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1. The property of metals that they can be beaten into sheets, is:

a) density b) lustre c) ductility d) malleability

2. Which of the following is malleable?

a) carbon b) phosphorus c) sulphur d) aluminium

3. Metals are generally hard. Which of the following metals is an exception and can be cut with a

a) iron b) sodium c) gold d) magnesium

4. Metals generally react with dilute acids to produce hydrogen gas. Which one of the following
metals does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid?

a) magnesium b) aluminium c) iron d) copper


Elements are classified into metals, nonmetals and metalloids. Metals are lustrous, malleable,
ductile and good conductors of heat and electricity, mostly solids, form and basic oxides. Non-
metals are non-lustrous, brittle, exist as solids, liquids and gases, non-conductor of heat and
electricity, form acidic oxides mostly. A more reactive metal can displace less reactive metal
from its salt solution.

Answer the following questions, based on above information:

(a) Which of the metal is most reactive?

(i) Al (ii) Mg (iii) Na (iv) K

(b) Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheets?

(i) Zinc (ii) Phosphorus (iii) Sulphur (iv) Oxygen

(c) What is the nature of oxides of metals and non-metals.

(d) What happens when zinc metal is added to Iron (II) sulphate solution? Write the chemical

For question two statements are given- one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labeled Reason
(R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) as given

i) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion.

ii) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

iii) A is true but R is false.

iv) A is false but R is true.

1. Assertion- When iron reacts with copper sulphate, iron sulphate is formed, and copper is
deposited at the bottom of the container.

Reason-During a chemical displacement reaction, a less reactive metal displaces a more reactive
metal from its salt solution.

2. Assertion- Sodium is kept under liquid paraffin.

Reason- Sodium is a very reactive metal and it can readily react with air and water


1. Compare metals and non-metals based on their physical properties (three points).

2. Iron is more reactive than copper. Can you write an activity to show this? Write the chemical
reaction involved.

3. Compare metals and non-metals based on their chemical properties (three points).

4. Complete the following reactions:

i. Copper Sulphate (CuSO4) + Zinc (Zn) →
ii. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) + Water (H2O) →
iii. Magnesium (Mg) + Oxygen (O2) →
5. Write an activity to show that non-metal oxides are acidic in nature. Write the chemical
reaction involved.

6. Show how:
i. Metals react with oxygen
ii. Metals react with water
iii. Metals react with acid.
(Also write a chemical reaction in all the above cases)

1. Some of the following statements are incorrect. Find the incorrect statements and correct

(a) The property of metals by virtue of which they can be drawn into wires is called

(b) Metals are good conductor of electricity but poor conductor of heat.

(c) Articles made of non-metals produce ringing sound when struck hard.

(d) Oxides of non-metals and metals are acidic in nature.

(e) A less reactive metal replaces a more reactive metal from its salt solution in water.

2. Write any five uses of non-metals.

3. Give reason:

i. Sodium is stored in kerosene.

ii. Iron cannot displace zinc from its salt solution.
iii. Aluminium is used for wrapping of food items.
iv. Metals are used in ringing bells.
v. Curd should not be copper vessels.

4. a) Explain the reaction of sodium and water, with the help of an activity.

b) What happens when a copper vessel is exposed in moist air? Write the reaction involved.

c) Give one example of displacement reaction.

5. Write any five uses of metals.

6. a) Have you ever seen a blacksmith beating an iron piece? Do you find a change in the shape
of these pieces on beating? Would you expect a similar change in wood log on beating? Explain
your reason.

b) What is malleability? Name two most malleable metals.

c) Explain that metals are good conductors of electricity with the help of an activity. (Draw



1. d) malleability
2. d) aluminium

3. b) sodium

4. d) copper


(a) (iv) K

(b) (i) Zinc

(c) Metal oxides are basic in nature. Non-metal oxides are acidic in nature.

(d) Zn(s) + FeSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + Fe(s)


1. i) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion.

2. i) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion.


1. (any three)

Properties Metals Non-Metals

1. Appearance Shiny Dull
2. Hardness Hard Brittle
3. Malleability Malleable Non-Malleable
4. Ductility Ductile Non-Ductile
5. Heat Conduction Good conductor of heat Poor conductor of heat
6. Conduction of Electricity Good conductor of electricity Poor conductor of electricity

2. Take copper sulphate solution in a beaker. Add Iron fillings to it and keep the solution aside
for 10-15 minutes. It is observed that the colour of the solution changes from blue to green.

CuSO4 + Fe  FeSO4 + Cu

Take Iron sulphate solution in a beaker. Add copper turning to it and keep the solution aside for
10-15 minutes. It is observed that the colour of the solution did not change.

FeSO4 + Cu  No reaction

Thus we conclude that Iron is more reactive than copper.

3. (any three)


i. Copper Sulphate (CuSO4) + Zinc (Zn) → Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4 ) + Copper (Cu)
ii. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) + Water (H2O) → Sulphurous acid (H2SO3)
iii. 2 Magnesium (Mg) + Oxygen (O2) → 2 Magnesium oxide (MgO)

5. Aim- To show that non-metal oxides are acidic in nature.

Materials required: Sulphur powder, Bunsen burner, matchbox, gas jar, deflagrating spoon,
litmus paper.

Procedure: Take a small amount of powdered sulphur in a deflagrating spoon and heat it. As
soon as sulphur starts burning, introduce the spoon into a gas jar. Cover the tumbler with a lid to
ensure that the gas produced does not escape. Remove the spoon after some time. Add a small
quantity of water into the tumbler and quickly replace the lid. Shake the tumbler well. Check the
solution with red and blue litmus papers.

Observation: Blue litmus turns red. No change in red litmus paper.

Conclusion: Non-metal oxides are acidic in nature.

6. (i) Metals react with oxygen, forming metal oxides. Eg, 2Mg + O2 2MgO

(ii) Different metals react differently with water. Eg, 2Na + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2 (g)

(iii) Metals react with acid, forming salts and liberating hydrogen gas. Eg, 2 Na + 2HCl 2NaCl
+ H2 (g)

1. (a) False. The property of metals by virtue of which they can be drawn into wires is called

(b) False. Metals are good conductor of electricity and heat.

(c) False. Articles made of metals produce ringing sound when struck hard.

(d) False. Oxides of non-metals are acidic in nature and oxides of metals are basic in nature.

(e) False. A more reactive metal replaces a less reactive metal from its salt solution in water.

2. Following are the uses of non-metals:

 Non-metal essential for our life which all living beings inhale during breathing.
 Non-metals used in fertilisers to enhance the growth of plants.
 Non-metal used in water purification process.
 Non-metal used in the purple coloured solution which is applied on wounds as an
 Non-metals used in crackers.


i. Sodium reacts vigorously with water and air.

ii. Iron is less reactive than zinc.
iii. Aluminium is malleable and good conductor of heat.
iv. Metals are sonorous.
v. Curd contain acid, which reacts with copper and form a toxic substance.

4. a) Take a 250 mL beaker/glass tumbler. Fill half of it with water. Now carefully cut a small
piece of sodium metal. Dry it using filter paper and wrap it in a small piece of cotton. Put the
sodium piece wrapped in cotton into the beaker. Observe carefully. When reaction stops touch
the beaker. (Perform the experiment under supervision of elders).

It is observed that sodium catches fire when reacted with water and the beaker becomes hot.

b) When a copper vessel is exposed to moist air for long, it acquires a dull green coating. The
green material is a mixture of copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) and copper carbonate (CuCO3). The
following is the reaction 2Cu+H2O+CO2+O2→Cu (OH)2 + CuCO3

c) CuSO4 + Fe  FeSO4 + Cu

5. Metals are very useful to us in many ways. For example,

 Due to their thermal and electrical conductivity, metals are use to make utensils, cooking
vessels, wires and appliances. For example, copper and aluminium are mainly used for
these purposes.
 Metals like iron and steel are used in various tools, machinery, pipes, rods, sheets, doors,
windows, construction works like bridges, roads, buildings, etc.,
 Aluminium is used as packaging and wrapping materials. It is also used in aircrafts and
automobiles, etc.
 Metals like gold, silver and platinum are used to make jewellery and other decorating
 Zinc is used in galvanisation and dry cell and chromium in electroplating.
 Lead is used in making electrodes and batteries. (any five)

6. a) No ,as iron is a metal it has a property of getting beaten into thin sheets known as

But log of wood lack malleability so it cannot be beaten into thin sheets like an iron or other

b) The property of metals by which they can be beaten into thin sheets is called malleability. Eg,
silver, gold, etc.

c) Make a tester suing battery, copper wire, LED bulb. Keep the two ends of the wire open. Place
iron nail in the space and see if the bulb glows or not. Now try the same with wooden pencil. It is
observed that when we place iron nail in between the copper wire, bulb glows and when we
place wood the bulb doesn’t glow. Thus, we conclude that metals are good conductors of heat
and electricity. (Fig 4.2)

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