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Technology Trends Assignment - HOS 318

Total Marks = 55 / Worth 20% of final mark

Individual Assignment:
• Students will research a selected topic and using the guidelines below complete a typed report on their findings.
• As part of this they will be discovering resources online, in trade association and publications.
• The information they uncover must then be presented in their report using their own thoughts and words.
• Clearly state the question along with your answer.
• REMINDER – you need to be speaking about the technology side of your topic,
be specific about the technology involved not just the topic itself.

• Plagiarism - assignments will be verified to ensure they are your own thoughts and words.
• DO NOT copy and paste direct from your website resources.
• Copying direct from internet sources, other students’ papers or work that has been run
thru software programs like Spinbot or quillbot (or others) will be recognized.

**If it is found that plagiarism is involved it will result in a mark of 0 for all students involved**

Assignment Expectations & Grading Rubric:

• Cover page – include Name(s), Student #(s) and the topic you have chosen. Make sure it is clear.

• Give a short explanation & definition of what your selected topic is and how it is related to the Hotel Industry
(5 marks)

• How is your topic currently handled in the hotel industry? – ex. Explain how it is used or handled in todays hotel
operations (5 marks)

• From your research describe in detail what this topic will look like or how it will work in the future of hospitality?
(10 marks)

• Explain how or in what ways it impacts a guest stay or how a guest would use it (5 marks)

• Explain how or in what ways it will increase guest comfort and / or guest satisfaction (5 marks)

• Based on your research what are some possible problems or disruptions to guest comfort and guest satisfaction
that could occur? (5 marks)

• What staffing positions or departments of the hotel would be in charge of overseeing this? (2 marks)

• Based on a current standard hotel set up, would the hotel need to purchase additional equipment or install
additional technology to incorporate it, if so what might be needed? (2 marks)

• Based on your research and your thoughts, would your topic have a positive impact (save money or grow
revenues) or negative impact (cost money) on overall hotel operations? Explain how and why. (5 marks)

• Provide a separate summarized fact sheet along with your assignment with at least 5 key points about your topic
that you would like included in a classroom discussion – think about 5 key points that you want to share or teach
your classmates about this technology trend. You are welcome to include any supporting information – photos
etc as well if applicable (5 marks)

Additional Marks:
• Style and formatting of research document - Must include a cover page, the information follows the
above assignment expectations, layout and must be professional looking. (2 marks)
Technology Trends Assignment - HOS 318
Total Marks = 55 / Worth 20% of final mark

• Spelling & Grammar. (2 marks)

• References – must provide links to the websites used for your research. (2 marks)

This is a final project - late submissions will not be accepted

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