced a fast reversal of the ATP
parallel with a stirnulation of Na+,Ca2+ex- patch with 2 mM extracellular (pipette) effect, probably mediated by an endogenous
change current ( 2 , 4 ) .The underlying mech- Ca2+.With the free cytoplasrnic Ca2+ con- Ca2+-dependent PLC (Fig. 2B). After ATP
anism might be (i) an ATP-dependent trans- celntration used (0.5 pM) the current inac- was applied and removed, 20 pM free Ca2+
port of phosphatidylserine (PS) from the tivated (decreased) by about 80% over 15 s. was applied. At first, the exchange current
extracellular to the cytoplasmic side by an Subsequent application of Mg-ATP (2 was slightly stimulated because cytoplasmic
amino phospholipid "flippase" (5), (ii) the mM) for 40 s increased the current sixfold, Ca2+ activates the exchanger by an intrinsic
phosphorylation of diacylglycerol (DAG) to and after ATP was rernoved the current regulatory mechanism (14). Thereafter, the
form phosphatidic acid (PA) (6), or (iii) the remained stimulated for 100 s, after which it exchange current declined rapidly over 30 s,
phospholylation of PI to form PIP and PIP, was turned off by rernoval of Nat. and it declined to below its original level
(7). We used specific phospholipases and The record in Fig. 1A is a control exper- when free Ca2+was reduced back to 0.5 pM
phospholipid vesicles to modify the lipid iment from a randomized series of patches, (15). To determine the Ca2+ dependence of
colnposition of giant cardiac lnelnbrane one-half of which were treated for 4 min endogenous cardiac membrane-associated
patches (8) and determined that the major with a phospholipase C that specifically hy- PLC, a crude membrahe fraction was pre-
mechanism is the generation of PIP2from PI. drolyzes PI (PI-PLC) (10). The PI-PLC pared from guinea-pig myocytes, and PLC
treatment (0.6 U/ml) did not significantly activity was measured as inositol trisphos-
D W. Hlaemann. Denartment of Phvsoloav. Universitv decrease the current before application of phate (IP3)released from exogenous vesicles
of ~exas,%outhwksternMedical ~ e n f e at
r Gk~~as,
~allai ATP (1 1 ) (Fig. lB), and PI-PLC had no containing [3H]PIP2(16). The PLC activity
TX 75235-9040, USA.
R. Ball, Department of Pharmacology, Universty of Tex-
effect after the current had been stimulated of the cardiac membranes was slightly acti-
as, Southwestern Med~caCenter at Dallas, Dallas, TX by ATP (12). However, the treatment de- vated with 0.5 pM free Ca2+ and was max-
75235-9041, USA. creased the ATP effect by 96% (P < 0.001). imally activated with 20 pM free Ca2+ (Fig.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. PIP, (50 pM) strongly activated the ex- 2C), which correlates with the ability of 20

956 SCIENCE VOL.273 16 AUGUST 1996

pM but not 0.5 pM free Ca2+ to reverse the binds al~uninum with very high affinity to membrane charge (23). The fluorescence
ATP effects in patches. (19). Al~uninuminhibits PLC activity by of each probe changed when aluminum (50
Occasionally, the ATP effects reversed forming stable complexes with PIP, (20), pM with 10 mM EGTA) was added to ves-
rapidly with 0.5 pM free Ca2+ (5), appar- and aluminum (50 pM) inhibited both car- icles containing PIP2, but not PS, in a 1:4
ently due to traces of polyvalent cations in diac membrane PLC and Sf 9-expressed ratio with phosphatidylcholine (PC). The
our solutions (17). The ATP-stimulated ex- PLC-P1 by >90% when our recording so- hydrophobic anion, 1,8 anilinonaphthalene
change current returned nearly to baseline lutions were used in PLC activity assays sulfonate (ANS), fluoresces only when
in 20 s when 50 pM aluminum was applied (21). Although alulninum (50 pM) re- bound to membranes and is reoelled from
(Fig. 3A), although the calculated free alu- versed the sti~nulatory effect of PIP, on negatively charged membranes (24). Alumi-
minum concentration with 10 mM EGTA exchange current, it did not reverse stimu- nium increased ANS fluorescence in PIP,-
was only 5 pM (18). The current remained lation by PS, by PA, or by limited proteol- containing vesicles, as would be expected if
inhibited after aluminum removal. In con- ysis to destroy the inactivation process (22)
trast to the effect of CaL+, the effect of (Fig. 3B). Thus, aliuninum may act on ex-
aluminum was relieved for the most part by change current by forming poorly reversible
application hf fluoride (0.5 mM), which aluminum-PIP2 complexes that cannot
bind to the exchanger.
To monitor aluminum-lipid interactions,

A control k:/ vesicles of various compositions were incu-

bated senaratelv with each of three fluores-
cent mekbrane probes, which are sensitive

Na Total aluminum (KM)

Fig. 1. Stimulation of cardlac Na+,Ca2+ ex- Fig. 3. Reversal of the stimulatory effect of ATP on
change current by cytoplasm~cATP and its de- Na+,Ca2+ exchange current by high-affinlty alu-
pendence on PI in giant excised inside-out cardl- Fig. 2. Reversal of the stimulatory effect of ATP on mlnum b n d n g to PIP,, (A) ATP was applled for 40
ac membrane patches, Horizontal bars indicate cardiac Na+,Ca2+ exchange current by PLC and s, and aluminum (Al) (50 pM) was applled 2 mln
the time that a partcular substance was applied to Ca2+. (A) ATP (2 mM) was applied for 45 s, and after ATP removal, Current returned to the basal
the cytoplasmic patch surface, Error bars g v e the PLC-p1 was applied 80 s after ATP removal. [B) level wlthln 15 s and was stable after removal of
SEM. All results are w ~ t h10 mM EGTA to buffer Cytoplasmic free Ca2+was Increasedfrom 0.5 to 20 aluminum. Up to 2 min later, fluoride (F) (0.5 mM),
Cap+ on the cytoplasm~c slde, (A) Outward pM 80 s after ATP removal, Cytoplasmic Cap+ acti- which had no effect in patches not exposed to
Na+,Ca2+ exchange current was activated by re- vates the exchanger through a regulatory site (14), aluminum, reactivated the current, [B) Effect of
placement of 90 mM CsCl with 90 mM NaCI. After and the ATP effect Increases the apparent affnity for aluminum (50 pM) after stimulation of exchange
current stabilized to a basal level, 2 mM Mg-ATP Cap+ (4). Thus, exchange current increased only current by ATP (2 mM), PIP, vesicles (50 pM), PA
was applied for 40 s. Current typically remained slightly when the concentration of Cap+ was in- vesicles (0.2 mM), PS vesicles (0.2 mM), or trypsn
stimulated for several mlnutes after removal of creased to 20 pM, because the exchanger was al- treatment (0.3 mg m l - ' for.1 min). The plotted
ATP, The current stopped when cytoplasm~cNa+ ready fully activated; in contrast, exchange current values (//lo) give exchange current magnitudes ( I )
was removed, (B) A typical record from patches decreased substantially if the concentration of free dlvlded by the current magnitude before stlmula-
treated for 4 min w t h PI-PLC (1 U/ml) in the ab- Cap+ was decreased after the ATP effect reversed. tion (I, in each patch. (C) Effect of aluminum on
sence of Na+. ATP (2 mM) had almost no effect, (C) Ca2+ dependence of PLC activlty in cardiac ANS fluorescence in the presence of 10 mM
but subsequent application of 50 p M PIP, actlvat- membranes prepared from myocytes, The same so- EGTA and PIP,:PC (1 :4) or PS:PC (1 : 4) vescles.
ed the current. (C) Recovery of the ATP effect by lutons and condtons were used for PLC assays and The plotted values (LIL,) glve fluorescence light
application of PI vescles. The record is from a patch experments. The open circle gives PLC actlv- intensities (L) divided by the Intensity without alu-
PI-PLC-treated patch. ATP (2 mM) had no effect t y in the absence of added calcium, Closed circles minum (L,). Fluoride (20 mM), but not EDTA (2
inltlally, but after PI was applied (0.3 mM) ATP (2 glve PLC actlvity with calcium at calculated pCa mM), reversed the Increase of fluorescence
mM) stimulated exchange current. (-log[Ca2+]) values. caused by 120 +M aluminum.


the negative charges of PIP, were neutralized riels and Na+,Kt pumps by PIP, were neg- ~naleln~nlnal Ca2+ pump (33) and phospho-
(Fig. 3C). T h e response saturated at <65 ative (25), but tests for KATr potassi~l~n lipase D (34) lnay be directly regulated by
p M alulninum with 90 p M PIP, in the assay, channels were positive (26). Potassiuln cur- PIP,, and the cardiac Na+,Ca2+ exchanger
indicating that about one aluminum ion was rent was recorded as inward current at 0 mV has a positively charged, cytoplaslnic regula-
bound for every two molecules of PIP,. (extracellular potassium, 140 mM; cytoplas- tory domain (35), which is a potential PIP,
Tests for regulation of cardiac Na+ chan- mic potassium, 20 mM; free cytoplaslnic bind~ngsite (36). Possible mediators of the
C a 2 + , 0.5 p M ) (Fig. 4). Application of 2 PIP, effects on KATI,chan~lelsinclude G pro-
mM A T P iln~llediatel~ suppressed a srnall teins (37) and sulfonylurea receptors (38). In
inward current. T h e n the current increased the heart, the regulation via cyclic adenosine
for about 1 min in the continued presence of monopl~osphateof Ca2+ chan~lelsand sarco-
A T P (27). T h e large magnitude of the stim- plasmic reticulum Ca2+ p~lnlpsoptimizes the
lato tor^ effect was evident only after removal frequency, speed, and force of contraction
of ATP, which relieved its immediate inhib- (39). Regulation PIP, of Na+ ,Ca2+exchange
itory effect. Potassium current was usually and potassiurn channels that do not partic-
stable after A T P removal in the presence of ipate in pacemaking might modulate only
0.5 p M or less free C a 2 + , and it was com- the force of contraction. T h e PIP, sensitiv-
pletely blocked when a cytoplaslnic solution ity of N a + , C a 2 + exchange and KATpchan-
containing 120 mM cesium was applied. nels may be an important linkage of PI
T h e stimulatory effect of A T P on potas- signaling pathways to surface membrane
sium current was similar to the A T P effect ion transporters and channels.
o n N a + ,Ca2+ exchange current. T h e time
courses and dependence o n A T P concen- REFERENCES AND NOTES
trations were similar; the stimulated current

1. R. Vemur and K. D. Philipson, Biochim. Biophys.

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with 120 mM cesium completely blocked the po- 9. Giant patches were formed and excsed from guinea
tassium current. (C) Effects of ATP and PIP, on a (Fig. 4E), and PLC-01 had no effect in the p ~ myocytes
g as described (4, 8). All recordngs were
patch pretreated with PI-PLC for 4 min. A nearly absence of cytoplasmic Ca2+ (12). A high at 37°C with a holding potential of 0 mV. For the
complete lack of potassium current was typical af- concentration of free C a 2 + (10 p M ) re- Na+,Ca2+ exchange current, the extracellular (pi-
ter 4 min for both control and treated patches. pette) solution contained: 2 mM CaCI,, 0.5 mM
versed the A T P effect over 3 lnin (Fig. 4F). MgCI,, 100 mM N-methyl-D-gucamne (NMG)-Cl,
Application of 50 pM PIP, for 40 s activated a large T h e stimulatory effect of A T P was also re- 20 mM CsCl, 20 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA)-
current that was inhibitedforthe most part by 4 mM versed in seconds by alurninum (50 p M ) MES, 20 mM NaCl, 10 mM Hepes (pH 7.0 with
ATP. (D) Restoration of the'stimuatory effect of with 10 mM EGTA. Thus, all criteria impli- NMG), and 0.2 mM ouaban. The cytoplasmic solu-
ATP by PI on a PI-PLC-treated patch. ATP (2 mM) tion contained 20 mM CsCl, 20 mM TEA, 10 mM
cating PIP, in the stimulatory effect of A T P EGTA, 0.5 mM MgCI,, 6 mM CaCI, for 0.5 KM free
was applied for 1 min with no effect. Then PI (0.2
mM) was applied for 1 min with no effect. Thereaf- o n the N a + ,Ca2+ exchange current also ap- calcium, 20 mM Hepes (pH 7 with NMG), and elther
ply to the KATp potassium current. 90 mM NaCI or 90 mM CsCl. For the potasslum
ter, ATP (2 mM) activated a large KAT, current. (E) current, the extracellular solution contained 120 mM
Reversal of the stimulatoy effect of ATP by appli- Our results demo~lstratethat PIP,, gener- KCI, 3 mM MgCI,, 2 mM EGTA, 10 mM Hepes (pH
cation of PLC-PI. ATP (2 mM) was applied for 1 ated by e~ldoge~lous lipid kinases in mem- 7.0 wlth KOH), and 0.2 mM ouabaln. The cytoplas-
min and removed. After 80 s, PLC-pl (0.2 mg brane patches, potently activates the cardiac mic solution contained 120 mM NMG, 20 mM KCI,
10 mM EGTA, 0.5 mM MgCI,, 20 mM Hepes, 6 mM
ml-') was added, and the current decreased by Na+,Ca2+ exchanger and KAT1, channels. CaCI, for 0.5 KM free dacium, and NMG to set the
about 80%. (F)Reversal of the stirnulatoryeffect of Possible targets of PIP, include membrane- pH to 7.0. ATP was added as Mg-ATP. PIP, was
ATP by high concentrations of cytoplasmic free associated cytoskeletal elements (29), which from Calbiochem, and a other phospholipids were
Cap. ATP (2 mM) was applied for 1 min and re- from Avanti Polar Llpds (Alabaster,AL). PI-PLC (from
may interact with calcium (30) and KA7,, Bacillus cereus) was from Calbiochem.
moved. After 80 s, free Ca2- was increased from
0.5 to 10 kM, and the ATP effect reversed over 2 (3 1 ) channels. Global changes of actin poly- 10. H, lkezawa, M. Yamanegi, R. Tagushi, T. Miyashita,
~nerizatioll probably do not occur in giant T. Ohyabu, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 450, 154 (1976);
min. (G) Reversal of the stirnulatoy effect of ATP by H, lkezawa and R. Taguchl, Methods. Enzymol. 71,
aluminum (50 kM).ATP (2 mM) was applied for 90 patches, because cytocl~alesin D and other 731 (1981); J. J Volwerk, M. S. Shashidhar, A.
sand removed. Current declined to baseline within agents that disrupt the cytoskeleton do not Kuppe, 0 . H. Griffith, Biochemistw 29, 8056 (1990).
20 s on application of aluminum. affect the ATP responses (32). The plas- 1 1. Exchange current was recorded in 22 excised patch-

SCIENCE * VOL. 273 * 16 AUGUST 1996

es, 7 of whch dsrupted before complet~onof the ANEPPS Increased in response to aluminum;fuores- 32. The cardiac Na+,Ca2+ exchanger may be I~nkedto
experiment. Results from the nine stable control cence of rhodamne-abeled hexalys~nedecreased thecytoskeleton by ankyr~n[Z. P. LI, E. P. Burke, F W.
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compared by Student's t tests. The average peak versed by alumnum. 11489 (1993)], and dsrupton of the actln cytoskele-
current after 4 mln of record~ngwas 67 2 7 pA (SEM) 24. G. Weber and J. Savik. Biochim. Biophys Acta 694, ton nhbits exchange act~vityin a transfected cell Ine
in control patches and 51 2 9 pA in PI-PLC treated 1 (1982). [M. Condrescu eta/, , ibid. 270, 9137 (1995)l. Howev-
patches. The difference was not signficant (P > 0.1). 25. Voltage-activated sodium channel currents often ran er, 10 FM cytochalasinD, 0.5 p M deoxyrbonuciease,
During appcat~onof ATP, exchange current ~ n - down over 20 to 30 m n In glant patches, whereas gelsoi~n,and G-actin were a w~thoutany evident n -
creased by 4.7 2 0.9 t~mesin control patches to 88 -t sodium pump currents are stable ATP, PS, and PA fluence on the effect of ATP on exchange current in
14 pA and by 0.19 i 0.05 tmes n treated patches to were w~thouteffect on the sod~umchannel current g~antpatches, t s reversal, or a serles of ATP respons-
14 -t 2 pA. The d~fferenceswere h~ghlysignificant (P and ~ t srun-down [A. Coll~nsand D. W. H~lgemann, es usng alum~num(10 pM) to reverse the ATP effect
i 0.001). Pflugers Arch. 423, 347 (1993)l. PS, PA, and PIP, (12). Gelsoin and actin were gifts of H. Yin.
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not affect this t m e course. With >20 p M free Ca2+, patches. Usually, a component of current clearly Ribalet and S. C a n , J. Memb. 5101.142, 395 (1994).
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16. Cardiac membranes were prepared by homogeniza- 29. P. A. Janmey, Annu. Rev. Physiol. 56, 169 (1994); A for insightful d~scussions,encouragement, and re-
tion on ice of 2 g of isolated myocytes In 1 m of Hall,Ann. Rev. CellBiol. 10, 31 (1994):J. H. Hartw~g agents: and S. Feng and X. Xu for techncal help.
soluton conta~nng20 mM KCI, 10 mM Hepes (pH et a/., Cell 82, 643 (1995); A. P. Gilmore and K. Supported by grants from N H (5-R1-HL51323-03)
7.0), 1 mM EGTA, 0.1 mM phenymethylsuifonyl flu- Burrdge, Nature 381, 531 1 (1996). and the American Heart Assoc~aton(95014830) to
or~de,and 10 pM leupeptin. Nuclei and cell debris 30. B. D. Johnson and L. Byerly,Neuron 10, 797 (1993). D.W.H.and from N H (GM49993) to P.C. Sternweis.
were removed by centrifugation at 400g for 5 min at 31. T. Furukawa, T. Yamane, T. Terai, Y. Katayama, M.
4°C. The membraqe fraction was recovered after Hiraoka, Pflugers Arch. 431, 504 (1996). 26 April 1996; accepted 24 June 1996
centrifugation at 150,000g for 30 min at 4°C and
resuspended at 8 milligrams of protein per milliliter in
a solution containing 20 mM KCI, 20 mM Hepes (pH
7), and 1 mM EGTA. The PLC assay was done as
described (13), except that sonicated vesicles con- Coupling of the RAS-MAPK Pathway to Gene
taining 250 FM phosphatidyethanolamine and 50
p M (inositol-2-3H)-PP,were used, and the assay
solution contained 20 mM Hepes (pH 7), 100 mM
Activation by RSK2, a Growth Factor-Regulated
NaCI, 40 mM KCI, 10 mM EGTA, 0.5 mM MgCl, , 2 0
mM CsCI, 20 mM TU-CI, and the indicated concen-
CREB Kinase
trations of free Ca2+
17. Fast reversal was blocked by EDTA (0.5 mM), fluo- Jun Xing," David D. Ginty," Michael E. Greenberg?
ride (0.2 mM), 5 mM phosphate, and 5'-adenylim-
idodiohosuhate 1,2 mMI, , which all bind oolvvalent
, ,
cations (18, 19). A signaling pathway has been elucidated whereby growth factors activate the tran-
18. A. E. Martel and R. M. Smith, Critical Stability Con scription factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element-binding protein
stants, vol. 3, (Plenum, New York, 1977).
19. R. 8 . Martin, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 155, (CREB), a critical regulator of immediate early gene transcription. Growth factor-stimu-
1194 (1988). EDTA (2 mM) only partially reversed the lated CREB phosphorylation at serine-133 is mediated by the RAS-mitogen-activated
aluminum effect. Usually, exchange current could be protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. MAPK activates CREB kinase, which in turn phospho-
fully restimulated by second and third applications of
ATP after brief applications of aluminum.
rylates and activates CREB. Purification, sequencing, and biochemical characterization
20. L. J. McDonald and M. D. Mamrack, J, LipidMediat. of CREB kinase revealed that it is identical to a member of the pp90RSKfamily, RSK2.
Cell Signal. 11, 81 (1995): J. D. Birchal and J. S. RSK2 was shown to mediate growth factor induction of CREB serine-133 phosphoryl-
Chappel, Clin. Chem. 34, 265 (1988); C. Schofl et ation both in vitro and in vivo. These findings identify a cellular function for RSK2 and
a/., Biochem. J. 269, 547 (1990).
21. W~th50 p M PIP, and 10 mM EGTA In the assay define a mechanism whereby growth factor signals mediated by RAS and MAPK are
buffer, aluminum (50 +M) inhibited PLC-PI and car- transmitted to the nucleus to activate gene expression.
diac membrane PLC activities by 99% with 0.5 FM
free Ca2+ and by 60% with 20 pM free Ca2+. Alu-
minum (50 pM) had no effect on Ca2+-activated PI
hydroyss n our assays, but inhibtion has been re-
ported for higher free aluminum concentrations, Growth factors transmit signals from the transcription that are critical for cell prolif-
probably by aluminum binding to PI (20). As was
consistent with a PI-aluminum interaction in cardiac plasma membrane to the nucleus to activate eration and differentiation (1 ). Growth fac-
patches, high concentrations of aluminum (100 to programs of immediate early gene (IEG) tor binding to receptor tyrosine kinases pro-
500 FM with 10 mM EGTA) slowed development of duces stimulation of a RAS-dependent ki-
the ATP effect and decreased its magnitude (12).
22. D. W. Hilgemann, Nature 344, 242 (1990).
J. Xing, Program in Biological and Biomedical Sciences, nase cascade that includes the sequential
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 021 15, USA. phosphorylation and activation of RAF,
23. Phospholipid vesicles were prepared by sonication
D. D. Gnty, Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins
of pure PC, of 4 : l PC:PS, and of 4 : l PC:PIP, mix-
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21 205- MEK (MAPK or extracellular signal-regu-
tures. The assay mixture contained 30 mM Hepes lated kinase kinase), mitogen-activated pro-
21 85, USA.
(pH 7 with NaOH); 20 mM NaCI; 10 mM EGTA; 450
p M total lipid; and one of three fluorescent probes:
M. E. Greenberg, Division of Neuroscience, Department tein kinase (MAPK), and ribosomal protein
of Neurology, children's Hospital, and Department of
20 pM ANS, 10 p M Di-8-ANEPPS (Molecular
Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
S6 kinase (pp90Ekor RSK) (2). Once acti-
Probes) (a voltage-sensitive styry dye), or 1 p M of a vated, MAPK translocates to the nucleus
021 15, USA.
custom-prepared rhodamine-labeled hexalysine.
AICI, was added with twofold NaOH to compensate ^These authors contributed equally to this work. where it phosphorylates and activates the
for protons released from EGTA. Fluorescence of -iTo whom correspondence should be addressed. transcription factor ELK-1. ELK-1 binds,

SCIENCE VOL.273 16 AUGUST 1996 959

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