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1) B
2) D
3) D
4) C
5) A
6) C
7) D
8) D
9) B
10) C
1) F
2) E
3) C
4) D
5) G
6) A
1) show
2) opportunity
3) where
4) either
5) actors
6) experience's
7) which
8) from
9) nay

2.1 Grammar.
1) I am learning English for seven years now.
2) Last year i am not worked hard enough for English, that's why my marks didn't
really that good then.
3) As I want to pass my English exam successfully next year, i should to study
harder this term.
4) During my last summer holidays, my parents were sending me on language course to
5) It was great and, I think, I've learned a lot.
6) Before i came to London, i am not enjoy learning English.
7) But while i was doing the langueage course, i met lots of young people from all
over the world.
8) There i have noticed how important it is to speak foreign languages nowadays.
9) Now i having much more fun learning English than i had before the course.
10) At the moment I am revising English grammar.

2.2. Conditionals: types 1,2,3

1) If i had time, i would do shopping with you.
2) If you spoke Enlish, you will get along with them perfectly.
3) If they had gone for a walk, they would turn off the light.
4) If he had known all the facts, he wouldn't be so angry.
5) If he out out the fire, he wouldn't have been so hot.
6) I wouldn't have eaten it if knew that there was garlic in it.
7) I would have taken a taxi if i had known that it was such a long way.
8) If she comes to see us, we will go to the zoo.
9) I would have told you, if i saw him.
10) Would you mind if i opened the window?

1) Mary told me to hold on a moment.
2) My mother told me to tidy up the kitchen for her.
3) Alice told her brother to buy for her paper if he was going out.
4) He told her to switch off the TV now.
5) Mary said to Helen to never marry again.

1) They said that they live with their parents.
2) He said that today we are here to reach consensus.
3) She told me that she would lend me the doll next week.
4) They said that the results would be announced tomorrow.
5) BBC News reported that the Goverment will release all UFO files that have been
secret over the past 50 years.

1) The doctor asked if I ever felt pain in my stomach.
2) A journalist asked if global warming will create more superstorms.
3) The journalist asked if scientists could desipher the mental map.
4) Susan asked me if they flew to Norway yesterday.
5) The doctor wanted to know if there's something in my past that i regret.

1) She asked me where i have bought these trainers.
2) He asked who made that noise yesterday.
3) John asked why Jane refused to apologize.
4) Peter asked when the game starts tomorrow.
5) I asked her what has her brother decided to do.
3. "Adults and teenagers often misunderstand each other"
The problem of parents and children has always existed. Anyway, these are different
generations, and sometimes it is very difficult to reach a consensus on certain
issues. Parents always try to protect their children from the cruelty of the world,
to prevent negative consequences. They want the child to have no problems, not to
be offended or upset, so they often go against the will of children, try to isolate
them from the world, surround them with care and love. And while the child is still
small and can not defend his own opinion, parents succeed. But when a child grows
up, he or she has his or her own views on life, his or her own interests, which do
not always coincide with the parents'. They want to live their own life, convinced
that parents want only the worst for them and do not understand their intentions.
As a result, quarrels and misunderstandings begin in the family.
I believe that in this case both parties need to calmly discuss everything, weigh
everything and find a solution to the problem that suits them both. Parents should
explain to the child that they only want everything to be as good as possible so
that he or she does not have to suffer because of their rash actions. The child, in
turn, should explain to the parents that he wants to build his life independently
and learn from his mistakes, because mom and dad will not always be around, and
sooner or later the child will face a situation that he will have to solve on his
own. Only by calmly discussing the problem and expressing their views, the family
will be able to find understanding. Scandals and quarrels will not lead to anything
good. Resentment will sit deep in the soul and from time to time will lead to
another dispute.
Personally, I always share my problems with my parents, tell them about my friends
and what is happening in my life. I never deceive them and thanks to this I have
earned their trust. Therefore, we very rarely have misunderstandings, because my
parents have the opportunity to look at the situation from my side, and I know that
they do everything for my happiness. Of course, we can't do without quarrels,
because, be that as it may, the barrier of generations comes between us, but it
happens very rarely, and we always find a compromise.
You need to understand that parents will never do anything that would harm their
child. You need to be patient and understanding and share with your family what is
bothering you. They will never condemn you, will not laugh, but only advise you how
to do better. After all, they have lived more than you and know better. We are just
stepping on the threshold of adulthood, and in order to prevent serious problems,
you just need to consult with the elders: they will always help and support us.
Trust is the key to a happy family, so let it into your home.

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