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1. The behavior that reflects Pancasila which is symbolized by the star is ....

(choose 2 answer)
a. Celebrating Idul Fitri
b. Participate in the class president election deliberations
c. Carry out class picket together
d. Carry out congregational prayers
2. The National emblem or coat of arms of Indonesia is called….
a. Undang- Undang Dasar 1945
b. Garuda Pancasila
c. Law and Justice
d. Independent Day
3. The bull's head symbol on the red background reflects the fourth principle of Pancasila, which reads,
"Democracy is led by Wisdom in Deliberation / Representation". The bull's head be a symbol
a. The bull is a very sociable animal c. The bull is dirty animal
b. The human is individual animal d. The human need each others
4. Match the following statements!

Symbol of pancasila Means

Society must deliberation and gathering to take a


Indonesia is a place the whole shelter Indonesian


God almighty as light for human life

Humans need each other one another

Sufficient clothing and food to make it happen

community prosperity

5. The symbol of rice and cotton reflects the fifth principle of Pancasila which reads, "Social Justice for All
Indonesians". Rice and cotton are symbols of.......
a. house and place as savety of live
b. food and clothing which are the basic needs
c. food as basic need for survive
d. school as place lookfor knowledge
6. Match the following picture principle of Pancasila
Belief in the Almighty


The unity of Indonesia

Just and civilized


Democracy guided by the

inner wisdom in the
unanimity arising out of
deliberations among

Social justice for all of

the people of Indonesia

7. Read the statement bellow!

Doing worship well without force from other people
Be selfish don’t care to other
Has intention only to Allah when do something
Doing perform pray fardhu orderly
Be stingy don’t want to share with other
The true statement as implementation the first principle of pancasila are......
a. 1, 2 and 3 c. 2, 4 and 5
b. 1, 3 and 4 d. 3, 4 and 5
8. As the next generation of Indonesia we must keep the Unity of Diversity in our Nation to be survive.
The way that can we do are….. ( choose two answer)
a. Don’t want use Indonesian language when communication with other ethnic
b. Ignore the culture that exists in the country
c. Respected the other religion to stay exist
d. Learn about the cultural history of the country
9. Pancasila is the basic of law in Indonesia that has goal to keep Unity in Diversity.
Match the following table about the connected between the principle of Pancasila and behavior!
The principle of
Pancasila The behavior
Ask protection only to Allah
God Almighty Believe that Allah is protector
Accept criticism and suggestions
Has intention when doing worship only
to Allah
The unity of Indonesia Look for knowledge about the culture

Do deliberation in every decision

10. The interlocking links symbolize …….
a. Unity c. Woman
b. Man d. Child
11. How the way to practice the Garuda Pancasila bird Symbol ?
12. In our country has many culture and religion. Every people has religion and believe to God.
Examine about forbidden to force our religion to other?
13. Examine about Bull’s head as symbol of fourth the Principle of Pancasila?
14. How we apply principle of Pancasila in our daily life?
15. Human always communicate with other people because humans are social creatures. Determine the
behavior about human as social creature?
16. Maryam can reads al-quran fluently. She studys it orderly and always help friend who does not
fluently in read al- quran, but she less in mathematic subject. She gets difficult to understand it and she
is not shy to asks help to other friends. As her friends how are your solution about it?
17. If we don’t obey the rules at school, then we can get ……
a. Get a gift c. Getting Homework
b. Get punished d. Get reward
18. In order to create security, peace in the environment, so that individuals know their responsibilities to
obey the rules in the.......
a. Only at school when we study
b. At home with all family member
c. In every where when we do activities.
d. In the school, at house and in societ.
19. In every place has rule that should be obey of all citizen in order can reach the goals. Match the
following table depend on the behavior to apply the rules..
Application of rules Behavior
After study Gibran always tidy his
book, because his Mom suggested it.
Every school has rule to wearing
Obey the rule
uniform according to regulation, but
Sarah don’t want wearing because she
not interest with the color of uniform.
Rudy following his friend to play
football in the yard. Rudy be a fair
until the game is over.
Break the rule
On weekend Mr. Tono get schedule to
do Siskamling, but Mr. Tono enjoy his
bed at all night.

20. Examine about the implementation of rule when study at school and at home?....(Choose more 2
a. Listen the teacher explanation
b. Follow activities mutual cooperation to clean the environment
c. Study by sitting and enough light
d. Not cheating when exam

21. Pancasila is basic law to create peacefull in our country, and every country has rule to make condusive
the citizen. Examine the relation between rule and the principle of Pancasila?.. (choose 2 correct
answer )
a. The rule is implement of Pancasila, special for third principle, It creates discipline in nation that
different culture
b. It is not creates harmony life in nation that different religion and habitual
c. It is tool of unity in diversity for Indonesia
d. If there are different opinion the basic low is not Pancasila
22. Every student must attend Monday’s ceremony in an orderly and neat manner. The regulation is a form
of regulation in the environment…
a. Traffic c. Family
b. Society d. School
23. Andi comes home from school before the bell rings, Andi is one of the students who..
a. Obey school rules
b. More disciplined than others
c. Violate school rules
d. Not obeying the rules at home
24. The following are not included in the rules in the family environment are…
a. When studying television must be turned off
b. If you are going to leave the house, you must have the permission of your parents
c. You can’t play with fire at home
d. Can’t go home before the bell rings
25. Students who want to obey the rules at school are included in students who reflect the attitude of …
a. Confident
b. Responsibilities
c. Humble
d. Helpful
26. Math the following is an example of a rule in a school environment is…
Example of rules Rules
Each student wears a
uniform according to the
schedule. Rule at school
Each family member must
wake up mo later than 05.00
Each student may not fight
with his friends
Every time you wake up, Rule at home
you have to make your own
27. Example of code of conduct at Home … (choose 2 answer)
a. Allowed to fight parents
b. Use electricity as needed
c. Not clean the bed after waking up
d. Study at a specified time and delay for things that are not important
28. Benefit of obeying the code of conduct at home .. (choose 2 answer)
a. Life becomes orderly and disciplined
b. at home be uncomfortable
c. Not love by parents and other family members
d. Homework gets done quickly
29. Deliberation wise efforts together to solve problems in a community. How do our customs prioritize
deliberation to make decisions?
30. Examine Pancasila is used as the basic for implementing the code of conduct in Indonesia?
31. How deliberations must be carried out fairly?
32. How to apply a code of conduct in our daily life!
33. How can we become a generation that respects the course of deliberation?
34. How is your opinion about peoples live need code of conduct ?
35. Code of conduct is made by mutual agreement. Why code of conduct should not be made by a leader ?
36. Why rights and obligations must be balanced in our life ?
37. Conclude the benefit code of conduct in life ?
38. How to maintain enviromental comfort ?
39. Match!

This is the worship place of Confucianic

Their religion are Buddist

Her religion is Hindu

They are from Batak ethnic

40. Where we found the written of motto “ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”?...
a. found in the ribbon in the grip of the eagle
b. On the wings of the eagle
c. On the eagle’s chest
d. On the eagle’s tail
41. What are the negative effects if we do not harmonious living with other people ? ( choose 2 correct
answer )……
a. Disconnection of ties between people
b. Bringing together a sense of unity and oneness in society
c. The more the possibility of the emergence of crime
d. The environment becomes inharmonious, causing discomfort
42. Pancasila as the nation’s view of implies that all activities of the daily life of the Indonesian people
must be in accordance with Pancasila. Based on the first of Pancasila the citizen must …. ( choose 2
answer )

a. Respect when other religion do their worship

b. forbid other religion if want to build worship place

c. not force our religion to other people

d. choose friend only fellow muslim

43. How the way to be harmony with other religion ?

44. Examine the meaning fourth of principle Pancasila !
45. Match the religion and the place of worship






46. Pancasila as the Life View of the Indonesian Nation. The function of pancasila our our life are
…….. ( choose 2 answer )
a. To make our life become discipline
b. To make our life become orderly and peacefull
c. To make us become strong people
d. To make us survive in this world
47. The number of stars that is only one or single also symbolizes the oneness of God.
Examples of implementation: (choose 2 answer)
a. Belief in the existence of God Almighty and obey orders and stay away from His prohibitions.
b. Use coercion and not respect religious freedom
c. Implement tolerance between religious communities
d. Demean or ridicule other religions or followers of other religions.
48. The second precept in Pancasila is symbolized by a gold chain on a red background. Example of
implementation : (choose 2 answer)
a. Recognizing the equal rights, obligations and position of all people in the eyes of the law,
religion, society and others.
b. Make friends with anyone without discriminating against race, ethnicity, religion and others.
c. Afraid to speak the truth to defend justice
d. Rule out the attitude of tolerance between communities.
49. Match the implementation of Pancasila !
Tolerance to other
Third principle
religion feast
Choose the leader
of class by Second principle
Like to use the
product of First principle
Indonesian factory
Help the victim of
Fifth principle
Fair play when
Fourth principle
playing football

50. Read the following statement !

I. Make us become orderly
II. Easy to get help from other people
III. Our environment become peaceful
IV. Make us become depend on others
V. Make us become can't be independent
VI. Other people will respect to us
From the statement , the advantage obey the rule are ……( Choose 2 answer )
a. I, II, and III
b. IV, V and VI
c. VI, I and II
d. V, III, and I

51. There are several benefits of the diversity of the Indonesian people, namely:…. (choose 2 answer)
a. Can’t learn to socialize
b. Cultivate an attitude of love for the homeland.
c. They are not complement each other
d. Can learn to respect each other’s character

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