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The Precious Memories

Every year, my family took me on a holiday. It’s bringing us happiness and joy. I
remember my first trip to Malacca in 2015, it was a zoo trip. We saw a lot of animals there
like elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, rhinos and more.

In 2017, my family and I went to a picnic at a river. There, we went swimming for 1
hour straight! We had so much fun. In 2018, my family took me to Port Dickson. We stayed
in a villa near a restaurant. We got a room that have a television, bed, and a bathroom. The
television was not working but at least the bed was comfy. After we checked out, we ate
breakfast at a restaurant.

In 2019, my family and I went to a beach at Malacca. As we arrived, we checked in

before going to the beach near the room. Then, we took some of family pictures. After that, I
built a sandcastle until the water tide. Last year, we went to a Red Sand Beach at Malacca.
We did a lot of things there, like swimming, built a sandcastle and dug a hole. After done
some activities, my dad went fishing and got a few fishes. Then my mom cooked the fish, and
we ate it with rice. It was delicious. In the afternoon, we checked out and took some pictures,
we went to see the most famous building, A Famosa, It was so much fun. The best experience
I had ever. I hope we can go to a holiday again.

By: Muhammad Aniq Syauqi Bin Edey Rizwan

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