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PED003 - W23: Activity 6: Taekwon-THOUGHT!

Name: Nawawi A. Palawan

Course: BSCS
Contact Number: 09097016690
Instructor: Johnlenon N. Aliser

Activity 6: Taekwon-THOUGHT!
Direction: Your task is to fill in the blank space provided on each item to complete the
thought of the sentence. Students under categories 1 and 2 must encode their answers
in MS word and send it through Messenger or post it on FB group page. Students under
Category 3, shall write their answers on a piece of paper and shall place it on envelope
upon its submission.
1. Facilities and equipment are necessary because it ensures the safety of the athletes. It also lets athletes
practice their skills effectively.
2. Rules and regulations allow the competitors to have a safe play on the mat and to ensure that competitors
learn correct techniques for a win. Without it, serious injuries may occur.
3. Constant practice and training can gradually improve one's skills, so the athlete should keep it that way, keep
practicing for a better performance result.
4. Taekwondo competition aims to continue, develop, and integrate fitness, technique, strategy, and positive core
5. Self defense is a type of competition in which the competitors perform various pre-arranged self-defense
techniques. It
is/can demonstrate technical and useful techniques protecting oneself against deadly weapons.

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