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SUS-1003 Introduction to Sustainable Development – CAPSTONE

Major Capstone Project – Pick Your Topic


Assignment Directions:
Throughout this course we touched on a huge array of different topics, ranging from fish farming or
aquaculture, to climate issues to sustainable building design, to water conservation to E-Waste. Your task for
this project, is to select a topic that interests you and complete a 1000-word research paper on your chosen
topic. This topic needs to have a specific focus and should be developed / researched with the purpose of
explaining your topic in detail along with focusing on the future or outlook of such topic. Your paper such
focus on both the technology of your topic including the social, economic, climactic, environmental and / or
sustainable impacts and outlooks. Simply don’t explain what aquaculture is.

Example 1:
Idea: Aquaculture and Environmental Impacts
Your paper would present a brief overview of aquaculture and then break down the associated environmental
impacts. You should include references, pictures, maps or anything else you feel is imperative to your paper.

Example 2:
Idea: Coal as a Current Source of Energy
Your paper would discuss the moral issues and the environmental consequences of developed countries
“trying” to reduce greenhouse emissions at home, while exporting tons of coal to developing countries for
profit and economic prosperity.

These are general examples. Projects that are submitted based on ingenuity and creativity will score higher,
meaning don’t be afraid to go the extra mile in your topic theme. Focus on new, ground-breaking type topics.
Sustainable Development is about technology advances and new ideas that are both creative and advanced
which strive for the greater good of the planet.

Additional Instructions Include:

1. You need to check your topic with your instructor before you begin this project.

2. References are required. You will fail the assignment if no references are included. Please refrain from
referencing Wikipedia as a main or sole reference. Include all references in proper APA citation

3. Your assignment submission must be typed and submitted through the appropriate Capstone Project
DROPBOX provided in your online course home shell. Assignment must be submitted in a .doc(x) or
.pdf format, .pdf preferred. It must also contain your name, home college and project title.

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