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Human Development 2022;66:73–92 Received: August 18, 2021

Accepted: December 22, 2021
DOI: 10.1159/000523723 Published online: February 22, 2022

The Neurodiversity Approach(es):

What Are They and What Do They Mean
for Researchers?
Patrick Dwyer a, b  

for Mind and Brain, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA, USA; bDepartment of Psychology,
University of California at Davis, Davis, CA, USA

Keywords One major area of research in developmental science

Social model · Medical model · Disability · is atypical development: the study of so-called “neurode-
Neurodevelopmental disabilities · Autism velopmental disorders” such as autism or intellectual dis-
ability, as well as the development of mental health chal-
lenges and more. Research regarding atypical develop-
Abstract ment has traditionally been conducted within the
This paper presents the concepts of “neurodiversity” and the framework of the medical model, which assumes that
“neurodiversity approaches” towards disability and discusses disabilities are pathological in nature: that they are med-
how confusion regarding the meaning of these concepts exacer- ical diseases and disorders of the body and mind which
bates debate and conflict surrounding the neurodiversity ap- lead individuals to have deficits and experience function-
proaches. For example, some claim the neurodiversity approach- al limitations. In this model, the appropriate response to
es focus solely on society and deny contributions of individual disability is to strive to transform disabled people into
characteristics to disability (a controversial stance), whereas this able-bodied and typically developing individuals. Al-
paper joins other literature in acknowledging the contributions though the medical model has historically been domi-
of both individual and society to disability. This paper also ad- nant in shaping views of disability, it has often been poor-
dresses other controversies related to neurodiversity, such as un- ly received within disability communities (Constantino,
certainty regarding the scope of the approaches – to whom do 2018; Ne’eman, 2010; Oliver, 1990). Disabled individuals
they apply? – and their implications for diagnostic categories. Fi- can find its emphasis on cure and normalization frustrat-
nally, it provides recommendations for developmental research- ing when they may not be able, or willing, to transform
ers who wish to carry out neurodiversity-aligned research: schol- themselves into typically developing, “normal” individu-
ars are urged to study both individual neurodivergent people and als.
the contexts around them; to consider both strengths and weak- Indeed, while the medical model makes normalization
nesses; to recognize their own biases; and to listen to and learn the explicit goal of autism research and intervention,
from neurodivergent people. © 2022 The Author(s). qualitative and quantitative research suggest that at-
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel © 2022 The Author(s). Correspondence to: Published by S. Karger AG, Basel Patrick Dwyer, patricksrdwyer @
This is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC BY-NC)
(, applicable to
the online version of the article only. Usage and distribution for com-
mercial purposes requires written permission.
tempts by autistic people1 to “camouflage” or “mask” forwardly, “neurodiversity” can simply refer to the reality
their autism and appear more neurotypical are associated that diverse minds and brains exist, just as “biodiversity”
with exhaustion, burnout, anxiety, depression, stress, re- refers to the factual reality of biological diversity. In this
duced well-being, and suicidality (Cage & Troxell-Whit- factual sense, even groups of neurotypical people are neu-
man, 2019; Cassidy et al., 2018; Hull et al., 2017, 2019; rodiverse, as no two individuals have exactly the same
Livingston et al., 2019; Raymaker et al., 2020). Although mind or brain.
the extant camouflaging literature does not establish cau- The other usages of “neurodiversity” are much harder
sality (Mandy, 2019; Williams, 2021), it appears to raise to define. Walker (2014) identifies a specific theoretical
serious questions regarding the core goals of the medical perspective she refers to as the “neurodiversity para-
model. digm,” though others (e.g., Kapp, 2020; Russell, 2020)
The neurodiversity approaches are an alternative to prefer the term “neurodiversity framework.” This article
the medical model. Judy Singer (2016), who coined the will use the terms “neurodiversity approach” and “neuro-
term “neurodiversity,” suggested appropriating and diversity approaches.”
modifying the metaphor of biodiversity:Why not propose Walker distinguishes the neurodiversity approaches
that just as biodiversity is essential to ecosystem stability, from the “neurodiversity movement,” an activist move-
so neurodiversity may be essential for cultural stability? ment that seeks to advance the rights and welfare of neu-
Why not strategically argue that the nurturing of neuro- rologically atypical disabled people, or “neurodivergent”
diversity gives society a repository of types who may come people.
into their own under unforeseeable circumstances… (lo- The neurodiversity approaches will be the main focus
cation nos. 1079–1081) of this article. But even defining this usage of “neurodi-
These brief words, and a similarly brief passage in versity” is challenging. While Walker offers definitions of
Blume (1998), were the inspiration for the neurodiversity both the approach/paradigm and the movement, so do
approaches that offer themselves to today’s developmen- other researchers and advocates (e.g., Bailin, 2019; Bölte
tal researchers as an alternative model of atypical devel- et al., 2021; Chapman, 2020a; Dwyer, 2019; Robison,
opment. These neurodiversity approaches are not solely 2013; Singer, n.d.; Forest-Vivian et al., n.d.), and these
about autism; they can be applied to a wide range of dif- definitions differ from one another in important ways,
ferent sorts of disabled minds and brains. such as their relationship to the social model of disability,
This article aims to present these neurodiversity ap- which will be discussed more thoroughly later in this ar-
proaches to the developmental research community. It ticle.
will attempt to define “neurodiversity,” describe the neu- These definitional discrepancies are perhaps unsur-
rodiversity approaches, discuss controversies surround- prising if the neurodiversity approaches are indeed simi-
ing the neurodiversity approaches, and suggest ways in lar to a scientific “paradigm”; (Kuhn, 2012, p. 46) suggests
which these issues might be addressed. Finally, this article paradigms are not defined by clear rules. Indeed, para-
will discuss ways in which the neurodiversity approaches digms are not necessarily based on clearly articulable the-
can inform the work of developmental researchers. oretical and conceptual assumptions or frameworks;
work conducted within a paradigm is simply similar to
models or exemplars – to other work conducted under
What Is Neurodiversity? the paradigm – in a manner analogous to subsequent cog-
nitive categorization theories such as prototype (Rosch,
Unfortunately, defining “neurodiversity” is not par- 1973) and exemplar (Medin & Schaffer, 1978) theory.
ticularly easy. Walker (2014) distinguishes between three However, Kuhnian paradigms are also relatively homog-
different meanings of the term. First and most straight- enous and orthodox. During a period of “normal sci-
ence,” in which a single paradigm is dominant, scientists
merely carry out experiments to confirm predictions in-
1 Although person-first language (“person with autism”) is often used in formed by the paradigm and extend it to new domains;
research, some autistic advocates argue in favor of identity-first language
(“autistic”; e.g., Sinclair, 2013). The assumptions underlying person-first lan- there is no real controversy about the core of the para-
guage may reflect stigma towards autism (Gernsbacher, 2017). In contrast, digm.
advocates of identity-first language emphasize that disability can be an iden- The neurodiversity approaches do indeed appear sim-
tity to take pride in. Despite controversy (Bury et al., 2020), identity-first
language appears to be endorsed by more autistic adults than person-first ilar to a paradigm in many ways. Both are difficult to de-
language (Kenny et al., 2016). fine, and in the absence of universally accepted defini-

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tions, it seems reasonable to assume that people base cause of disability, the social model suggests that disabil-
many of their everyday judgements about whether things ity emerges entirely from society’s responses to individu-
follow the neurodiversity approaches on similarity to pre- als’ “impairments.” Thus, in the classic example, a physi-
vious examples that follow a neurodiversity approach. cally impaired person who is unable to enter a space due
Moreover, the neurodiversity approaches are in large part to an absence of wheelchair ramps is disabled by inacces-
action-oriented and prescriptive, again similarly to para- sible design, not by their body. However, the social model
digms: the neurodiversity approaches set out to dictate a has been criticized. Shakespeare and Watson (2001) char-
proper way of proceeding in relation to human neurocog- acterize it as an inflexible ideology, and also note that a
nitive diversity, much like paradigms try to dictate the seemingly absurd conclusion follows from its tenets: if
proper way of doing science. Nevertheless, the neurodi- disability is caused by society and not biology, it follows
versity approaches appear much more heterogeneous that no efforts need be made to prevent impairing injuries!
than a scientific paradigm. They are not merely challeng- The weaknesses of the social model are also apparent
ing to define; different people appear to substantively dis- when it is applied to neurodevelopmental disabilities
agree regarding important principles of what a proper such as autism, as many autistic individuals might still
neurodiversity approach should be, as discussed at great- find themselves encountering barriers even if societal in-
er length below. Instead of there being one singular neu- clusion of autistic people were improved (Ballou, 2018).
rodiversity paradigm, it might be more accurate to speak For example, someone who struggles with executive func-
of multiple “neurodiversity approaches.” tion might still encounter time management challenges
Thus, out of all the prior definitions of the neurodiver- even if they have access to scheduling apps and accom-
sity approaches and movement, those offered by Singer, modations.
(n.d.) and Chapman (2020a) might be the most descrip- Singer (2016) was not only reacting against the medi-
tively accurate: both Singer and Chapman emphasize that cal model when she introduced the term neurodiversity
the meaning of neurodiversity is evolving. As noted pre- in her thesis. She also rejected the social model’s dismiss-
viously, the first descriptions of neurodiversity by Blume al of biology and argued that there was a “need to tran-
and by Singer in 1998 were fairly vague. Thus, people us- scend the construction of binary oppositions such as
ing the term “neurodiversity” have been able to make it ‘Medical Model vs. Social Model’” (locs. 555–557). Her
their own and to change its meaning in the process (Ar- neurodiversity approach was intended to offer a sort of
nold, 2017; Dekker, 2020; Singer, n.d.). middle ground.
However, although there is no consensus regarding However, as noted before, others have developed their
the meaning of the neurodiversity approaches, this article own understandings of neurodiversity, making Singer’s
will discuss contemporary questions and controversies in approach only one among many. Some contemporary
an effort to identify the most useful and appropriate un- views of the neurodiversity approaches indicate that they
derstanding of a neurodiversity approach. This article is are aligned with the social model (e.g., Bölte et al., 2021;
thus not primarily attempting to provide a descriptive Krcek, 2013; Labour Party Autism/Neurodiversity Mani-
definition (which might be challenging, if in practice peo- festo Steering Group, 2018; Forest-Vivian et al., n.d.), al-
ple indeed use resemblances and similarities to classify though other authors question this assertion (e.g., Bailin,
things as aligned, or not aligned, with neurodiversity ap- 2019; Ballou, 2018; Dwyer, 2019; Kapp, 2013; Singer,
proaches), but a prescriptive one. n.d.).
Admittedly, the social model and the neurodiversity
approaches both reject the dominant medical model, so
Questions and Controversies theoretical debates between them may seem abstruse and
technical. However, confusion regarding these theoreti-
Neurodiversity, the Social Model, and Intervention cal points has arguably contributed to fierce debates sur-
One crucial question about the neurodiversity ap- rounding the neurodiversity approaches. By stating that
proaches concerns their relationship with the “strong” so- all disability-related barriers are a product of society, the
cial model of disability, which was developed by physi- strong social model rejects interventions aiming to change
cally disabled advocates in the United Kingdom (see Oli- or teach skills to disabled people (Shakespeare & Watson,
ver, 1990; UPIAS, 1975). The strong social model is 2001). This is a controversial stance, and the idea that the
essentially the opposite of the medical model: instead of social model and the neurodiversity approaches are
claiming that pathology within the individual is the sole aligned has probably inflamed opposition to the latter.

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Moreover, some opponents of the neurodiversity ap- skills in order to ameliorate disability-related challenges
proaches claim they take even more radical stances. Argu- (Shakespeare & Watson, 2001), seems to have limited
ments against the neurodiversity approaches often claim practical utility. Even Oliver (2009), a prominent advo-
the approaches oppose access to supports or that they do cate of the social model, suggests that these gaps make it
not consider autism to be a disability, which are not posi- only a political tool, not a complete theory of disability.
tions taken by most neurodiversity advocates (den Hout- Therefore, it seems reasonable to propose that a neurodi-
ing, 2019). versity approach operating in a middle ground between
One particularly common objection to the neurodi- the extremes of the strong social and medical models
versity approaches is that they cannot apply to autistic would likely be both more practically useful and less con-
people with intellectual disabilities, sometimes called troversial than a more radical, strong social model-aligned
“low-functioning” (a term many neurodiversity advo- approach.
cates reject as stigmatizing towards those with intellec- One middle-ground understanding of neurodiversity
tual disabilities and dismissive of the challenges of other could draw on social-relational models of disability.
autistics; see, e.g., Brechin, 2018; Flynn, 2018; Sequenzia, These models, which are substantively quite different
n.d.). For example, Jaarsma and Welin (2012) conclude from the original strong social model, suggest that “dis-
that the neurodiversity approaches are not reasonable ability” arising from society coexists with restrictions
when applied to so-called “low-functioning” autistics arising directly from individual “impairment”/reduced
who might require “care”; they justify this view by sug- function (Reindal, 2008; Thomas, 2004). However, neu-
gesting the neurodiversity approaches claim autism “is rodivergence sometimes comes with strengths (Carter et
not to be treated like a disability or a handicap but rather al., 2015; Russell et al., 2019), whereas social-relational
as a natural variation” (p. 23). Although Jaarsma and We- models may, by drawing on the vocabulary of the social
lin here misrepresent neurodiversity advocates’ goals model and its use of the term “impairment” to refer to the
(den Houting, 2019), parents have expressed similar con- characteristics of the disabled person, risk implying that
cerns regarding need for treatment (e.g., Maurice in Ce- neurodivergence is synonymous with impairment/re-
liberti, 2015). In particular, some parents of autistic indi- duced function.
viduals who experience particularly serious challenges Bölte and colleagues (2021) instead suggest that the
dismiss the neurodiversity approaches as being for “high- World Health Organization’s International Classification
functioning” autistics and irrelevant to their families’ of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF), insofar as it
needs (Costandi, 2019; Lutz, 2015). identifies both bodily and environmental factors relevant
Perhaps unhelpfully, some neurodiversity advocates to individual function, could form the basis of a middle-
not only fuel these concerns by articulating more radical ground approach to neurodivergence. Given that the ICF
conceptions of neurodiversity but have arguably devoted describes over 1,600 categories, it appears to offer a very
excessive time and energy to criticizing parents (Mitchell, comprehensive practical framework.
2019; Singer, n.d.). Indeed, even some people on the au- At a theoretical level, though, disability might be more
tism spectrum have objected to the perceived extremism simply and parsimoniously conceptualized as the prod-
of a neurodiversity movement that they believe opposes uct of an interaction between an individual’s own charac-
treatments (e.g., Clements, 2017). While Dekker (2020) teristics and their environment, in keeping with Scandi-
describes how the community of neurodivergent people navian interactionist models of disability (Gustavsson,
he established in the 1990s respected people on the autism 2004; Tøssebro, 2004) and the ecological model recently
spectrum who held controversial stances, even to the described by Chapman (2021b). These ecologically
point of supporting cures (Dekker, 2020), those who ex- grounded, interactionist approaches have the virtues of
press unpopular opinions today are often attacked and simplicity and holism: it can be difficult in practice to sep-
excluded from neurodivergent communities (Dwyer et arate challenges related to individual functional limita-
al., 2021; Hiari, 2018; Mitchell, 2019). tions from those due to societal barriers and discrimina-
All of these tensions, and the misunderstandings and tion, but these interactionist models deal with both to-
misrepresentations that may underlie some of them, gether. An interactionist definition of a neurodiversity
make it difficult to move forward productively. In par- approach is proposed in Table 1.
ticular, a strong social model focusing solely on society, It is not difficult to think of cases wherein characteris-
dismissing the relevance of individual characteristics and tics of both the individual and their environment contrib-
dismissing attempts to change people by teaching them ute towards disability. For example, hyperacusis and

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Table 1. Core claims of the medical model of disability, the strong social model of disability, and of the interactionist/ecological neurodiversity
approach proposed here1

Medical model Neurodiversity approach Strong social model

• Disability reflects disorders, deficits, and diseases • Disability is the product of an interaction • Disability is caused by barriers imposed on
that exist within the disabled person between the characteristics of a disabled person the disabled person by society
• These diseases and disorders may be innate or they and the environment around them • Individuals may have impairments in their
may have originated through developmental • Disability can be addressed by reshaping minds and biology, but these impairments are
cascades and interactions with the environment, but environments and society (e.g., by working to not disabling unless society imposes
either way, they exist within the person reduce stigma) or by changing an individual restrictions on people with impairments
• Disability should be addressed by curing or (e.g., by teaching them adaptive skills) • Disability should be addressed by reforming
normalizing the disabled person to make them more • Curing or normalizing the disabled person society to provide accommodations, increase
like an abled, typical individual should not be goals accessibility, and decrease stigma and
• Diversity of minds and brains should be valued discrimination
and individuals with neurological disabilities
should be accepted for who they are

As discussed in this article, different individuals can have different understandings of the neurodiversity approaches, and not all such understandings will
include the specific claims and recommendations of this neurodiversity approach. These are prescriptive suggestions based on this article’s discussion of
questions and controversies within and around the neurodiversity approaches.

loudness discomfort reflect internal neurobiological and harm, autistic people’s well-being (see Bascom, 2011;
perceptual differences (Auerbach et al., 2014), but they Grove et al., 2018; Kapp et al., 2019; Milton & Sims, 2016).
become disabling only when people’s environments force Admittedly, normalization might sometimes be inadver-
them to expose themselves to distressing noise. Self-inju- tent and benign – for example, to the extent that stim-
rious behaviors in autism are associated with individual ming can often be a self-regulatory response to stress
characteristics (e.g., Carter Leno et al., 2019), but also (Kapp et al., 2019), placing someone in a context where
with factors in people’s surrounding environments (e.g., they are not stressed or overwhelmed might incidentally
O’Reilly et al., 2005). lead them to stim less. However, this sharply differs from
In this interactionist neurodiversity framework, inter- a case where the explicit objective of an intervention is to
vention could operate at the individual level (e.g., stimu- suppress stimming; the former could be aligned with the
lant medications for ADHD individuals), by changing the proposed neurodiversity approach, but the latter would
environment (e.g., removing environmental distractors), not be. Even if an intervention aimed at normalizing neu-
or by changing both the environment and the individual. rodivergent people was promoted by arguing that the
The decision between these alternatives should not be normalization could enhance well-being, the interven-
based on whether the individual or environment is per- tion would still reflect a medical model approach.
ceived to be the ultimate cause of the disability but based
on which intervention would best enhance quality of life. Valuing Diversity and Use of Language
Neurodivergent individuals will likely have crucial in- The neurodiversity approaches strongly suggest that
sights regarding which approach would be most helpful diversity of minds and brains should be valued. Under the
for them, and their preferences should be respected to the medical model, neurodivergent individuals are described
extent that the person can communicate them. using stigmatizing terms: “deficit,” “disorder,” “restrict-
Although the neurodiversity approach proposed here ed,” and so forth. One of the key insights of the neurodi-
would allow interventions to attempt to promote well- versity approaches is that this language is subjective, val-
being by teaching adaptive skills to neurodivergent indi- ue-laden, and unscientific.
viduals, it would not endorse interventions that aim to To illustrate this, the satirical “Institute for the Study
“normalize” neurodivergent people by simply making of the Neurologically Typical” (ISNT; Shelley, 1998; see
them more like neurotypicals. For example, autistic peo- also Singer, 2019a; Tisoncik, 2020) described “Neurotyp-
ple frequently criticize interventions that aim to suppress ic Disorder” in the pathological language employed by
“stimming” (repetitive motor movements) and intense clinicians and researchers, highlighting “deficits” of typi-
interests, for these activities reportedly enhance, not cally developing people such as:

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• “constant or mindless imitation (e.g., always wave bye- innate (Núñez, 2011), yet typically developing children
bye; copies mother's domestic activities; mechanical can be taught these skills. They learn even though their
imitation of others' actions whenever perceived to be younger selves are not, before they have an opportunity
in context)” to learn math, dismissed as deficient in their math skills.
• “gross impairment in ability to make peer friendships Indeed, given Pygmalion expectation effects (see Rosen-
(e.g., obsessive interest in making peer friendships thal, 2002), ideas of deficit might actually be counterpro-
with other Neurotypics...)” ductive. Ideas of deficit could lower the expectations of
“Tragically,” visitors to the site were informed that as disabled individuals and those around them, and low ex-
many as 96% of all people might be neurotypical and that pectations have been found to predict low achievement
no cure for this disorder was yet known (Muskie, 2002). (e.g., Carter et al., 2012).
Despite ISNT’s facetious nature, it illuminates critical Therefore, an optimal neurodiversity approach should
points. Recent research confirms that neurotypical peo- probably be understood to require acceptance of the dis-
ple rapidly negatively judge and are less willing to interact abled individual and use of respectful language to de-
with autistic individuals (DeBrabander et al., 2019; Sas- scribe them. Even if the disabled individual is to have ac-
son et al., 2017). Instead of solely attributing the cause of cess to interventions that might aim to teach them new
autistic people’s social struggles to their “deficits,” there skills, the disabled individual should not feel they are de-
would seem to be grounds for – like ISNT suggests – rec- ficient, but that they are accepted and valued as they are.
ognizing the contribution of many neurotypical individ- Areas of challenge can and should of course be acknowl-
uals’ lack of motivation to interact with autistics. For edged along with strengths, but there is a considerable
these reasons, the neurodiversity approaches have in gen- difference between acknowledging that someone experi-
eral a very cautious attitude towards language laden with ences challenges and dismissing them as “disordered”
negative judgements about people.2 due to their “deficits.”
In contrast, there are many voices outside of the neu-
rodiversity movement that explicitly endorse use of lan- The Scope of the Neurodiversity Approaches
guage containing negative judgements of individual char- So far, this discussion has not considered exactly to
acteristics. This is reflected, for example, in the controver- whom the neurodiversity approaches should be applied.
sial (see Costandi, 2019; Des Roches Rosa, 2019) Although in its factual usage the term neurodiversity sim-
establishment of the National Council on Severe Autism ply refers to the diversity of everyone’s minds and brains,
( Negative value judge- the neurodiversity approaches would appear to apply
ments are routinely embedded in terminology from clin- specifically to neurodivergent individuals – people who
ical diagnostic criteria and in research publications. These are neurologically atypical in a way that is associated with
negative value judgements may seem natural. For exam- disability.
ple, although an interactionist/ecological neurodiversity However, it does not seem reasonable to apply the neu-
approach generally appears more reasonable than the rodiversity approaches to all neurodivergent people. For
medical or strong social models, it is difficult to deny that example, someone with a cancerous brain tumor could be
some individual characteristics (e.g., not understanding considered neurodivergent, but it would seem absurd to
spoken or signed language) would be disabling in all but treat their tumor using any approach other than the med-
the most bizarre environments. ical model.
However, it is not clear that ideas of internal deficit are Nevertheless, the neurodiversity approaches have
practically useful. It is possible to teach skills without dis- been applied well beyond autism. For example, Arm-
missing individuals who lack the skills as “deficient.” In- strong (2010) argues that the neurodiversity approaches
deed, this is demonstrated by the successful operation of have insights that could be advantageous in the education
a general education system teaching skills like mathemat- of individuals with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, depression,
ics to neurotypical children. Foundational mathematical anxiety, intellectual disabilities, and schizophrenia. At the
skills like spatial mapping of numbers do not appear to be core of Armstrong’s case is the idea that a focus on posi-
tive aspects of neural differences, and efforts to shape the
environment around students to fit their needs (“niche
2 Admittedly, this is not always taken to the extreme of abandoning all
construction”), can be more helpful in promoting well-
such language – for example, Singer (n.d.) herself defends the use of terms
like “mild,” “moderate,” and “severe,” pointing out that some people may being of students than a focus on deficit. Other authors
themselves identify as severely disabled. apply the neurodiversity approaches to still other popula-

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tions. For example, Constantino (2018) discusses how the that any individual with a neurological disability should
ideals of the neurodiversity movement could be applied be free to choose whether to accept and identify with this
to stuttering, noting that the goal of fluency (a normaliza- disability, or to reject it as pathology and seek to medi-
tion-based approach to intervention) could sometimes cally cure it. There is much that is attractive about this
make functional communication harder. proposal. The individual most concerned may be best
However, the scope of the neurodiversity approaches able to judge which approach will help them.
is contested. For example, although Armstrong (2010) Indeed, Chapman (2020b) later introduces the concept
considers anxiety to fall within the scope of the approach- of “neurotype dysphoria” to describe people who do not
es, some autistic individuals strive to eliminate co-occur- identify with and who desire to change their neurotype. In
ring anxieties using a medical approach (Holman, 2017; addition to neurodivergent individuals who desire to be
Forest-Vivian et al., n.d.). Clearly, some standard is need- neurotypical, “neurotype dysphoria” would also include
ed to judge whether a neurodiversity approach or a med- neurotypicals who desire to be more neurodivergent, which
ical model approach should be applied in any given situ- thus puts neurotypical and neurodivergent people on a the-
ation (Chapman, 2019a). oretically even footing. While interventions capable of ef-
Some definitions of neurodiversity approaches suggest fectively transforming someone’s neurotype might not be
that they are premised on the idea that “natural” diversity available to most people today, under a “neurotype
should be valued (e.g., Jaarsma & Welin, 2012; Robison, dysphoria”-informed approach, it might someday become
2013). However, if “natural” is understood to mean “in- possible for people to choose to pursue a sort of neurotype
nate” or “evolved,” this criterion does not appear useful. transition, similarly to how individuals experiencing gen-
Evolution is driven by the reproduction of genes (Dawkins, der dysphoria might pursue a gender transition.
2006); it does not necessarily promote the well-being of sen- However, Chapman (2019a), recognizing identifica-
tient creatures. Moreover, autism itself is not always “natu- tion and choice cannot be the only standards, also consid-
ral” in this sense: it can be associated with parental illness ers the example of anorexia. Some online communities
(e.g., Chess, 1971) and de novo mutations (e.g., Iossifov et choose to reject the pathologization of eating disorders,
al., 2014). Alternatively, if we define “natural” to mean instead presenting them as positive lifestyle choices
“non-artificial,” the criterion would still exclude some au- (Borzekowski et al., 2010). Insofar as anorexia can be dan-
tistics: autism can also be associated with exposure to syn- gerous, applying a strict neurodiversity approach towards
thesized substances (e.g., Christensen et al., 2013). it might not be appropriate. To give another example,
One might instead base the scope of neurodiversity ap- Singer (2019b) calls for neurodiversity advocates to con-
proaches on whether individuals can contribute to soci- sider the “Dark Tetrad” of psychopathy, narcissism, and
ety. This would seem to be consistent with Singer (2016)'s Machiavellianism; some of these traits might be condu-
comment that neurodivergent individuals could be valu- cive to dangerous behavior. Where neurodivergence
able to society in the right circumstances. However, such could pose a danger to safety—and where “curing” or
an approach could be accused of ableism. Furthermore, “normalizing” the neurodivergence using a medical mod-
the foregoing discussion noted that acceptance of neuro- el approach is possible—it might be best to apply a medi-
divergent individuals is inherently important to promote cal model approach. However, different stakeholders can
well-being. It seems ethically problematic to make this and often do disagree about the extent to which neuro-
acceptance conditional on individuals’ ability to contrib- logical disabilities are harmful. Therefore, much further
ute. debate will likely be needed to determine how any harm
Chapman (2019a) considers another criterion: that all criterion should apply in practice.
individuals born neurodivergent should be considered Furthermore, some individuals could be too young to
under the neurodiversity approaches, while those who ac- have an informed opinion about their own neurological
quire a neurological disability later should not. However, disabilities. Others could be minimally verbal3 and unable
Chapman swiftly rejects this criterion, noting that some to communicate a preference, even through supported
infants may be born with neurological problems of a
clearly medical nature (such as anencephaly), while other
individuals who acquire a neurological disability late in 3
The term “minimally verbal” is used here in preference to “non-speak-
life may shift their identity to accept this disability. ing” insofar as the latter term might include individuals like Kedar (2012)
or Higashida (2013) who can understand language and can communicate
Chapman (2019a) instead turns to the possibility of complex ideas using tools like letter-boards and iPads (see also Jaswal et al.,
using identification and choice as a standard, suggesting 2020).

The Neurodiversity Approach(es) Human Development 2022;66:73–92 79

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decision-making. As noted earlier, much opposition to late their experiences (Belek, 2019; Dinishak, 2021), let
the neurodiversity approaches centers around the idea alone to interpret them in a positive, non-deficit-oriented
that the approaches should not be applied to so-called way (Dinishak, 2021). Indeed, autistic adolescents report
“severe” or “low-functioning” autism (Costandi, 2019; few opportunities for any kind of learning about their
Jaarsma & Welin, 2012). These are precisely the individu- neurotype (Jarrett, 2014). Moreover, power dynamics
als who might be least able to express opinions regarding vis-à-vis parents and other authorities might lead neuro-
their neurotypes and identities. divergent people to feel pressured into particular identi-
Whether the neurodiversity approaches should apply fication choices. If more professionals, researchers, and
to minimally verbal autism is a complex and challenging parents adopted concepts from the neurodiversity ap-
question. On the one hand, it is difficult to see how a med- proaches and openly discussed neurodiversity with neu-
ical cure that would allow language learning, without any rodivergent children, and if these and other authorities
damaging side effects, could be a bad thing. Unfortunate- respected the preference of any individuals who preferred
ly, the medical model may be of little practical help when to adopt a neurodiversity approach, then neurodivergent
such a cure is unavailable. Indeed, many of the supports people might be able to freely decide whether or not the
that could be most useful to minimally verbal individuals neurodiversity approaches should apply to them. Today,
– such as augmentative and alternative communication many individuals might be in no position to make that
supports and assistance with daily and community living choice.
– change the environment around the individual, rather Further complicating these issues, there may be a “grey
than the individual themselves. These supports are not area” where aspects of the neurodiversity approaches and
consistent with a strict medical model, yet minimally ver- of the medical model both have utility. Chapman (2021a)
bal individuals might have greater need of them than ver- suggests space should exist for combinations between
bally fluent autistics, despite the common view that the medical and political interventions. For example, as not-
medical model should be applied to the former but not ed earlier, opinions vary as to whether anxiety should be
the latter group. Moreover, the degree to which others addressed via a neurodiversity or medical approach
around an autistic person accept their autism is related to (Armstrong, 2010; Holman, 2017; Forest-Vivian et al.,
mental health (Cage et al., 2018); to avoid damaging a n.d.). On the one hand, individuals with clinical anxiety
neurodivergent person’s developing sense of self, it may may wish to reduce their anxiety via a medical, cure-ori-
be wise to err on the side of presuming competence to ented approach. On the other hand, individuals with anx-
understand others’ negative judgements and, therefore, iety may desire to be accepted as they are and not be treat-
using a neurodiversity approach. ed as deficient because of their anxiety. Instead of viewing
It is also crucial to note that diagnostic professionals the choice between neurodiversity and medical approach-
often emphasize the negative aspects of autism (Crane et es as a binary and exclusive one, might it sometimes be
al., 2018). It is possible that a more neurodiversity-in- appropriate to draw on both?
formed diagnostic process (proposed by Brown et al., Overall, given the many complications discussed in
2021) could protect parents from feeling pressure to nor- this section, it does not yet seem possible to offer a set of
malize or cure their children using expensive and/or dan- comprehensive criteria for determining whether a neuro-
gerous alternative treatments such as mercury chelation, diversity or medical approach should be applied in par-
consumption of industrial bleach, or hyperbaric oxygen ticular cases and instances. Identification and individual
therapy (see James et al., 2015, Xiong et al., 2016, Zadro- choice are promising, but they are not without issues.
zny, 2019). Therefore, it seems very premature to dismiss Some of these issues reflect contemporary institutions
the idea that the neurodiversity approaches could support and practices that could be reformed, but other issues ap-
minimally verbal autistics. pear more fundamental. Fortunately, regardless of what
There are additional difficulties that arise if identifica- criteria and standards are adopted, creative syntheses be-
tion is used to define the scope of the neurodiversity ap- tween elements of the neurodiversity and medical ap-
proaches. At present, neurodivergent individuals usually proaches might provide practical paths forward when
have to discover the neurodiversity movement for them- neither approach seems appropriate on its own.
selves in online explorations (Kapp et al., 2013). Services
and supports might be provided under medical assump- Dimensionality, Diversity, and Discrete Identities
tions. Language used by neurotypicals might not even of- A final key issue with the neurodiversity approaches
fer neurodivergent people the vocabulary to fully articu- centers around a possible tension between the idea of

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continuums of neural variability implied by the neurodi- Situating Neurodiversity in Developmental Theory
versity metaphor and, on the other hand, neurodiversity
advocates’ identification with discrete categorical diagno- Now that this discussion has proposed a useful un-
ses such as autism (Russell, 2020). As noted by Chapman derstanding of a neurodiversity approach, it is tempting
(2019b) and Evans (2021), some advocates even imply to try to situate this neurodiversity approach in relation
that autistic individuals all possess a shared biological es- to theoretical approaches to typical human develop-
sence. This claim is not only empirically dubious (Betan- ment.
cur, 2011; Lombardo et al., 2019), but arguably risks fur- Interestingly, the medical model’s emphasis on the in-
ther stigmatizing neurodivergent people as being some- herent biological deficits of disabled people might seem
how other (Constantino, 2018). somewhat nativist, the social model’s focus on environ-
However, on the whole, biological essentialism is more mental experience might seem analogous to empiricism,
characteristic of the medical model than the neurodiver- while an interactionist neurodiversity approach might
sity approach (Rosqvist et al., 2020). Indeed, autistic peo- seem to be rather akin to neuroconstructivism in its
ple generally express less interest than other stakeholders search for a middle ground between biological essential-
in the etiology of their neurotypes (Kapp et al., 2013), and ism and biological denialism.
autistic and critical scholars often ponder whether cate- This analogy is inexact, however, as the models of dis-
gories like autism might be socially constructed (e.g., ability are attempting to describe disability as emerging
Chapman, 2020c; Milton, 2012; Milton & Moon, 2012; from the individual versus the environment, whereas the-
Nachman & Brown, 2019), which would be consistent oretical approaches to development are attempting to de-
with findings showing that the boundaries of autism have scribe development of the individual in innate versus ex-
shifted over time (e.g., Arvidsson et al., 2018; Rødgaard et perience-dependent terms. Thus, for example, a research-
al., 2019). er within the medical model could be entirely comfortable
This being said, diagnostic categories can be useful. with the idea that disability can emerge due to complex
They can support community (Sinclair, 2010) and politi- interactions of environment and genetics, not due to a
cal mobilization (Russell, 2020); moreover, recognition of simple breakdown in a nativist mental module, as long as
discrete groups of neurodivergent people may be neces- the disability is understood to be a disorder internal to the
sary for them to qualify for supports. Most importantly individual.
for researchers, while heterogeneity within diagnostic On the other hand, the neurodiversity approach as de-
categories and co-occurrence between them should not fined here could be quite accurately described as a type of
be ignored, diagnostic categories may help to advance our biopsychosocial approach (Gillespie-Lynch et al., 2017).
understanding of neurodiversity. Separating and distin- It simply comes laden with additional normative claims
guishing populations can lead to meaningful research regarding the appropriate way that atypically developing
findings. The socially constructed nature of disability cat- individuals should be treated in society.
egories does not make them useless; they can be useful
and do appear quite compatible with the dimensional as- Implications for Research
pects of the neurodiversity approaches. The theoretical neurodiversity approaches clearly
Neurodiversity approaches must also recognize that have important practical implications for researchers
some neurotypes do have a less socially constructed, more studying neurodivergent people: their normative com-
genuinely discrete existence based on genetic variants. mitments suggest that many common research practic-
Though even these genetic classifications can be hetero- es and research goals are inappropriate or even harm-
geneous not only phenotypically (e.g., Hamner et al., ful.
2019; see also Castelbaum et al., 2019) but also geneti- While the following section should not be understood
cally (e.g., due to mosaicism, repeat length), categories as an exhaustive list of the neurodiversity approaches’ im-
such as Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome are plications – readers should think creatively about what
clearly more biologically discrete than autism. However, other insights and best practices could be derived from
whether diversity is dimensional or discrete, it is still di- neurodiversity approaches – this article will attempt to
versity, and thus fundamentally seems compatible with a identify some of the most important ramifications of neu-
neurodiversity approach. rodiversity for academics and researchers. Recommenda-
tions are outlined in Table  2 and discussed at greater
length below.

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Table 2. Key recommendations for researchers seeking to apply the neurodiversity approach in their own work

• Do not solely focus on studying neurodivergent individuals’ internal weaknesses and challenges; balance such research with research
– neurodivergent individuals’ strengths and how these can be used to promote success and thriving;
– ways in which neurodivergent individuals’ immediate environments, contexts, and social networks (e.g., school, family, peers) might
affect them, either in disabling ways or ways that promote resilience and thriving;
– ways in which society and social institutions can affect neurodivergent people, again either in disabling ways or ways that promote
resilience and thriving;
– discrimination and stigma towards neurodivergent people; and
– ways in which experiences of barriers, stigma, discrimination, victimization, and trauma can shape and affect neurodivergent people’s
• Recognize that research is not an objective process. The social positions and backgrounds of researchers – including the social position
of being neurotypical – may contribute towards biasing researchers’ perspectives.
– Consider different interpretations of research findings from different perspectives: instead of assuming that findings reflect individual
deficit, are there ways of interpreting findings as evidence of an individual strength, as a difference that is neither a strength nor a
weakness, or as a disabling impact of the environment upon the individual?
– Be mindful of biases, and work to counteract them, when choosing research questions and designing studies.
– Choose language carefully in order to avoid unnecessarily making negative value judgements regarding neurodivergent individuals.
Wherever possible, use neutral or positive terms in place of negative terminology.
• Learn more about the ideas, theories, and concepts used by neurodivergent people to understand and make sense of their
– Consider how these ideas could change your interpretation of research results.
– Explore whether these ideas could inspire new questions for future research.
• Recognize ways in which research has failed to serve the interests of, or has harmed, neurodivergent people; work actively to earn and
deserve the community’s trust and confidence.
– Understand that the onus of responsibility to promote reconciliation is on researchers, not neurodivergent people.
– If harm has occurred, be willing to openly acknowledge this and validate the community’s opposition.
– Through your actions, demonstrate a commitment towards listening and responding to the community.
• Reach out to various community stakeholders, such as neurodivergent individuals and their parents, and include them in decisions
about research in the hopes of thereby illuminating and reducing the impact of biases that may be held by any particular group, as
well as of increasing the relevance of research to communities. This might involve, for example:
– forming a community advisory board;
– promoting involvement of neurodivergent people in academic research; or
– conducting community-based participatory research.

Studying Contexts and Individuals current balance of research appears overwhelmingly bi-
One obvious practical ramification of neurodiversity ased towards studying – and treating – individual “defi-
approaches is that the scope of research inquiry should be cits” rather than exploring the role that environments,
expanded to include the environment around the dis- contexts, and society play in disabling individuals.
abled person. Reports regarding autism research expen- Developmental researchers certainly have the expertise
ditures in different countries suggest that the largest share to correct this imbalance. A cursory search of this journal
of funding consistently goes towards understanding indi- reveals numerous papers focusing on individuals’ environ-
vidual biology, etiology, and cognition (den Houting & ments, contexts, and relationships (e.g., Gönültaş & Mul-
Pellicano, 2019; Krahn & Fenton, 2012; Office of Autism vey, 2019; Packer & Cole, 2019; Persram et al., 2019; Pinkard,
Research Coordination, 2017; Pellicano et al., 2013). An- 2019). If we take autism as one example of a neurodivergent
other substantial share goes to interventions, most out- group, researchers wishing to turn their expertise in study-
comes of which focus on normalization of autistic fea- ing environments and society towards autism might find
tures (Wong et al., 2014). Even when the desired outcome the following topics to be of particular interest:
of an intervention is not elimination of autistic features • The examination of social functioning in interactive
per se but, to give one example, employment success, contexts. Autism research has noted the social isola-
most studies still focus on normalization or teaching skills tion (Kasari et al., 2011) and victimization and inter-
to the individual rather than on making jobs more acces- personal trauma experienced by autistic people (e.g.,
sible for autistic people (Scott et al., 2019). In short, the Pfeffer, 2016; Schroeder et al., 2014), but in attempting

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to understand these experiences, autism research has vergent people learn to exercise autonomy and make
traditionally focused on the autistic person’s social choices? What is needed for neurodivergent people to
“deficits.” Fortunately, in the past few years, an in- have more opportunities to practice, develop, and ex-
creasing number of studies have begun to move be- ercise self-determination?
yond this restricted lens and consider the contribu- • The study of attitudes and stigma towards autism and
tions of non-autistic individuals towards shaping au- other atypical neurotypes (e.g., Gillespie-Lynch et al.,
tistic people’s social interactions and relationships 2019), and in particular, ways that these attitudes are
(e.g., DeBrabander et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2021; shaped and how they might be changed (e.g., Engel &
Crompton et al., 2020a, 2020b; Edey et al., 2016; Heas- Sheppard, 2019; Gillespie-Lynch et al., 2015; Stern and
man & Gillespie, 2018; Sasson et al., 2017). Indeed, ex- Barnes, 2019). Relatedly, research also shows that neu-
amining social functioning interactively not only high- rodivergent people can face outright discrimination in
lights the roles of non-autistic people, but can also in- many domains of life, such as employment and hiring
crease the naturalistic validity of research regarding decisions, immigration decisions and mobility, and
individuals’ own social processing (Redcay & Warnell, even access to life-saving medical treatments (e.g.,
2018). Further expansion of this nascent literature Ameri et al., 2018; Harris, 2018; Richards et al., 2009).
thus appears highly desirable. Further research to document these sources of dis-
• The exploration of environmental and societal de- crimination, and to explore whether discrimination
mands affecting autistic individuals. Autistic people exists in still other domains, appears urgently neces-
often experience distress after exposure to aversive sary in order to inform and drive policy changes to
sensory stimuli in their environments (Belek, 2019; reduce or eliminate such discrimination. Moreover,
Robertson & Simmons, 2015). Research has recently what are the effects of these experiences of stigma and
begun to explore the social pressures that lead autistic discrimination on neurodivergent people’s develop-
people to camouflage or mask autism in social interac- ment, for example, in terms of mental health, identity,
tions (e.g., Bernardin et al., 2021; Cage & Troxell- and self-esteem?
Whitman, 2019; Livingston et al., 2019). Very recently,
autism research has begun to take note of autistic peo- Studying Strengths and Weaknesses
ple’s experiences of burnout caused by excessive envi- Another important insight of neurodiversity ap-
ronmental demands: social and sensory demands that proaches is that the scope of research on individuals
may be easy for neurotypicals to meet, but that many themselves can be expanded to cover strengths as well as
autistic people can find exhausting (Raymaker et al., weaknesses. As Armstrong (2010) notes, individuals
2020). Additional research regarding these sorts of en- might not typically achieve success by focusing on their
vironmental factors appears highly necessary. What weaknesses but rather by finding a “niche” that takes ad-
other barriers exist in autistic people’s environments? vantage of their skills and strengths. An excessive focus
What mechanisms drive their disabling effects on au- on areas of weakness and struggle might not be conducive
tistic individuals? Do resulting negative experiences towards self-esteem, whereas further developing areas of
have cascading effects on development? Can these en- strength might help neurodivergent individuals develop
vironments be reformed to remove barriers and in- a sense of self-efficacy along with skills that could be ap-
crease accessibility? plied towards success in life and employment.
• The investigation of the possibility that autistic indi- To this end, developmental researchers could study
viduals and other neurodivergent people might, even whether neurodivergent individuals might often have
as they face the elevated environmental demands not- absolute or relative strengths (e.g., Carter et al., 2015;
ed above, simultaneously experience insufficient de- Russell et al., 2019). For example, autistic intense inter-
mands and insufficient room for growth in other areas. ests could be conductive to employment success, if they
For example, do low expectations and excessive de- are appropriately balanced by consideration of relevant
pendence on prompting reduce opportunities for aca- individual weaknesses and the availability of job oppor-
demic or employment success (e.g., Carter et al., 2012; tunities in different fields (Goldfarb et al., 2019). Studies
Kirby et al., 2019)? What of advocacy skills: how do should also consider how what manifests as a weakness
neurodivergent individuals learn about themselves in one context could be a source of strength in another:
and their needs and how to navigate systems and insti- strengths are, to a considerable extent, contextual (Rus-
tutions? More generally, how do autistic and neurodi- sell et al., 2019).

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It is also important to investigate heterogeneity within distic” (Asperger, 1944/1991, p. 77), that they “don’t really love
neurotypes. For example, while autistic people are often anyone,” and that they have “heartless malice” (Asperger,
stereotyped as being interested in sciences and “folk phys- 1938/2020).4 While cognitive empathy – theory of mind, or
ics,” intense interests are much more diverse than this mentalizing – is probably reduced in many autistic people
(Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 1999). Therefore, in addi- (though far from absent; see Gernsbacher & Yergeau, 2019), and
tion to studying strengths at the group level, researchers while it is sometimes difficult to pull apart affective and cognitive
may wish to explore how neurodivergent people (and empathy, research suggests that affective empathy is intact in
their families) can become aware of their own unique, in- autism (e.g., Dziobek et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2010). Moreover,
dividual strengths and how these abilities can be trans- as noted earlier, neurotypical people also struggle to have empa-
lated into successes in different domains of life. thy for the autistic perspective. Neurotypicals’ difficulties in this
area were first noted in autistic accounts (e.g., Milton, 2012; Shel-
Bias and Subjectivity ley, 1998); research has subsequently supported these autistic
Unfortunately, researchers often seem to see weak- insights by documenting neurotypical difficulties understand-
nesses and deficits in neurodivergent people even in cas- ing autistic perspectives (Edey et al., 2016; Heasman & Gillespie,
es where there might be good reasons to perceive strengths 2018). Sadly, the notion of an empathy deficit in autism has
instead. For example, one recent study found that, when probably helped to stigmatize autistic people as cold and indif-
participants believed their actions were unobserved by ferent to the welfare of others. Some advocates might under-
others, autistic individuals showed more ethically appro- standably see this as an insult added to the injury of autistic peo-
priate behavior than neurotypicals (Hu et al., 2020). Re- ple being victimized (Pfeffer, 2016), exploited (Griffiths et al.,
grettably, the authors interpreted the findings as signs of 2019), or rejected (Kasari et al., 2011) by those around them.
deficits in autism. Instead of assuming that autistic be- Thus, it is not hard to see why many neurodiversity advocates
havior is always pathological, the researchers might have have concerns about science.
found it helpful to at least consider whether the greater Nor is this the only relevant example. Many more
moral integrity they observed in autistic participants could be listed here, including the negative value judge-
might be, in many ways, a good thing. ments inherent in the terminology often used to describe
This overly pathological interpretation of autistic be- “disorders” in research, as well as community frustrations
havior from Hu et al. (2020) reinforces neurodiversity ad- with researchers’ focus on normalization rather than im-
vocates’ concern that research regarding neurodivergent provement of quality of life as the goal of autism treat-
people may be biased. While some autistic people have ment. Furthermore, many advocates (e.g., Neumeier &
expressed concern that certain advocates may be exces- Brown, 2020) stridently oppose what has been called “in-
sively anti-science (Bolton, 2018; Guest, 2019), much of stitutional psychiatry” (e.g., by Szasz, 1970), the involun-
the neurodiversity movement’s skepticism towards sci- tary confinement of neurodivergent individuals without
ence is not without justification. The scientific study of due process or cause. It is important to recall that re-
neurodivergent people is carried out largely by neurotyp- searchers have recently – within the second half of the
ical individuals, and neurotypicals often struggle to un- twentieth century – performed deeply ethically problem-
derstand the perspectives of neurodivergent people (Edey atic studies on disabled children from institutions (e.g.,
et al., 2016; Heasman & Gillespie, 2018; Milton, 2012). feeding children radioactive cereal, or deliberately expos-
Furthermore, perspective-taking is often reduced in indi- ing children to hepatitis for research) (Boissoneault, 2017;
viduals with higher power (Galinsky et al., 2006), and re- Krugman, 1986).
searchers have more power in the research context than In the opinion of the present author, researchers study-
their neurodivergent study participants. ing neurodivergent individuals have a responsibility to
Unfortunately, perhaps as a result, science has often not engage with community advocates and to be aware of the
served neurodivergent people well. For example, neurotypical legacy of harm that has contributed to advocates’ frustra-
researchers have argued that autistic individuals have deficient tion and skepticism. Indeed, some form of reconciliation
empathy (Baron-Cohen, 2002; Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, process between the neurodiversity movement and the
2004); Asperger even suggested that autistic children can be “sa- research community may be necessary. It is important to
recognize that the onus of responsibility to work towards
4 Note that the 2020 translation of Asperger’s paper (originally written
such reconciliation is on researchers, not neurodivergent
1938) cited here has been criticized; see Czech (2019) and reply by Falk people: after all, researchers have generally held power
(2019). over neurodivergent people and not vice versa; similarly,

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researchers have been responsible for harm caused to- focussed attention (Dwyer, 2021). The monotropism ac-
wards neurodivergent people and not vice versa. count of autism appears to be quite popular in online au-
In addition to working to promote reconciliation, it tistic communities, but it has attracted minimal attention
seems reasonable to conclude that researchers also have in empirical research on autistic cognition and percep-
an obligation to be aware of their own biases and to work tion (cf. Occelli et al., 2013).
to address these. For example, researchers should be very Other ideas and concepts that were developed by au-
mindful of the language they use. Instead of using termi- tistics, and that are gradually entering the neurotypical
nology laden with subjective negative value judgements researcher lexicon, include autistic inertia (Buckle et al.,
that might risk causing harm to neurodivergent people, 2021); autistic burnout (Raymaker et al., 2020); sensory
researchers should strive to use neutral descriptive termi- overload, meltdown, and shutdown (Belek, 2019); and
nology. When using neutral language is impossible, err- masking/camouflaging (Livingston et al., 2019; Hull et al.,
ing on the side of positive, strengths-based terminology 2017, 2019).
may often be appropriate, albeit not to the extreme of Some similar dynamics can also be observed outside the
denying reality. Dwyer et al. (in press), Gernsbacher autism world. (Dodson, 2006; 2016; n.d.), a professional,
(2017), and Bottema-Beutel et al. (2020) provide sugges- has championed the concept of Rejection Sensitive Dys-
tions regarding appropriate terminology in the autism phoria (RSD) in ADHD. However, Dodson (n.d.) empha-
sphere; similar principles apply to many other neurodi- sizes that he was only able to elicit RSD narratives from his
vergent groups. clients after establishing trust and showing them that he did
Researchers should also take care to be mindful of, and not see them as flawed. In this sense, although the term RSD
to disclose, conflicts of interest. Unfortunately, a recent does not come from neurodivergent people, its origin in the
analysis suggests that conflicts of interest are almost nev- ADHD field still emphasizes the benefits of listening to neu-
er fully disclosed in autism early intervention research rodivergent people. Anecdotal observation suggests that
(Bottema-Beutel et al., 2021). Moreover, above and be- the idea of RSD resonates with the experiences of many
yond overt conflicts of interest, all researchers have an ADHD adults and that it has gained considerable support
interest in their own careers: researchers might therefore in ADHD adult communities; unfortunately, despite this
be tempted to interpret findings in exciting, more easily widespread appeal, rejection sensitivity in ADHD appears
publishable ways, even if this was harmful to neurodiver- to remain understudied in academic research (cf. Bondü &
gent communities. Researchers should always be mindful Esser, 2015; Canu & Carlson, 2007).
of ways that their biases could affect the way they generate Of course, neurodiversity approaches should not be
research questions, as well as the way in which they inter- understood to suggest that neurodivergent community
pret results. members are always right or that academic researchers’
ideas are always wrong. Both neurodivergent people and
Incorporating Neurodivergent Ideas non-neurodivergent people have certain biases and pre-
Moreover, many communities of neurodivergent conceptions. However, researchers can challenge, coun-
adults have developed innovative theoretical frameworks terbalance, and enrich their own preconceived ideas by
and concepts to understand their own experiences. How- drawing on neurodivergent people’s ideas and frame-
ever, presumably because these neurodivergent commu- works.
nities are often quite segregated from mainstream re- That said, there are some dangers to be considered
search communities, neurodivergent people’s ideas often when incorporating neurodivergent ideas. Researchers
seem to trickle into the academic world only slowly. In- and advocates have expressed concern that individuals
deed, these ideas sometimes initially enter the research and organizations – including self-interested parties,
literature only in publications written by neurodivergent such as for-profit companies seeking to market their
researchers themselves. products and services – have drawn on the rhetoric of the
For example, autistic researchers have suggested that neurodiversity approach without understanding or com-
autistic cognition and perception are fundamentally mitting to it (den Houting, 2019; Neumeier, 2018; Rob-
characterized by a pattern of “monotropism” and hyper- erts, 2021). Those drawing on neurodiversity approach
focus: that attention in autistic people is narrower and rhetoric and neurodivergent people’s ideas should take
more tightly focused on stimuli of endogenous interest care to fully understand and not misrepresent them, to
(Murray et al., 2005). This endogenous hyper-focus might use them in non-exploitative ways, and to grant appropri-
coexist with susceptibility to exogenous capture of hyper- ate credit to those who developed the ideas.

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Community Involvement A more demanding approach is community-based par-
Indeed, one important way that researchers can strive to ticipatory research (CBPR), in which individuals from com-
balance their subjectivity and biases is to work with com- munities, who are not academic researchers but who have
munity stakeholders. Collaborations between neurotypical relevant expertise due to their experiences, are recruited as
researchers and community stakeholders can help each co-researchers. In full-blown CBPR, these co-researchers are
group learn from one another and challenge their subjective considered to be fully and equally part of the research team
biases and assumptions. Recommendations regarding these and given a role in decisions from the beginning to the end
collaborations are available from Nicolaidis et al. (2019). of a project, including in the development of research ques-
Relevant community stakeholders would of course in- tions and goals. Nicolaidis et al. (2019) discuss this approach
clude neurodivergent people. Gillespie-Lynch and col- in detail. Further insights are available from Jose et al., (2020),
leagues (2017) have found evidence that autistic adults from McDonald and Stack (2016), and from Stark et al.
generally have heightened knowledge of autism and re- (2021). However, the resources and time required by CBPR
duced stigma towards autism, signs of important exper- may not be appropriate or feasible in all studies.
tise. Family members of neurodivergent people offer a In addition to including community voices in their own
further perspective that is important for many studies. research, researchers may wish to open dialogues with neu-
There are different models whereby community voices rodiversity advocates on controversial issues. For example,
can be included in projects to varying extents. One rela- today’s applied behavior analysis (ABA)-based autism inter-
tively simple approach might be to recruit an advisory ventions have been harshly criticized on ethical grounds
board of community members, although in these cases (Dawson, 2004; McGill and Robinson, 2020; Sandoval-Nor-
there may be a danger of “tokenization” in the sense that ton and Shkedy, 2019; Wilkenfeld and McCarthy, 2020).
community advisors may not be given opportunities to Based on anecdotal interactions, the author of this article has
become fully acquainted with the details of the projects the impression that many researchers have been unaware of
they are advising and may not be consulted often enough the depth and extent of advocates’ concerns regarding behav-
or in a sufficiently accessible manner to offer feedback on ioral interventions, and indeed, researchers have generally
important decisions. Thus, while this approach may be failed to adequately engage with the advocacy movement on
highly appropriate for many projects, researchers should this issue. Continued failure to engage the community on
take care to ensure that partnership scope and goals are controversial issues like ABA risks widening gaps between
clear and understood by all parties (Nicolaidis et al., the neurodiversity movement and researchers.
As another approach, this author is aware of research
labs in which many neurodivergent students were recruit- Conclusions
ed into research as undergraduate research assistants, al-
lowing them to become more deeply aware of the details This article has offered researchers an overview of the
of projects and to influence lab culture through ongoing neurodiversity approaches, as well as discussion of ongo-
social engagement with other researchers. However, the ing theoretical controversies regarding the approaches.
presumption that neurodivergent individuals should be Although the neurodiversity approaches are evolving and
willing to contribute their expertise as unpaid volunteers although their relation to the social model of disability re-
may be problematic, and research assistants lack author- mains a subject of debate, it is here proposed that the op-
ity compared to more senior investigators. Influencing timal neurodiversity approach should take a middle
others’ views through unstructured social engagement ground between the social and medical models, as sug-
may also be more difficult for neurodivergent individuals gested by Singer (2016). This neurodiversity approach
who may encounter social barriers/challenges. would consider disability as emerging from an interaction
Neurodivergent individuals could instead participate of individual and context, and it would allow interven-
in research as more senior academic researchers, which tions to either change individuals in limited ways (e.g.,
has the advantage of giving them more opportunities to teaching skills, using medication to manage difficulties) or
develop intimate knowledge of the research process and to change environments and societies (see Table 1). This
to gain increased power over decisions. However, autistic neurodiversity approach would not permit interventions
researchers can have privileges, and interests in academic aiming to normalize or cure disabled individuals. This pa-
career advancement, that separate their interests from the per has also discussed the positive valuation of neurologi-
interests of the autistic community at large. cal diversity in the neurodiversity approaches and how

86 Human Development 2022;66:73–92 Dwyer

DOI: 10.1159/000523723
this affects use of language, arguing that use of positive or Statement of Ethics
neutral terminology need not prevent recognition of dis-
Not applicable; this article does not present the results of any
ability or provision of supports. Furthermore, the scope of human studies. The author has endeavored to ensure that the the-
the neurodiversity approaches was addressed. An individ- oretical ideas discussed in this article are respectful towards and
ual’s choice has considerable value as a criterion for deter- conducive to the well-being of neurodivergent people.
mining whether a neurological disability should be ap-
proached from a neurodiversity approach or the medical
Disclosure Statement
model. However, exceptions might be required for cases
involving serious threats to safety. Moreover, younger and Financial relationships are enumerated below under “Funding
minimally verbal individuals might be unable to commu- Sources.” The author has no other conflicts of interest to declare.
nicate an informed decision regarding identification, al- The author identifies as an autistic person and is diagnosed with
though it was suggested that many aspects of neurodiver- autism. The author identifies as part of the neurodiversity move-
ment. This positionality affects the views presented in this article.
sity approaches could still be useful to them. Indeed, in
some cases, it might be possible to draw on aspects of both
neurodiversity approaches and of the medical model. Conflict of Interest Statement
Finally, practical implications for developmental re-
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
searchers have been offered (see Table 2). This article has
suggested that researchers should expand the scope of in-
vestigations regarding neurological disability to include Funding Sources
not just individual weaknesses, but the influences of envi-
The author of this article has received financial support and/or
ronments and contexts around individuals, as well as areas consulting fees from UC Davis (UC Davis Deans’ Distinguished
of individual strength. The article has also acknowledged Graduate Fellowship), from the Tsakopoulos Foundation, and
neurodiversity advocates’ concern that research regarding from the Autism Intervention Research Network for Physical
neurological disabilities has suffered from biases and Health (AIR-P). None of these agencies had any role in the concep-
caused harm. This paper has suggested that there may be tion or preparation of the manuscript.
a need for a sort of reconciliation process, which would
require researchers to take further steps to engage with Author Contributions
community stakeholders and seek their input in decisions.
P.D. drafted and edited this article.

Data Availability Statement
The author is grateful to Robert Chapman and a second anon-
No empirical data are presented in the present article, which is
ymous reviewer of the manuscript for taking the time to thorough-
a theoretical article.
ly read this article and to provide many very helpful comments and
suggestions. For example, the plural “neurodiversity approaches”
rather than the singular “neurodiversity approach” was used in
response to a comment from Dr. Chapman.

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