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Writing 1
‘Teacheres need more than just a good knowledge of their
Write about:
1. Patience
2. Friendliness
3. Psychology (your own idea)

Teachers needs more than a knowlegde, right or wrong?

My Essay explains if being a teacher you need to know something more than the studies about
your subject or its important the preparation to treat students.

First of all we could see that teachers need to have studies to work for this, and depends to what
age of children you want to teach you must study a psychology’s type for work or not, at least in
my country.

If you are teaching in a high school, its probably you will need a patience with your students.
Probably, all can be more easy if teachers are friendly with students, having a good vibes in class.

For another hand, there are some teachers who thinks that the really important is teaching their
subject and the rest is a parents’ job.

Finally, the most important is the students so if I will be a teacher in a future, probably I will
pretend to be the most patiently and friendly teacher, making a good relationship with my

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