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Gridding Report
Tue Sep 12 19:47:49 2023
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.07 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\tugas kelly\materi\SURFER KELOMPOK
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 46

Original Data: 46
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 8.5E-006
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 7.6E-006

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 46

Univariate Statistics
Count: 46 46 46

1%%-tile: 462856.809488 9711519.09144 7.29499951019

5%%-tile: 462858.710458 9711525.15293 7.48414947806
10%%-tile: 462865.408628 9711531.37084 7.53269240367
25%%-tile: 462878.712263 9711538.92289 7.86348330065
50%%-tile: 462886.480112 9711557.73751 8.07114947806
75%%-tile: 462901.830684 9711564.72467 8.36051935275
90%%-tile: 462909.520178 9711573.78908 8.677
95%%-tile: 462910.461803 9711576.67489 8.72
99%%-tile: 462925.585 9711579.773 8.805

Minimum: 462856.809488 9711519.09144 7.29499951019

Maximum: 462928.216 9711583.541 9.09014947806

Mean: 462889.004671 9711553.39788 8.13706113952

Median: 462886.798083 9711558.71326 8.08554620821
Geometric Mean: 462889.004355 9711553.39787 8.12689077124
Harmonic Mean: 462889.004039 9711553.39785 8.11670744285
Root Mean Square: 462889.004987 9711553.3979 8.14721248867
Trim Mean (10%%): 462888.082595 9711552.94776 8.12038991131
Interquartile Mean: 462887.867929 9711554.26335 8.12419854489
Midrange: 462892.512744 9711551.31622 8.19257449413
Winsorized Mean: 462888.634555 9711553.48088 8.13095815521
TriMean: 462888.375793 9711554.78065 8.09157540238

Variance: 298.954145826 276.61681005 0.168980843988

Standard Deviation: 17.2902905073 16.6318011667 0.411072796458
Interquartile Range: 23.11842168 25.8017774988 0.497036052097
Range: 71.40651223 64.4495612998 1.79514996787
Mean Difference: 19.8140775227 19.094763021 0.471723398959
Median Abs. Deviation: 13.221485545 14.3343672501 0.25442526097
Average Abs. Deviation: 14.2898028113 13.9664718955 0.328901724761
Quartile Dispersion: 2.49718163296e-005 1.3284065187e-006 0.0306358463269
Relative Mean Diff.: 4.28052455831e-005 1.96619039599e-006 0.0579722077629

Standard Error: 2.54931425488 2.4522252984 0.0606093772318

Coef. of Variation: 3.73529946333e-005 1.71257887233e-006 0.0505185827426
Skewness: 0.165816836341 -0.215722334632 0.0372819999624
Kurtosis: 2.32755615193 1.96950705707 2.42456672498

Sum: 21292894.2149 446731456.303 374.304812418

Sum Absolute: 21292894.2149 446731456.303 374.304812418
Sum Squares: 9.85624662313e+012 4.33845639241e+015 3053.34528144
Mean Square: 214266230938 9.43142694002e+013 66.3770713356
Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 298.95415 84.888515 -1.4629191
Y: 84.888515 276.61681 -4.0943181
Z: -1.4629191 -4.0943181 0.16898084

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 0.295 -0.206
Y: 0.295 1.000 -0.599
Z: -0.206 -0.599 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 0.214 -0.205
Y: 0.214 1.000 -0.665
Z: -0.205 -0.665 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: -0.659515188226 -0.659515188226 0.000754938565722
Y: 0.751618495967 0.751618495967 0.0145738554816
Z: -0.0104571994668 -0.0104571994668 0.0145738554816

Lambda: 373.444241475 202.187495288 0.108199956629


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: -0.00075649302936 -0.0145692540053 141848.397606
Standard Error: 0.00303683385383 0.0031570687401 30274.8884362

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.295 0.253
B: -0.295 1.000 -0.999
C: 0.253 -0.999 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 2.73410320467 1.36705160234 12.0703899703
Residual: 43 4.87003477478 0.113256622669
Total: 45 7.60413797945

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.359554654592

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%%-tile: 0.133252230511 0.014
5%%-tile: 0.279411141945 0.018
10%%-tile: 0.582063551024 0.021
25%%-tile: 1.37379288715 0.055
50%%-tile: 2.60600005246 0.19
75%%-tile: 4.19327512238 0.330790896981
90%%-tile: 7.74199998262 0.601516699349
95%%-tile: 9.70900002193 0.806
99%%-tile: 12.0186657621 0.825468639164

Minimum: 0.133252230511 0.014

Maximum: 12.4325217785 0.825468639164

Mean: 3.62366676373 0.265360752979

Median: 2.60600005246 0.19
Geometric Mean: 2.2699760903 0.152370088516
Harmonic Mean: 1.09198779361 0.0737816698619
Root Mean Square: 4.84736312981 0.361447408281
Trim Mean (10%%): 3.21916515137 0.237113594115
Interquartile Mean: 2.53790150125 0.193827549658
Midrange: 6.28288700453 0.419734319582
Winsorized Mean: 3.34253213988 0.242853062075
TriMean: 2.69476702861 0.191447724245

Variance: 10.5963233532 0.0615662975035

Standard Deviation: 3.25519943371 0.248125568017
Interquartile Range: 2.81948223523 0.275790896981
Range: 12.299269548 0.811468639164
Mean Difference: 3.47446549298 0.267945022461
Median Abs. Deviation: 1.58279394552 0.140790896981
Average Abs. Deviation: 2.39618694783 0.186549147909
Quartile Dispersion: 0.506457300396 0.714871447562
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.95882588536 1.0097387027

Standard Error: 0.47995297218 0.0365841191204

Coef. of Variation: 0.898316441868 0.935049984713
Skewness: 1.13750026065 1.02958598388
Kurtosis: 3.29025863218 2.97208423016

Sum: 166.688671132 12.206594637

Sum Absolute: 166.688671132 12.206594637
Sum Squares: 1080.85874836 6.00963453185
Mean Square: 23.4969293123 0.130644228953

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.0099953969303
Clark and Evans: 0.72456653364
Skellam: 67.8810975368

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\tugas kelly\materi\SURFER KELOMPOK
Grid Size: 90 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 9000
Filled Nodes: 9000
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 462856.8094
X Maximum: 462928.216
X Spacing: 0.72127878787866

Y Minimum: 9711519.091
Y Maximum: 9711583.541
Y Spacing: 0.72415730336242

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 9000

1%%-tile: 7.4560491446
5%%-tile: 7.57731545838
10%%-tile: 7.63232318468
25%%-tile: 7.77717920742
50%%-tile: 8.23271680094
75%%-tile: 8.41772260107
90%%-tile: 8.57057359504
95%%-tile: 8.67502942871
99%%-tile: 8.79465655042

Minimum: 7.31769300375
Maximum: 9.06046324459

Mean: 8.13895446779
Median: 8.23273385627
Geometric Mean: 8.13088632947
Harmonic Mean: 8.12276280285
Root Mean Square: 8.14695854897
Trim Mean (10%%): 8.13982321713
Interquartile Mean: 8.17471441096
Midrange: 8.18907812417
Winsorized Mean: 8.13479268726
TriMean: 8.16508385259

Variance: 0.130368255367
Standard Deviation: 0.361065444715
Interquartile Range: 0.640543393654
Range: 1.74277024083
Mean Difference: 0.411926317225
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.268569661966
Average Abs. Deviation: 0.305364719207
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0395521628491
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0506116994333

Standard Error: 0.0038059639656

Coef. of Variation: 0.0443626323435
Skewness: -0.206128461515
Kurtosis: 1.91737501109

Sum: 73250.5902101
Sum Absolute: 73250.5902101
Sum Squares: 597356.402388
Mean Square: 66.3729335987

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