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Liberation Permaculture is permaculture being used for liberatory means. It means using permaculture as a tool to help us transition from civilisation, where relationships based on exploitation and domination of all forms of life are the norm, to ecologically and socially just ways of living. It doesnt declare permaculture to be the one solution, but recognises its role as part of the mix of resistance, restoration and rewilding that we need in achieving the change we seek. What is permaculture? Permaculture is the shorthand for both permanent agriculture and permanent culture as coined by two Australian ecologists in the 1970s. It is a successful approach to designing sustainable environments that have the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems. By working with ecological principles we can develop integrated systems that meet our needs for food, water, shelter, energy and community while reducing our impacts on nonhumans and the land. Anarchism & Permaculture I see anarchism as an attempt to eradicate all forms of domination explicitly and consciously. A blogger called Desert Anarchist links anarchism to permaculture saying that Anarchism is about belonging to natural systems. Those that evolve from free interaction between autonomous actors. And as with permaculture, it is necessary for each actor to be allowed to grow. Civilization impedes the growth of natural systems, it impedes the growth of ourselves as human beings as we are denied our birthright of connecting with the land. Permaculture can offer alternatives to capitalism through cooperative, collective, real-needs orientated small scale food production and the use of grassroots social and ecological design in building regenerative systems. This means we need to take responsibility for actually meeting our own needs. Civilization and our culture attempts

Permaculture Design Tools & Liberation Permaculture Work Permaculture design work uses sectors in land based designs that is recognising the energies of the sun, wind and water on a system, all the external influences. Liberation permaculture seeks to use sector planning but as in role that explores outside influences in their entirety - which means looking at sectors of class, privilege, wealth, race, gender, sexual orientation, colonialism, imperialism, oppression, civilisation - you name it, and how they effect the systems we are designing. We need to understand exploitative relationships and we need to know that we are consciously designing systems without them, and without the risk of perpetuating or creating them.

to take this ability away from us - by displacing us from the land, physically, economically and spiritually. But it is our responsibility to fight and organise for that right. Our systems need to offer people the abundance that we experience in nature - the diversity of foods and plants and the spiritual sustenance. We need to demonstrate that by living with the land in these non-dominational ways that we can do it, that its not a pipe dream, its an ecological reality. However if we are truly to re-design our lives for freedom and autonomy and respect for the land then we need to break the denial and get to the roots of understanding our current state of affairs and the oppressive power relationships at play. What we want, we must create - Trial

Our roles as designers The effect of our work starts and ends with our landbases and communities and in our design work, we need to continuously ask ourselves: * Are we having a tangible effect? What are the manifestations of our efforts? Are we improving the health of the land? *Is the work that we are doing improving the life of our own communities, human and nonhuman? * Is the work we are doing helping our communities to use and control their own resources sustainably or regeneratively? * Is this work working for my communitys self-determination and autonomy? * Is this work working to reduce inequalities? How? More info:

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