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Cross Validation Report

Sun Mar 28 19:36:46 2021

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive - Universidad Central del
Ecuador\Documentos\4to 5to\Geoestadistica\Repasoexamen\mn.dat
X Column: B
Y Column: C
Z Column: D

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Nugget Effect
Error Variance: 0.014
Micro Variance: 0

Component Type: Spherical

Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Length: 6200
Anisotropy Ratio: 1.03
Variogram Scale: 0.019

Search Parameters
Search Ellipse Radius #1: 6200
Search Ellipse Radius #2: 6000
Search Ellipse Angle: 135

Number of Search Sectors: 1

Maximum Data Per Sector: 190
Maximum Empty Sectors: 1

Minimum Data: 1
Maximum Data: 190

Data Counts at Validation Points

Active Results: 190
NoData Results: 0
Attempted Results: 190
Requested Results: 190

Univariate Statistics
Count: 190 190 190

1%-tile: 696024.82 9871178.38 2.33041377335

5%-tile: 697475.01 9871679.02 2.44715803134
10%-tile: 699215.76 9872390.91 2.48429983935
25%-tile: 702537.9 9874595.97 2.61489721603
50%-tile: 709112.51 9878208.6 2.79028516403
75%-tile: 714266.79 9882438.11 2.91803033678
90%-tile: 719393.53 9887523.57 2.98045789228
95%-tile: 720391.41 9888454.52 3.0244856677
99%-tile: 722380.33 9889071.02 3.10414555055

Minimum: 695570.03 9871080.49 2.30319605742

Maximum: 722535.49 9889197.15 3.14829409743

Mean: 709065.829368 9878995.94689 2.76278140783

Median: 709187 9878271.23 2.79133842677
Geometric Mean: 709029.178085 9878994.54498 2.75631434072
Harmonic Mean: 708992.519 9878993.14329 2.74971927263
Root Mean Square: 709102.4709 9878997.34902 2.76911194942
Trim Mean (10%): 709009.508538 9878823.43819 2.76534828627
Interquartile Mean: 709128.694526 9878164.57368 2.77958449909
Midrange: 709052.76 9880138.82 2.72574507743
Winsorized Mean: 709110.013368 9878974.61895 2.7633843267
TriMean: 708757.4275 9878362.82 2.77837447022

Variance: 52238799.1377 27849796.0734 0.0352051713095

Standard Deviation: 7227.64132603 5277.29059967 0.187630411473
Interquartile Range: 11728.89 7842.14 0.303133120752
Range: 26965.46 18116.66 0.845098040014
Mean Difference: 8342.83472236 6017.76995544 0.214295857604
Median Abs. Deviation: 5548.115 3885.86 0.142490991919
Average Abs. Deviation: 6171.19631579 4374.90731579 0.154521096413
Quartile Dispersion: 0.00827840991972 0.000396929011118 0.0547871118604
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.011765952295 0.000609147932421 0.0775652597766

Standard Error: 524.348212635 382.854899499 0.0136121407322

Coef. of Variation: 0.0101931880323 0.000534193011926 0.0679135927804
Skewness: -0.0240405508583 0.431390277783 -0.350371442952
Kurtosis: 1.95088061499 2.03325367026 2.31003001733

Sum: 134722507.58 1877009229.91 524.928467488

Sum Absolute: 134722507.58 1877009229.91 524.928467488
Sum Squares: 9.55369997048e+13 1.85429718382e+16 1456.9163878
Mean Square: 502826314236 9.7594588622e+13 7.6679809884
Univariate Cross-Validation Statistics
Estimated Z Residual Z Data Used
Count: 190 190 190

1%-tile: 2.59358085652 -0.439367482414 10

5%-tile: 2.63285428089 -0.316327916897 16
10%-tile: 2.66477806814 -0.246522528615 18
25%-tile: 2.71225560738 -0.14214774682 27
50%-tile: 2.75752371679 -0.0152815067805 37
75%-tile: 2.80369666141 0.134074895193 47
90%-tile: 2.8782021505 0.268886223713 54
95%-tile: 2.90384629256 0.330925621793 56
99%-tile: 2.9461832624 0.443652621516 65

Minimum: 2.54117780618 -0.468337748912 10

Maximum: 2.99239454229 0.547485337348 65

Mean: 2.76361989352 0.000838485687118 36.8526315789

Median: 2.75768085313 -0.0143278905757 37
Geometric Mean: 2.76246575787 N/A 34.1169725163
Harmonic Mean: 2.76131452624 N/A 31.0168924614
Root Mean Square: 2.76477692453 0.197820322331 39.1517963559
Trim Mean (10%): 2.76210509501 -0.00280586585691 36.7368421053
Interquartile Mean: 2.75839947564 -0.0113010141714 37.1789473684
Midrange: 2.76678617423 0.0395737942177 37.5
Winsorized Mean: 2.7641990664 -8.12851292533e-05 36.7578947368
TriMean: 2.75774992559 -0.00965896629717 37

Variance: 0.00643037060283 0.0393392254236 175.671289334

Standard Deviation: 0.0801895916116 0.198341184386 13.2541046221
Interquartile Range: 0.0914410540303 0.276222642013 20
Range: 0.451216736103 1.01582308626 55
Mean Difference: 0.0902827223634 0.225848852063 15.2612642718
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.0460546936329 0.137677614503 10
Average Abs. Deviation: 0.0625405320929 0.158927972452 11.0842105263
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0165775644122 N/A 0.27027027027
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0326682850182 N/A 0.414115997092

Standard Error: 0.00581756442202 0.0143891818691 0.961553811983

Coef. of Variation: 0.029016143573 N/A 0.359651510741
Skewness: 0.192747167827 0.183891217295 -0.0575887772143
Kurtosis: 2.96281710909 2.58178684338 2.09776265277

Sum: 525.087779769 0.159312280552 7002

Sum Absolute: 525.087779769 30.3322115102 7002
Sum Squares: 1452.35837406 7.43524718613 291244
Mean Square: 7.64399144241 0.039132879927 1532.86315789

Most under-estimated data:

X = 713884.37 Y = 9871080.49 Z = 3.1445742076096
E = 2.6762364586973 ID = 37

Most over-estimated data:

X = 713075.06 Y = 9880627.3 Z = 2.3031960574205
E = 2.8506813947682 ID = 176

Residual Regression at Validation Points: R = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 7.16732656982e-08 6.77840335747e-07 -6.74636450738
Standard Error: 2.00671695079e-06 2.74834786701e-06 27.1639515906

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.017 -0.035
B: -0.017 1.000 -0.999
C: -0.035 -0.999 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 0.00248111575482 0.00124055787741
Residual: 187 7.43263248931 0.0397466978038
Total: 189 7.43511360506

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.000333702467321

Inter-Variable Correlation at Validation Points

X Y Z Estimated Z Residual Z
X: 1.000 0.017 -0.113 -0.256 0.003
Y: 0.017 1.000 0.034 0.124 0.018
Z: -0.113 0.034 1.000 0.076 -0.915
E: -0.256 0.124 0.076 1.000 0.332
R: 0.003 0.018 -0.915 0.332 1.000
Rank Correlation at Validation Points
X Y Z Estimated Z Residual Z
X: 1.000 0.023 -0.110 -0.240 0.018
Y: 0.023 1.000 0.030 0.166 0.015
Z: -0.110 0.030 1.000 0.050 -0.907
E: -0.240 0.166 0.050 1.000 0.341
R: 0.018 0.015 -0.907 0.341 1.000

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