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exercise 18 page 226

Direcrions: Supply the stative passive of the given verbs. Use the SIMPLE PRESENT or the


1. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It (make) is made of cotton.

2. The door to this room (shut) is shut

3. The lights in this room (turn) are turned on

4. This room (crowded, not) is not crowded

5. Jim is sitting quietly. His elbows (bend) are bent and his hands (fold) are folded in front of

6. We can leave now because class (finish) is finished

7. It is hot in this room because the window (close) is closed

8. Yesterday it was hot in this room because the window (close) was closed

9. We can't go any farther. The car (stick) is stuck in the mud.

10. We couldn't go any farther. The car (stick) was stuck in the mud.

11. My room is very neat right now. The bed (make) has been made, the floor (sweept) is
swept ,and the dishes (wash) are washed

12. We are ready to sit down and eat dinner. The table (set) is set the meat and rice (do) done
,and the candles (light) lighted

13. Where's my wallet? It (go) is gone ! Did you take it?

14. Hmmm. My dress (tear) is torn .I wonder how that happened.

15. Don't look in the hall closet. Your birthday present (hide) is hidden there.

22. Exercise 19 pages 226 – 227

Directions : Complate the sentences with an appropriate form of the words in the list.

1. Excuse me, sir. Could you give me some directions? I am lost

2. Let's find another restaurant. This one is too crowded we would have to wait at least an
hour for a table.

3. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at nine.

4. That's hard work! I am exhausted .I need to rest for a while

5. You told me one thing, and John told me another. I don't know what to think. I am
confused .

6. I can't open the window. It is stuck

7. Louise is probably sleeping. The lights in her room are turned off.

8. Mrs. Wentworth's jewelry is insured for $50,000

9. Carolyn and Joe were married to each other for five years, but now they are divorced .

10. I thought I had left my book on this desk, but it isn't here. It is gone. I wonder where it is.

11. I'm sorry. You are not qualified for the job. We need someone with a degree in electrical

12. 1 love my wife. I am married to a wonderful woman.

13. We can't eat this fruit. It is spoiled .We'll have to throw it out.

14. We'd better call a plumber. The water won't go down the drain. The drain is blocked .

15. Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia

16. A: How old is Jack?

B: He was born in 1980.

17. A: The TV set doesn't work.

B: Are you sure? Is it turned off?

18. A: Is dinner ready?

B: Not yet. The potatoes are not done .They need another ten minutes.
23. Exercise 20 pages 228 - 229

Dinections: Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.

1. Our high school soccer team was very excited about going to the national finals.

2. I'm not acquainted with that man. Do you know him?

3. Mark Twain is known for his stories about life on the Mississippi.

4. A person who is addicted to drugs needs professional medical help.

5. Jack is married to Joan.

6. Could I please have the dictionary when you are finished with it?

7. A: Aren't you ready yet? We have to be at the ferry dock at 7:45.

B: I'll never make it. I'm still dressed in my pajamas.

8. My car is equipped with air conditioning and a sun roof.

9. The school children were exposed to the measles by a student who had them.

10. Gandhi was committed to nonviolence. He believed in it all of his life.

11. The large table was covered with every kind of food you could imagine

12. Barbara turned off the TV because she was tired of listening to the news.

13. The choices in that restaurant are limited to pizza and sandwiches.

14. A: Are you in favor of a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons, or are you opposed to it?
B: I'm in favor of it. I'm terrified of the possibility of a nuclear war starting by accident.
However, my wife is against disarmament.

15. The department store was filled with toys for the holiday sale

16. John's bald head is protected from the hot sun when he's wearing his hat.

17. The store was crowded with last-minute shoppers on the eve of the holiday.

18. I think you're involved in too many activities. You don't have enough time to spend with
your family.

19. Your leg bone is connected to your hip bone.

20. Their apartment is always messy. It's cluttered with newspapers, books, clothes, and dirty

21. Don't leave those seedlings outside tonight. If they're exposed to temperatures below
freezing, they will die.

22. An interior decorator makes certain that the color of the walls is coordinated with the
color of the carpets and window coverings.

23. We finished packing our sleeping bags, tent, first-aid kit, food, and warm clothes. We are
finally prepared for our camping trip.

24. 1 was very disappointed in/with that movie. The whole first hour was devoted to
historical background, with a cast of thousands fighting endless battles. I was bored with it
before the plot took shape.

25. A: Are you still associated with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent?

B: I was, until this year. Are you interested in working with them?
A: I think I'd like to. They are dedicated to helping people in time of crisis, and I admire the
work they have done. Can you get me some information?

24. exercise 23 pages 232 - 233

Directions: Complete the sentences with any appropriate tense of get and an adjective from
the list.

1. What time are we going to eat? I am getting hungry

2. A: I am getting sleepy

B: Why don't you take a nap? A couple of hours of sleep will do you good.

3. A: What time is it?

B: Almost ten.

A: I'd better leave soon. It is getting late .I have to be at the airport by eleven.

4. I didn't have an umbrella, so I got wet while I was waiting for the bus yesterday.

5. Let's turn on the air conditioner. It is getting hot in here.

6. Every time I have to give a speech, I get nervous.

7. Would you mind turning on the light? It is getting dark in here.

8. A: It's a long drive from Denver to here. I'm glad you finally arrived. What time did you
leave this morning?

B: At sunrise. We left as soon as it got light outside.

9. A: Won't you have another helping?

B: This dinner is delicious, but I really can't eat any more. I am getting full .

10. Maria's English is improving. It is getting better.

11. Shake a leg! We don't have all day to finish this work! Get moving! Let's step on it! Get
busy and finish your work. There's no time to waste.

12. My friend was sick, so I sent him a card. It said, "Get Well soon."

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