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Academic writing 3

Famous person Jonny Depp flew to the Canada. He wanted to go there for a job. When he went to the
plane felt so excited, because everything was amazing inside. This plane was the best than he had ever
seen before. After he went to the airport of Canada he was waiting for his baggage, which was not
there. When he was waiting for it a half hour he decided to go to the lost baggage officer. He explain
situation to officer , who searched a long time but he said to him his baggage took someone. He was
excited who could took his baggage. After he went out because he wanted to go to the hotel. When he
went out there where his friends who he had not seen during three years. They were waiting for taxi.
They saw he and called to him, last they said Jonny that his baggage had theft and they caught he, but
they did not know who’s was this baggage.

Academic writing 4

Today satelite and internet television is common because it has a lot of viewer.

In general is a lot of advantages to watching. Television is source a lot of information about news, which
Firstly, television is common in children, who enjoy at the time of watching interesting films and
aninations, which help them learn love, hug to parents and be comunicate. Also today a lot of
children watch English animations and this help them learn new language, almost all children know
English language well to contact and speak EnglishHowever television is source oof negative news,
which couse nervous and this heppen in my life every day. In addition, children watch illegal films
witch is not intended for them, by this child's psyche is under damage. For example my six years old
close relative watches a lot of animations and when he was watching animation his mum saw on the
screen small child killed others, there was blood and this was terrible. In conclusion, I
think ,television is better because today we can control television and whatch what we want. Also
television is more productive than bad, because we recive a lot of interesting information news and
chanels are more objectives..

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