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Chapter 1


Indian subcontinent during British rule
Colonial age (1757-1947)

 British East India company ascended the throne

of Bengal by defeating the last Nawab of
Bengal , Bihar, Orissa----Siraj-ud-Doulah in 1757

 The system of Government which came in to

power in 1757 in Bengal is called “ The Colonial

 The rule of English from 1757 to 1947 is known as

British colonial age.
What is colonial rule ? explain

Lets read the book

Pg no-2
Name of the different reigns in Bengal from 300 BC to
colonial age.

 Aryan dynasty

 Maurya dynasty

 Gupta dylasty

 King Shashanko (independent Bengalee king)

 Matsyanya (around 100 years there was no ruler in Bengal)

 Pal dynasty

 Sen dynasty

 Sultan dynasty

 Mughal dynasty
Gupat Dynasty
King Shasanka
Pal Dynasty
Sultan Dynasy
Mughal Dynasty
Isha khan
The Rulers of Bengal up to Colonial age

 Ashoka (Maurya)
 Chandrogupta
 King Shashanko
 Pal kings
 Sen Kings
 Ikhtiar uddin muhammad Bakhtiar Khiljee
 Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah
 Mughal Emperor Humayun
 Sher Khan Sur
 Emperor Akbar
 Baro Bhuiyan
 Nawab Siraj-Ud-Dawla
The expansion of European Trade in Bengal

 From 14th century a powerful trade revolution

started in some European countries .

 Vasco-de-Gama in 1498.( Portuguese sailor)

First European voyager

 Al Bukark captured the entire trade of India by

taking control of the Indian Ocean.

Al Bukark
 Indiabecame the target of many of
the European nations. (Portuguese ,
french, Danish, Dutch and English)

 Silkand many other fine cloths and

different spices of Bengal were the
chief attraction
 Foreign merchants established big industries.

 They used their capital, technical knowledge

and hardworking local workers

 Kolkata, Chandan Nagar, Chuchura and

Kashimbanzar started to flourish rapidly.

 At the same time English merchants started

smuggling capital from Bengal before the ‘Battle
of Plassey’
How did william Hejej gain bussiness
opportunities for the English?

 He Came at Hoogley in 1682 as the

government of English companies in

 Due to the corruption of Mughal

employees the British companies
suffered from great financial loss
 He asked solders from the king of England

 The Mughal had fought several times with

the English(1687-1690)

 At last they got the permission to run their

William Hejej (Hedges)
 EastIndia Company started to influence
the administration after the death of
Nawab Alibardee Khan.(grand father
nawab Siraj-ud-daula)

 They
took the advantage of dispute of
Nawab family
Mirza Muhammad Nobab
Conspirators against the young Nawab, Siraj-

 The prominent conspirators were –

 Ghoseti begum,
 Mir Jafar,
 Mir Kashim.
 Other members of elite like,
 Umi Chand,
 Jagat sheth, and
 Raj Ballav.
Mir Jafar
Ghoseti Begam

Ghoseti Begum
Battle of Plassy
Causes of victory of Colonial power in Bengal .( Pg no- 5&6)

 The people had neither political , nor social ability to

realize the economic and military power of English

 Internal intrigue and conspiracy of Nawab family was

too deep rooted to handle the young and

inexperience Nawab

 Nawab’s old commander Mirjafor betrayed in the

battle of Plassey held on 23rd June, 1757.

 Consequence of Battle of Plassey

 Nawab Siraj-ud-daula was brutally killed

in that battle

 After
his death, Mir Jafar was made a
puppet nawab.

 CunningRobert Clive got Dewani,

(ownership ) of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
Robert Clive
Started Diarchy
Exploitation of East India Company and the
impact of the British rule

 British
East India Company established in
India 1651

 Dutch and French East India company

couldn’t survive in India because of
‘British East India Company’
Chiyattorer Monontar
 Chiattorer Monontar

 Destructive Famine struck in Bengal in 1770 ( in

Bengolee calendar 1176)

 Increasing extreme pressure of paying tax and


 Consecutive 3 years Drought

 Million of people died ( one third of the total

population of the then Bengal)
Prominent governors of East India Company

 Warren Hastings

 Lord William Bentink,

 Lord Wellesley

 Lord Kornwalish

 Lord Hardinge

 Lord Dalhousie
William Bentinck
Warren Hasting (1st Governor General of
(1st Governor General of India )
Sepoy mutiny
 A mutiny spread in 1857among Sepoys in
different barracks of British controlled reign is
called ‘Sepoy Mutiny’Led by-

 Mongol Pandey and habildar Rajob Ali

 Queen of Jhansey ‘Lakshmibi’

 Tatiya topee

 Nana Sahib

 Bahdur shah Jafor

Mongol Pandey
Bahdur shah Jafor
Lesson -6
The movement against East India company an
British rule

 State power of India was given to the British

Queen.(British rule 1858-1947)

 Governor general becomes’ Viceroy’( Canning

was the first Viceroy)

 Bengal divided in 1905 (East and west Bengal)

Lord Canning Lord Mountbatten
1st Viceroy Last Viceroy
Viceroy of India
 Lord Curzon proposed (1903) to divide Bengal in
two parts and divided in 1905 ( east and west

 West Bengal Congress

 East Bengal Muslim league

Started some movements against British rule

 Swadeshi movement, Non cooperation movement,
Swaraj movement and armed revolution
 india was divided in 1947, on the basis of muslim
(Pakistan) and hindu (India)
Lesson 7&8
Renaissance in Bengal and emergence of the State of Pakistan

Home Work

Write down the name of 10 social reformers in Bengal.

 Warren Hastings
 Kolkata Madrasa for Muslim
 Sanskrit college for Hindus
 Movement against
‘Sateedah’ Warren Hasting
(1st Governor General of Begal)
 Formed Opinions in favour
of ‘widow-marriage

English missionary Sir
william Kerri,
pioneer in
 composing Bangla
 setting of printing
 publishing
 preparing school text
books and many
other social works
 First viceroy- Lord Canning
 Last viceroy –Lord Mountbatten

 Transferred power to –
 14 August 1947 (Pakistan ) East Pakistan
24 yrs
 15 August 1947 (India )
Question of Chap -1
1. What is British Colonial Age? Explain it.
2. Name the dynasty and rulers of Bengal from 300 BC to
Colonial age.
3. Write down the name of prominent conspirators against
Nawab Siraj Udoula
4. Causes of victory of Colonial power in Bengal .
5. Write down the contribution of Wllium Kerry and Warren
6. What is Chiattorer Monantor? Breafly explain
7. What is Sipoy Mutiny? Who were the initiators of this mutiny?
8. Write down the name of Prominent governors of East India
9. Briefly explain the Renaissance of Bengal

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