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Question Bank

(Elective II)
Wireless Networking and computing

Q.1. Why has the PCM sampling time been set at 125 use C?
Q.2. Compare the maximum data rate of noiseless 4 KHZ channel using.
(a) Analog encoding with 2 bits per sample
(b) The T1 PCM system
Q.3. Some times when a cellular user crosses the boundary from one cell to
another, the current cell is abruptly terminated, even though all transmitters
and receivers are functioning perfectly. Why?
Q.4. give an advantage and a disadvantage of frame relay over a leased
telephone line?
Q.5. What are the different categories of wireless networks? Describe each
category by giving its significance?
Q.6. Describe PCM & DPCM, DM?
Q.7. Explain speech coding for wireless system?
Q.8. A signal is transmitted digitally over a 4 KHZ noiseless channel with
one sample every 125 use c. How many bits second are actually sent foreach
of these encoding method?
(a) DPCM with a 4 bit relative signal value
(b) Delta modulation
Q.9. Discuss the advantages and disadvantage of wireless networks?
Q.10. List the steps that convert an analog signal to PCM digital code?
Q.11. Explain pulse code Modulation Mobile Radio?
Q.12. Compare the wireless and wired networking?
Q.13. Give the various application of wireless Networking?
Q.14. Write down the advantages of digital techniques in cellular system?
Q.15. Explain the personal communication system (PCS)?


Q.1. What is the main physical reason for the failure of many MAC schemes
known from wired network? What is done in wired Networks to avoid this
Q.2. Which of the MAC schemes can give hard guarantees related to band
width and access delay?
Q.3. Why and when are different signaling channels needed? What are the
Q.4. Name basic applications for satellite communication and describe the
Q.5. How do inclination and elevation determine the use of a satellite?
Q.6. What are the general problems of satellite signals travelling from a
satellite to a receiver?
Q.7. Considered as inter working unit in a communication network? What
function can a satellite have?
Q.8. Which web pages would be appropriate for distribution via DAB or
Q.9. How could location based services and broad cost system work
Q.10. Discuss the difference between broadcast and point to point
Networks? Give two example of each?
Q.11. What is media access control?
Q.12. What is meant by SDMA?
Q.13. What do you understand by carrier sense multiple access? Explain the
mechanism of CSMA scheme?
Q.14. Compare LEO, MEO, GEO satellite?
Q.15. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of LEO, MEO, GEO

Q.1. What is the difference between a LAN and a WAN? Why do we need
both types?
Q.2. Define the term: source Routing Bridge?
Q.3. Why is the PHY layer in IEEE 802.11 subdivided- what about Hiper
Lan2 and Bluetooth?
Q.4. Compare IEEE 802.11, Hipper LAN2 and Bluetooth with regard to
their ad-hoc capabilities? Where is the Focus of these technologies?
Q.5. What different solutions do all three Networks offer regarding an
increased reliability of data transfer?
Q.6. Explain IEEE 802.11 mode?
Q.7. Describe routing in mobile host?
Q.8. What are advantages and problems of forwarding Machanisms in
Bluetooth networks regarding security. Power saving and network stability?
Q.9. Write down the blue tooth architecture, describe different blue tooth
Q.10. What do you understand by wireless LAN?
Q.11. Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of WLANS?
Q.12. What is ad-hoc networking? Explain in detail?
Q.13. Write short note on :
(a) IR LANS (b) Spread spectrum LANs (c) Narrow band
Q.14. Discuss the protocol architecture of Bluetooth and architecture of
Bluetooth systems?
Q.15. Discuss the requirements and architecture of HIPER LAN- I?

Q.1. How does registration on layer 3 of a Mobile node work?
Q.2. What is the basic purpose of DHCP? Name the entities of DHCP?
Q.3. How can DHCP the used for mobility and support of mobile IP?
Q.4. What is mobile IP? Describe different goals of mobile IP?
Q.5. Explain Dynamic Host configuration protocol?
Q.6. Why is routing in multi hop ad-hoc networks complicated, what are the
special challenges?
Q.7. Compare the different types of transmission errors that can occur in
wireless and wired network?
Q.8. Explain:
(a) Snooping TCP
(b) Mobile TCP
Q.9. What is time out Freezing? Explain selective transmission?
Q.10. What are the main requirements accompanied the development of
mobile IP standard?
Q.11. What are advantages and disadvantages of mobile TCP?
Q.12. Write short notes on DHCP?
Q.13. What is DHCP? How does DHCP support dynamic address
Q.14. Design the issues of network layer?
Q.15. List and define the entities of mobile IP and describe data transfer
from a mobile node to a fixed node vice versa?

Q.1. Explain synchronization protocol detail?
Q.2. What are DNS file system synchronization protocol? Discuss one in
Q.3. Explain how ATM cells are routed through a Network?
Q.4. Explain how the window management take place in TCP?
Q.5. Why is common synchronization framwork useful? What problems
Q.6. What are the primary goals of the WAP Forum efforts and how are they
reflected in initial WAP protocol architecture?
Q.7. Define domain name system, what are the different types of DNS, give
suitable example?
Q.8. Write short note on: Wireless application protocols?
Q.9. Explain the threat and security issues to wireless network?
Q.10. Write short notes on:
(a) 802.11 security (b) Bluetooth security (c) WAP 2.0 security
Q.11. Explain the existing wireless network in brief. Also give the types of
wireless networks?
Q.12. Describe following terms:
(a) Wireless data gram protocol
(b) Wireless transcation protocol
(c) Wireless session protocol
Q.13. Give the examples that provide different solutions for the file system?
Q.14. Explain infrastructure based and ad-hoc wireless networks?
Q.15. Explain the term wireless application protocol and also define wireless
application environment?

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