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Gridding Report
Sun Nov 25 19:07:37 2018
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.09 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: F:\TRABAJOS GEOIDE SURFER\Albacete ETRS89 UTM30N.dat
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Filtered Data Counts

Active Data: 25

Original Data: 26
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 1
Retained Duplicates: 1
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 0.0037
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 0.0023

Deleted Duplicates: 1
Retained Duplicates: 1
Artificial Data: 0

X Y Z ID Status
621122.9 4356092.4 777.5966 15 Retained
621122.9 4356092.4 777.5966 16 Deleted
Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Z Data Transform
Transformation method: Linear (use Z values directly)

No untransformable data were found.

Data Counts
Active Data: 25

Univariate Statistics
Count: 25 25 25

1%-tile: 593312.9879 4345578.6629 772.051

5%-tile: 593730.5914 4350833.9673 773.3345
10%-tile: 594005.557 4350929.197 777.5966
25%-tile: 595711.3522 4351772.4536 790.3441
50%-tile: 607019.8656 4355855.5521 799.1262
75%-tile: 618290.561 4356260.4705 810.023
90%-tile: 621418.2419 4357038.4467 820.1894
95%-tile: 622306.7309 4357534.7299 823.0924
99%-tile: 622797.1265 4360147.7385 826.4612

Minimum: 593312.9879 4345578.6629 772.051

Maximum: 624487.229 4365583.9838 859.611

Mean: 607451.879048 4354841.72333 801.318712

Median: 607019.8656 4355855.5521 799.1262
Geometric Mean: 607358.634906 4354840.11525 801.096928111
Harmonic Mean: 607265.527016 4354838.5074 800.877918113
Root Mean Square: 607545.239843 4354843.33164 801.543346769
Trim Mean (10%): 606622.710582 4354533.30446 798.856572727
Interquartile Mean: 606890.182615 4355068.6822 800.718015385
Midrange: 608900.10845 4355581.32335 815.831
Winsorized Mean: 607277.126008 4354573.5094 799.767164
TriMean: 607010.4111 4354936.00707 799.654875

Variance: 118159476.291 14591560.7391 375.060987449

Standard Deviation: 10870.118504 3819.89014752 19.3664913562
Interquartile Range: 22579.2088 4488.0169 19.6789
Range: 31174.2411 20005.3209 87.56
Mean Difference: 12627.9151973 4037.76150333 21.3418433333
Median Abs. Deviation: 11308.5134 1182.8946 10.7726
Average Abs. Deviation: 9041.157936 2616.938944 14.564752
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0185989894699 0.00051538814094 0.0122964912238
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0207883383571 0.000927189036906 0.0266334019333

Standard Error: 2174.0237008 763.978029504 3.87329827124

Coef. of Variation: 0.017894616642 0.000877159352785 0.0241682754517
Skewness: 0.120693185209 0.239267078391 0.827820155182
Kurtosis: 1.50609119605 4.27554072115 4.11601654852

Sum: 15186296.9762 108871043.083 20032.9678

Sum Absolute: 15186296.9762 108871043.083 20032.9678
Sum Squares: 9.2277804614e+012 4.74116511079e+014 16061793.4187
Mean Square: 369111218456 1.89646604432e+013 642471.736749

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 1.1815948e+008 28538550 7469.0136
Y: 28538550 14591561 40916.848
Z: 7469.0136 40916.848 375.06099

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 0.687 0.035
Y: 0.687 1.000 0.553
Z: 0.035 0.553 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 0.828 0.052
Y: 0.828 1.000 0.325
Z: 0.052 0.325 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: -0.249190207728 -0.249190207728 0.00116385364147
Y: 0.968440547479 0.968440547479 -0.0050804628213
Z: 0.00521021789677 0.00521021789677 -0.0050804628213

Lambda: 125502732.451 7248503.766 175.874594146


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: -0.00116383813483 0.00508040934579 -20616.0842168
Standard Error: 0.00035809817689 0.00101902658677 4291.10367889

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.687 0.660
B: -0.687 1.000 -0.999
C: 0.660 -0.999 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 4780.35877296 2390.17938648 12.4573891023
Residual: 22 4221.10492582 191.868405719
Total: 24 9001.46369879

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.531064606038

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%-tile: 245.564830274 0.1629
5%-tile: 245.564830274 0.692
10%-tile: 287.017093306 0.9987
25%-tile: 358.46429562 2.4133
50%-tile: 417.884379911 4.2621
75%-tile: 1767.33663459 11.3899
90%-tile: 3780.21783165 23.067
95%-tile: 5872.92327578 39.4216
99%-tile: 5872.92327578 39.4216
Minimum: 245.564830274 0.1629
Maximum: 6179.87085782 46.064

Mean: 1468.0418166 10.647792

Median: 417.884379911 4.2621
Geometric Mean: 769.881116979 4.98707166314
Harmonic Mean: 520.016419116 1.79011291221
Root Mean Square: 2381.50092141 16.7465175708
Trim Mean (10%): 1109.2130205 8.20665
Interquartile Mean: 638.625896617 5.68179230769
Midrange: 3212.71784405 23.11345
Winsorized Mean: 1207.95544106 8.465244
TriMean: 740.392422507 5.58185

Variance: 3662916.52437 174.031641952

Standard Deviation: 1913.87474103 13.1921052888
Interquartile Range: 1408.87233897 8.9766
Range: 5934.30602755 45.9011
Mean Difference: 1786.4437709 12.9522086667
Median Abs. Deviation: 172.319549637 3.5486
Average Abs. Deviation: 1121.54542259 8.316492
Quartile Dispersion: 0.662748952147 0.650327460299
Relative Mean Diff.: 1.21688888606 1.21642202127

Standard Error: 382.774948207 2.63842105777

Coef. of Variation: 1.3036922514 1.23895219674
Skewness: 1.54032176171 1.51876325438
Kurtosis: 3.87867122144 4.03158703726

Sum: 36701.0454149 266.1948

Sum Absolute: 36701.0454149 266.1948
Sum Squares: 141788665.967 7011.14626872
Mean Square: 5671546.63867 280.445850749

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 4.00865422254e-008
Clark and Evans: 0.587851621446
Skellam: 35.7124776331

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Minimum Curvature
Maximum Residual: 0.088
Maximum Iteration: 100000
Internal Tension: 0
Boundary Tension: 0
Relaxation Factor: 1
Anisotropy Ratio: 1

Output Grid
Grid File Name: F:\TRABAJOS GEOIDE SURFER\Albacete ETRS89 UTM30N.grd
Grid Size: 41 rows x 81 columns
Total Nodes: 3321
Filled Nodes: 3321
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 593300
X Maximum: 624500
X Spacing: 390

Y Minimum: 4345500
Y Maximum: 4365500
Y Spacing: 500

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 3321

1%-tile: 652.868513892
5%-tile: 720.973578471
10%-tile: 753.888989004
25%-tile: 791.400031862
50%-tile: 806.097600222
75%-tile: 826.477890172
90%-tile: 845.799881828
95%-tile: 853.874137642
99%-tile: 861.52472077

Minimum: 576.044402072
Maximum: 867.671435773

Mean: 801.735821482
Median: 806.097600222
Geometric Mean: 800.664760744
Harmonic Mean: 799.519825396
Root Mean Square: 802.741134923
Trim Mean (10%): 805.313193591
Interquartile Mean: 806.925716504
Midrange: 721.857918923
Winsorized Mean: 805.305054398
TriMean: 807.51828062

Variance: 1613.48809347
Standard Deviation: 40.1682473288
Interquartile Range: 35.0778583104
Range: 291.627033701
Mean Difference: 41.0536383532
Median Abs. Deviation: 17.0843582368
Average Abs. Deviation: 27.4353181807
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0216813999578
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0512059424728

Standard Error: 0.697025143757

Coef. of Variation: 0.0501015998693
Skewness: -1.6380518806
Kurtosis: 7.25862997882

Sum: 2662564.66314
Sum Absolute: 2662564.66314
Sum Squares: 2140030247.92
Mean Square: 644393.329697

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