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Gridding Report
Tue Jan 30 11:52:29 2024
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.01 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\USER\Downloads\tITO.txt
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Filtered Data Counts

Active Data: 24

Original Data: 25
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 1
Retained Duplicates: 1
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 1E-05
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 3.7E-06

Deleted Duplicates: 1
Retained Duplicates: 1
Artificial Data: 0

X Y Z ID Status
200 100 50 1 Retained
200 100 50 22 Deleted
Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Z Data Transform
Transformation method: Linear (use Z values directly)

No untransformable data were found.

Data Counts
Active Data: 24

Univariate Statistics
Count: 24 24 24

1%-tile: 143.582491601 70.0532185024 45.921388314

5%-tile: 185.802834995 70.6494059 46.1883446054
10%-tile: 197.960071089 72.1180783363 46.5368217124
25%-tile: 205.10032952 76.9909765336 47.1033102238
50%-tile: 209.776893261 80.7660844001 49.5121043095
75%-tile: 221.179448977 91.9616393162 50.3014442907
90%-tile: 225.690373116 97.9631318811 50.9675043904
95%-tile: 225.697986185 98.7963727842 51.6270767168
99%-tile: 227.02747089 100 52.6702975813

Minimum: 143.582491601 70.0532185024 45.921388314

Maximum: 230.893940722 101.761218738 54.1094593735

Mean: 209.48227755 85.0058828121 49.173129307

Median: 210.013259859 84.0227581425 49.5545351619
Geometric Mean: 208.640673699 84.47975863 49.1297774326
Harmonic Mean: 207.657133558 83.9578091154 49.0867187461
Root Mean Square: 210.209450993 85.5323753297 49.2167547827
Trim Mean (10%): 210.76527419 84.2060357261 48.9263789571
Interquartile Mean: 210.86485093 83.8084783264 49.0434285636
Midrange: 187.238216161 85.9072186204 50.0154238438
Winsorized Mean: 211.981716597 84.8752718283 48.9839455572
TriMean: 211.458391255 82.6211961625 49.1072407834

Variance: 318.457752027 93.6909045755 4.47892748006

Standard Deviation: 17.8453846142 9.67940620986 2.11634767466
Interquartile Range: 16.0791194572 14.9706627827 3.19813406697
Range: 87.3114491212 31.7080002361 8.18807105957
Mean Difference: 17.5572254287 11.3101779036 2.42611463115
Median Abs. Deviation: 9.75411898202 7.3607492143 1.27372256057
Average Abs. Deviation: 11.2544811099 8.41698985368 1.67610349127
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0377196392329 0.0886086475037 0.0328334492799
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.083812462009 0.133051708064 0.0493382191726

Standard Error: 3.6426738807 1.97580051894 0.431997660105

Coef. of Variation: 0.0851880398804 0.113867486457 0.0430387023257
Skewness: -1.97180226133 0.151275769765 0.284065328397
Kurtosis: 8.13471769384 1.68974704193 2.38566750848

Sum: 5027.5746612 2040.14118749 1180.15510337

Sum Absolute: 5027.5746612 2040.14118749 1180.15510337
Sum Squares: 1060512.31888 175578.893509 58134.9348322
Mean Square: 44188.0132866 7315.78722954 2422.28895134

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 318.45775 -61.287807 -3.4790335
Y: -61.287807 93.690905 5.7559193
Z: -3.4790335 5.7559193 4.4789275

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 -0.355 -0.092
Y: -0.355 1.000 0.281
Z: -0.092 0.281 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 -0.186 0.055
Y: -0.186 1.000 0.345
Z: 0.055 0.345 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.2477017424 0.2477017424 -0.00168083511597
Y: 0.966743444335 0.966743444335 -0.0652655200936
Z: 0.0636471495604 0.0636471495604 -0.0652655200936

Lambda: 334.152743197 78.3665194746 4.10832141112


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 0.00102812374533 0.062107744743 43.6782319319
Standard Error: 0.0265640830879 0.0489747273074 8.05764027983

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 0.355 -0.874
B: 0.355 1.000 -0.762
C: -0.874 -0.762 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 8.13993671376 4.06996835688
Residual: 21 94.8753953276 4.51787596798
Total: 23 103.015332041

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.0790167497639

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%-tile: 0.0125601704864 0.519484347911
5%-tile: 0.0125601704864 0.775464334063
10%-tile: 0.76867966819 0.775464334063
25%-tile: 1.0683351464 1.00279432781
50%-tile: 3.88601192013 1.43916179228
75%-tile: 6.44483594928 2.51746563543
90%-tile: 7.2903293944 3.4631782876
95%-tile: 9.33324788341 3.6774487641
99%-tile: 14.3000861691 4.07088902245

Minimum: 0.0125601704864 0.519484347911

Maximum: 49.919352768 4.07088902245

Mean: 6.0444904233 1.92687372244

Median: 3.89465676167 1.43916179228
Geometric Mean: 2.37001769429 1.64358118511
Harmonic Mean: 0.14274749727 1.40068983745
Root Mean Square: 11.4460612984 2.20515915624
Trim Mean (10%): 3.84932243103 1.78970033075
Interquartile Mean: 3.71418165238 1.63988584495
Midrange: 24.9659564692 2.29518668518
Winsorized Mean: 3.95409627155 1.87796905743
TriMean: 3.82129873399 1.59964588695

Variance: 98.5841267164 1.19987954309

Standard Deviation: 9.92895395882 1.09539013282
Interquartile Range: 5.37650080288 1.51467130762
Range: 49.9067925975 3.55140467454
Mean Difference: 7.26343652672 1.23771985892
Median Abs. Deviation: 2.57017845787 0.675170596625
Average Abs. Deviation: 4.37043491282 0.897305544621
Quartile Dispersion: 0.715610057912 0.430272571753
Relative Mean Diff.: 1.2016623434 0.642346119783

Standard Error: 2.02673923989 0.223595574558

Coef. of Variation: 1.6426453288 0.568480497745
Skewness: 3.56646036411 0.624596432526
Kurtosis: 15.9355182236 2.030560754

Sum: 145.067770159 46.2449693385

Sum Absolute: 145.067770159 46.2449693385
Sum Squares: 3144.29566193 116.705445704
Mean Square: 131.012319247 4.86272690434

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.00866904370846
Clark and Evans: 1.12557719607
Skellam: 171.2672946

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 0.139508

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\USER\Downloads\tITO.grd
Grid Size: 37 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 3700
Filled Nodes: 3700
NoData Nodes: 0
NoData Value: 1.70141E+38

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 143.5824916
X Maximum: 230.8939408
X Spacing: 0.88193383030303

Y Minimum: 70.0532185
Y Maximum: 101.7612188
Y Spacing: 0.88077778611111
Count: 3700

1%-tile: 47.1181758069
5%-tile: 47.703530555
10%-tile: 48.1956584722
25%-tile: 49.7422821216
50%-tile: 50.7854944464
75%-tile: 51.1809142686
90%-tile: 51.4215280547
95%-tile: 51.5891690704
99%-tile: 53.0512149629

Minimum: 45.976816214
Maximum: 53.8109211931

Mean: 50.3427966202
Median: 50.785577229
Geometric Mean: 50.3263920805
Harmonic Mean: 50.3097382508
Root Mean Square: 50.3589537212
Trim Mean (10%): 50.3921027348
Interquartile Mean: 50.6751347787
Midrange: 49.8938687036
Winsorized Mean: 50.3431302374
TriMean: 50.6235463208

Variance: 1.62748821765
Standard Deviation: 1.27573046434
Interquartile Range: 1.43863214707
Range: 7.83410497909
Mean Difference: 1.36391563384
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.531614466149
Average Abs. Deviation: 0.94130922585
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0142547223882
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0270925678629

Standard Error: 0.0209728796413

Coef. of Variation: 0.0253408739679
Skewness: -0.842006327025
Kurtosis: 3.28898367564

Sum: 186268.347495
Sum Absolute: 186268.347495
Sum Squares: 9383289.61362
Mean Square: 2536.0242199

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