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About the Author: HEIDI GRANT HALVORSON, PHD, is a social psychologist, speaker, and

author of Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals (Hudson Street Press, 2011). She is also
Associate Director of Columbia Business School’s Motivation Science Center, serves on the
advisory boards of several companies, and is an expert blogger on motivation and leadership
for Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, Forbes, Fast Company, and Psychology Today.
Her original post “Nine Things Successful People Do Differently” holds the HBR record for
most unique views in the history of the Web site. Grant Halvorson offers corporate training
on the subjects of motivation, persuasion, and marketing.

The book is all about the personality development, physically as well as mentally. This book specifically
describes the 9 ways for the growth of our personality so that we can achieve what we think. The must
have set their various goals and starts to work in it and if a one goal can’t be work so it doesn’t means
that you will do nothing in life it means that may be this is not for you, may be you are better than this,
so don’t be underestimate yourselves. Focus is the main objective to be successful person in life, if you
are not sincere about your goals and your focus is not active so it will become difficult to achieve your
goal by time to time.

1. To be more specific on what we want, work on mental contrasting (feeling of achieving) and the
necessity to act at the right time. To practice to get specific in life we have to set our goals.
 First we have to know that what we want to achieve in life and set the objective.
 Second, then we must make a plan where we decide that in what way I will reach to my
 Now think about that whatever you want as a goal in your life, write the positive and
negative aspects of your goals, so it will be clear for you that whatever I want to achieve
in life is valuable or not.
 And last when you satisfy by your objective so now start to achieve your target, and
from that you will never waste your time because you are concerned to achieve your life
2. The ideal goal-setting tool is the IF-THEN planning tool because that’s the language of
contingencies and the brain understands it better.
3. Understanding what success means and being clear on where you are and where you want to be
is essential to track record progress.
4. Be optimistic, believe in yourself but take the actions necessary, without actions you will only
5. Always be believe in your capabilities, don’t be blame yourself that you are nothing any worthy.
6. Allow people to make mistakes, so next time you will become more careful to do such mistakes
again, and eventually, they will make fewer mistakes.
7. Accept that you won’t be perfect at the start, everyone does a mistake or sometime they will
lose at the start but it does not mean that you won’t do anything, there’s a saying anonymous
that “FAILURE IS THE FIRST KEY OF SUCCESS”. There are a people out there to help and you’ll get
a better time.
8. Be persistent in long-term goals. You’ll feel low in the process but exercise your muscle to
bounce back.
9. Focus on what you’ll do rather than what you want as telling your mind not to think of the pink
elephant increases the probability for you to think of it

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