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It took me a little while to finally arrive with a summary of what I learned, discovered and,
unveil in our course Abnormal Psychology because there are a lot of things to talk about.
Abnormal Psychology is one of the few subjects that I had no clue beforehand because unlike the
others, I do not want to spoil myself into reading anything about it because I honestly want to be
surprised on what I could possibly learn while studying it– and as I have expected, I was indeed
surprised with what we went through with this subject this first semester. I do not want to sugarcoat
anything because I want this reflection paper to be as transparent and as genuine it could possibly
be so let me start by saying that Abnormal Psychology was really hard– and it could be a lot
harder if you do not listen to the lectures, read, and review handouts that were provided because
there are a lot of terms that we must know, learn and keep up in mind since this course is one of
the board subjects which serves as one of the steppingstone that we need since it could be a lot
of help to the future us when we become RPm, Rpsy, or M.Ds few years from now.

There are a lot of things that I have found intriguing and interesting while studying the
Abnormal Psychology. We got to visit History; First, to ancient people believing in Demonology
where it is said that evil spirits take over one’s body; and identifying it as a dark age or era for by
its people because when someone acquire such foreign symptoms they will be judged, mistreated
and worse they will be horribly executed. Second, from being aware that Mental Disorders were
believed to be inherited and being classified as incurable diseases. Lastly, to finally learning the
emergence of modern views towards Abnormal Behaviors, Psychopathology, Abnormal
Psychology and Clinic Psychology is important.

Learning Abnormal Psychology is like riding a rollercoaster ride where we get to feel tons
of emotions just by being in it and I can relate this with one of my favorite topics in Abnormal
Psychology which is the Historical Views of Psychopathology because I get to take a glimpse of
what lies behind the reality during those dark times. It sends me a lot of messages such as how
sad experiencing these foreign feeling during those times were because no one is knowledgeable
enough to get a person’s needs such as right diagnosis and treatment– they were hurt physically,
emotionally and mentally and were outcasted.

I am glad that finally knowledge regarding psychology emerged and I was able to witness
it myself– it is a privilege to learn about it as a BS Psychology student and as time pass by, I hope
that we continue to be more sensitive, aware and could be of help to others as Psychology (and
its pillars) continue to evolve and be known more over time.

Ansherina Mae G. Simon

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