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On Performace

Leonardo Requejo
(edited by Chris Doering)

What is a Performance? What makes it so?

In GC we have The Six Principles of the Performance Event, which are loaded with insight
into the structure of Performance.

But what is the nature of Performance?

Music is a blessing for many reasons, but with regard to the nature of Performance, seems
to be even more so.
Performance is not accidental, it’s intentional. It requires anticipation, preparation and
allocation. It’s also fundamentally social, it requires realization, presentation and
It’s also a passing, fleeting, moment. This is the key difference between arts of space such
as sculpture, and arts of time like music, also known, unsurprisingly, as performance arts
(the 4th dimension of time is the common factor in all the performing arts). It’s also very
much an experience of life in the moment. Even the best rehearsed performance will take
on a life of its own and create its own unique cosmos.

It seems to me that any activity we engage in with the above criteria has the possibility of
becoming a Performance and thereby generating and attracting the associated energies
(or qualities of intelligence).

To recapitulate, these criteria are:

intentionality – anticipation, allocation, preparation
commonality – realization, presentation, assimilation
temporality – a unique and individual present moment.

So, how do we perform Performance?

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