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The final documents should be submitted on Moodle on Thursday 19 January 2023


Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria for this assessment covers all Learning Outcomes (LOs) as
detailed above.

Word Count

• 3,500 words, excluding appendices, tables, figures/diagrams or reference list

• Please provide an accurate word count on the front page of your work
• There is a tolerance of 10% on the word count. However, should you go above or
below the word limit, you will have 10% deducted from your mark.
Summative Assessment Requirement (3500 words equivalent)
The assessment offers you the opportunity to practice planning a project based on a
case study scenario to prepare you for managing a real project in the future.

For your assessment, you will work independently in creating a PID portfolio that
incorporates critical reflection and clearly shows how you planned and would
implement and manage the project through to completion and closure.
It is worth asking someone else to read through the assignment beforehand and
double check the structure, spelling, grammar and unanswered questions that might
arise. The portfolio is an academic piece of work, so requires academic underpinning
and appropriate referencing. Further information and supporting resources are
available through Moodle and during sessions.

What is included in the portfolio?

• Comprehensive and completed Project Initiation Document (PID) that details the
project, includes signposting to applied tools and techniques used and critical
justification of why and how these are most appropriate
• Supporting documentation showing relevant applied tools, for example Gantt chart,
stakeholder analysis, communication plan, budget, resource plan, risk register
(included in word count)
• Any relevant supporting evidence that you have communicated with key
in the documentation, for example emails/screenshots.
PID Portfolio The assessment will focus on completing the Project Initiation
Document (PID) that provides an in-depth assessment of the project. This will then
be supported by relevant documentation showing how you have applied project
management theory, tools and techniques to the project, i.e. managing risk (risk
register), scope and scheduling
(managing time and tasks, Gantt chart), budget, staffing, quality, communications,
stakeholder expectations and other areas the PID template and sessions cover. You
are also required to include a critical reflection at the end of the assignment – this
could be at the bottom of the PID, or on a separate sheet.
When thinking about the structure of your work, you could use the marking sheet, or
the PID Template provided.

Scenario Three: Upgrading the IT System

Fatima Ali (FA), Head of IT at Fulchester University talks with you (PM) about her
project of upgrading the University’s IT system:

FA: Thanks for coming to see me and agreeing to work on this project.

PM: I’m looking forward to it, please tell me more.

FA: I don’t know how much you know about the University, or for that matter, our IT
systems. We are looking to upgrade our operating system from Windows 7 to
Windows 10. We have a couple of sites with about 500 desk top computers and 90
laptops. There were also 60 AV systems in lecture theatres linked to our network. All
of these will require upgrading.

PM: Okay. Is there anything that I need to know about at this stage?

FA: Yes, don’t worry about licensing, we have got that covered. The deadline is
important, we are looking to complete this before the end of the second semester of

PM: Of any concerns that I need to be aware of?

FA: Absolutely! Students and staff must not be inconvenienced in the upgrade. This
is quite a high profile project. I can’t afford it to go wrong.

PM: Tell me about other projects of this type you have been involved in here?

FA: Well actually I’m quite new, but from my experience, the issue of training always
seems to go wrong, that’s a concern.

PM: What resources have you allocated for the project?

FA: As I’ve said you don’t have to worry about licence costs, we budgeted £15,000
for the upgrade.

PM: So if you are to sum up in a couple of sentences what does success looks like?
FA: Well, success would be the following. Firstly, that the project would proceed with
very few people noticing, I know that’s not possible all the time. But fundamentally
after the implementation date the computers would be working well and people
would enjoy their new experience of Windows 10.

PM: That’s given me enough to work on for the moment, but I’m sure I will have more
questions for you later.

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